Essay Sample on A Thorough Review of the History of Management: A Global Perspective

Published: 2023-09-25
Essay Sample on A Thorough Review of the History of Management: A Global Perspective
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Organizational behavior Leadership management Essays by pagecount
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1495 words
13 min read

One of the solutions to effective management is the capability to comprehend and practice modern methods and principles successfully. Directors must enhance an in-depth knowledge of previous and current models, concepts, and procedures to manage efficiently and logically. Understanding fundamental conceptions offers a basis that active future managers require in practicing organizational cultures, systems, and approaches. Awareness and enthusiasm of management to integrate a diversity of regulatory tools and strategies as the firms constantly modify are keys to achieving and preserving competitive advantage. However, numerous of today's managerial challenges began in the early movement; hence comprehending the historical evolution challenges assists the contemporary managers in coping with difficulties. Therefore, the industrialization age in the previous centuries and the subsequent development of large corporate firms led to new management approaches.

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History of Management

During the industrialization period, the US experienced exponential development in the manufacturing of civilian products such as appliances and cars. People joined business institutes where the responsibility of the executive reformed from that of stewardship of a firm's resources or society's moral issues to logistics entailing individuals, facilities, supplies, and production. As corporations advanced into more substantial firms, the managerial positions became progressively geared to delivering orders from higher-ups and exercising control on people who had subordinate responsibilities (Roy, 2016). Before this, executives were placed along the physical congress lines where they could supervise their staff. Hence, the managerial chart of positions would connect to and track the manufacturing route. As contemporary economies moved away from production and toward knowledge and information, the role of management modified again. The managers became more linked with a professional executive team rather than the front line staff. Management developed to a distinct science with its techniques and tools for measuring, mapping, and modeling. In this modern professionalism era, the role of managers became founded on comprehensive concepts of individuals as human systems that could help them to exercise control from a distance.

Evolution of Management

The evolution of management origin started when man began living in teams. History shows that strong men prepared the multitudes into sets according to their mental capabilities, physical and intellectual. Thus various parts of the globe have practiced management since the advent of civilization. The following comprises the stages of evolution management:

Pre-scientific Management Period

The industrial revolution led to complete transformations in the techniques of production, equipment, labor organization and approaches to raising capital. Under this system, the entrepreneur was able to acquire buildings and land, employ capital and labor hence striving to combine these aspects in the efficient attainment of a specific goal resulting in modifications in management ((Kwok, 2014). Traditional or customary management concepts were gradually relinquished founding organizations according to scientific principles. During the era after the industrial revolution, some pioneers strived to challenge the conventional management character by developing new concepts and approaches.

Classical Theory

During this epoch, some pioneers laid the basis of management, referred to as scientific management. The classical era led to the scientific systematization of past administration experience and distillation as well as propagation of management principles. The contributions of the inventor of this period have had a profound influence in advancing the organization know-how and inspiring the store of management values. The management thought in this era focused on standardization, job content, the labor division, and a systematic method towards the organization. Also, it closely links to the industrial revolution and the growth of large-scale initiatives.

Neoclassical Theory

Neo-classical theory enhanced and protracted the classical approach. It gave more significant emphasis on group and individual liaison in the workplace. The model stressed the psychology and sociology role in the comprehension of individual and group conduct in an organization (Kwok, 2014). The firm is the social system, and human actions influence its performance. It asserts that a person is distinctly motivated and needs to accomplish specific requirements.

Modern Theory (System Approach)

The theory enables individuals to perceive the vital constraints and variables and their interactions with behavioral and social sciences. The modern approach deliberates a firm as an adaptive system that adjusts to variations changes in its setting. Hence, organizations relate to their environment to endure and develop in the market. It emphasizes on the significance of integration and communication of organizational and individual interests as fundamentals for the smooth operation of the firm.

Management Ideas and Practice throughout History

The first recorded case of information management is in ancient Sumer during 8000-3000 BCE, where entrepreneurs retained written records of good (Williams, 2013). During this classical period, Sumerian entrepreneurs utilized clay tokens to evaluate amounts of grain stock they possessed and merchandized at city gates and temples. Distinct sizes and shapes signified various quantities and kinds of products. Also, the tokens stored data and mainly placed in small clay envelopes. Eventually, some pioneers discovered that it was easier to inscribe these codes using a stylus on a tablet. The new writing technology resulted in more proficient business management of Sumerian temples (Williams, 2013). After numerous years of the Sumerian discovery of management, the Egyptians identified the necessity for controlling, organizing, and planning, which facilitated written requests used for advice by consulting staff before establishing decisions. Thus, the practical challenges encountered while founding the great pyramids resulted in the advancement of management ideas.

Management Theories

Scientific Management Theory was developed by Fredrick Taylor, who focused on reducing waste and minimizing production times. The inventor attempted to utilize a scientific approach for enhancing operations through progressing economic efficiency, particularly labor productivity. Taylor's theory stresses incentivizing staff performance and decreasing hit and trial performances (Kwok, 2014). Scientific management enhances specialization, standardization, assignment according to capability, and comprehensive training and supervision. These practices will enable firms to attain productivity and efficiency. Therefore, this management theory tries to discover the optimal methods to complete a particular task, often at the staff's humanity expense.

Behavioral management theory established by Elton Mayo presented that an upsurge in worker productivity was generated by psychological stimuli such as camaraderie and attention. Mayo enhanced a matrix which he utilized to describe the effectiveness of a given team. His pattern proves that fluctuating combinations of team cohesiveness and norms play a vital role in group effectiveness (Kwok, 2014). Thus, a manager applying behavioral management theory might encourage cooperation through nurturing a collaborative environment.

Benefits of Management

Key to Productivity

The success and growth of a firm depend on productivity, which relies on managerial efficacy. Management is instrumental and holds the key to more significant productivity. Also, the performance of a manager plays a pertinent role in proper administration. Therefore, managers with enhanced leadership skills tend to motivate the team through efficient communication and inspiring the staff to develop professionally hence increasing productivity.

Achievement of Goals

Efficient management results in the attainment of a firm's objectiveness. Appropriate management positions for the production of publicly anticipated and substantial services and goods by utilizing the nation's resources productively and effectively. It is through the endeavor of the managers that an organization discovers its goals and serves society.

Challenges of Management


Managers face the challenge of maintaining good communication lines with the teams. There may exist tough hurdles to clear in management of conflict, potential liabilities, and performance. Communication challenges arise from literal words and cultural anticipations. Diverse cultures adhere to distinct values, draw various assumptions, and define different performances as inappropriate or appropriate (Pederzini, 2019). Overseeing these cultural diversities can lead to unrecognized miscommunication. Thus improper communication in the organization decreases productivity and the staffs' job satisfaction, thus increased rates of turnover.

Managers and Technological Changes

A firm's technology is the procedure of transforming inputs from the organization's setting into outputs. In the contemporary competitive realm, technological advances can dramatically impact an organization's products, suppliers, services markets, customers, distributors, and competitors. Technical modifications will force transformations in basic managerial operations (Pederzini, 2019). There will exist increased accountability on management for firm outcomes resulting in an added focus on decision making, development, coordination, and control.


Comprehending the essential concepts will establish the foundation that active managers will require in terms of understanding systems, theories, and organizational cultures. It is substantial for managers to understand the history of management to help them understand the evolution of modern's organizations. Growth enables individuals to comprehend the various development of management theories. Firms can gain profit by exercising scientific management to enhance production and efficiency. Behavior theories offer a manager with the acquaintance to appreciate the significance of staff needs and performances. Motivation, communication, leadership, and team practices play an equally imperative role in firm development. Thus, effective management helps a firm to plan the production factors, organize and assemble the resources in an effective manner to attain objectives.


Kwok, A. C. (2014). The evolution of management theories: A literature review. Nang Yan Business Journal, 3(1), 28-40.

Pederzini, G. D. A. (2019). Managerial learning challenges in a complex world. Journal of Work-Applied Management, 11(1), 17-29.

Roy. B. (2016 December 18). A brief history of management. Medium.

Williams, C. (2013). Principles of management. South-Western Cengage Learning.

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