Free Essay Example - About Steven Orfali

Published: 2024-01-14
Free Essay Example - About Steven Orfali
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Airline industry Personal leadership
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1131 words
10 min read

Steven Orfali is the President and founder of JetSet Group. Before building the company, he had worked in the industry for over six years. He has a Bachelor's degree in Marketing from Baruch College. His linked in account states that he is skilled in negotiation, operations management, customer service, Sales, and E-commerce.

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No more information regarding his age or personal life can be found on the internet.

About JetSet Group

JetSet Group, a privately owned private jet charter company, was started in 2012 with its headquarters in New York. The company provides jet charter services worldwide. They being a charter agency, act as brokers between the charter operators and the clients who require private air travel. Its client base consists mostly of Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, and athletes, among others.

What Makes Steven Orfali a Top Entrepreneur?

Orfali has managed to become very successful in his business in eight years by disrupting the private jet charter industry through his innovation. He came up with a unique manner of serving his clients by employing white-glove service and a personal touch in the industry, which was surprisingly uncommon. He also created programs and incentives, unlike those seen before in the industry. This has been done by assigning every client their own personal flight concierge to assist them in almost everything related to the flight. That is, from sourcing of aircraft and ground transportation, catering, and even hotel bookings. Having a personal concierge, the client needs not to explain the details of his preference every time they utilize the company's services. The company also boasts of having one of the best, if not the best, jet cards in the industry. It is the most cost-effective jet card in the industry and with benefits not seen before. These and other perks of being served by the company caused it to see an 80% growth in clients in 2016 alone.

Reflection with respect to the book Unsafe Thinking

In his book, Sachs emphasizes the idea of creativity and its importance in solving problems as well as how to be more creative. The book is divided into six sections that help clearly explain the concept of unsafe thinking. Unsafe thinking in his definition does not mean to be reckless but rather to adopt a way of thinking that separates us from the norm. This way of thinking allows us to be creative and use that creativity to come up with solutions to emerging problems and become successful. In summary, Sachs teaches us how to recognize the safe thinking cycle and break out of it, how to find a perfect balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, to keep exploring and never fall into the expert's trap, when to trust intuition, and when to challenge it and how to build an organization that embraces intelligent risk(Soundview Executive Book Summary, 2018).

First, Steven demonstrates unsafe thinking by not choosing the conventional path of offering standard services in the industry. He otherwise chose to begin a company based on a concept that was highly ignored in the industry. He became a leader and a disruptor in his industry, and other companies are now trying to emulate him.

In an interview, he says that before coming up with the JetSet Group, he knew he could build a better company and provide clients with better services than they were getting at that time(Farmer, n.d.). It's clear he followed his gut or intuition and made it into a vision that saw him disrupt the private jet charter industry

The company also highlights the concept of learning as they continuously try to re-evaluate their programs and change them. This can be shown through the addition of other benefits and incentives to the Diamond jet card. Although Steve has worked in the industry for over 14 years, he does not allow the expert's ego to cloud his judgment and stain his creative mind. In an interview, he states that the company is always looking for ways to expand and grow. For example, in that year, 2018, the company was already developing a new application to better enhance its experience.

Also, unlike other CEOs, he gets involved in the company's nitty-gritty aspects, citing his love and passion for aviation and sales and an avid interest in client relations to be the reason for it. This attribute of paying attention to details and being involved in the company enables him to identify problems and develop creative solutions. He says it is challenging but very rewarding(Farmer, n.d.). This demonstrates the concept of motivation as in Sachs's book. Sachs explains that intrinsic motivation in terms of flow which occurs when the challenge barely exceeds the skill level. Steven Orfali clearly has the skill levels to combat the challenges within the industry. His motivation and his love for the industry, matched by his skills, keep him in the game and enable him to stay on edge by continually pushing the boundaries of what he can do in the company.

From the interview, Steven explains that they try to be unique and innovators in the industry. He does not refer to himself but the company as a whole. He cites an example where at one point, when the fuel prices were increasing, the company found a way to lock in the rates. This was to enable them to keep the cost at a minimum and therefore enable them to give their clients the best pricing in the industry. He continues to state that the company is always looking for ways to better the client's experience(Farmer,n.d.). This alludes to the organization embracing intelligent risk. Though the details of how the company operates are scarce, I think it is safe to assume that the company was built on the basis of risk-taking and continues to do so in order to come up with even better services.

Sach's concepts are therefore very relevant and worthy of learning in this day and age. In his book, he states that in order to adapt to a changing world, one has to attune their internal role model to the latest science and to our times. His ideas are supported by science, and Steven's action that has made him be recognized as a top entrepreneur is a demonstration of the relevance of those ideas.


Farmer, D. Steven Orfali. The man who changed private aviation. Total Prestige Magazine. Retrieved December 5, 2020, from

Imperium Group. (2019,August 9). Meet the top 10 entrepreneurs and their companies to look out for in 2019. Cision PR Newswire.

Sachs, J. (2018). Unsafe thinking: How to be nimble and bold when you need it the most. Da capo lifelong books.

Soundview Executive Book Summaries. (2018). The complete summary: unsafe thinking.

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