Free Essay on 7 Ways Computers Can Help Us

Published: 2019-06-04
Free Essay on 7 Ways Computers Can Help Us
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Computer science Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 587 words
5 min read

The impact of computers on human life in the contemporary world cannot be underestimated. Much of human activity today depends on computers and related technologies due to the rapid globalization process taking place (Llamas-Nistal, Fernandez-Iglesias, & Anido-Rifon, 2003). As a result, many people rely on computers for accomplishing both personal and business tasks. Therefore, computers are helpful to human beings in very many different ways. This paper presents seven ways in which computers are helpful to humans.

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The first way in which computers are of help is through enhancing the learning process. With computers, it is much easier to access the internet and learn new things in many different forms. For example, one can learn a new language, get guides on how to do different things, or access the vast information available online for their educational purposes (Llamas-Nistal, Fernandez-Iglesias, & Anido-Rifon, 2003).

Secondly, computers are helpful because they help writers to overcome writers block (Guffey, Rhodes, & Rogin, 2011). Writers block can be described as a condition in which a writer is unable to be productive due to an inability to generate interest in writing or get new ideas. With computers, it is much easier to access new idea online, type much faster, and organize the information much quicker. This can help professional writers overcome the writers block (Guffey, Rhodes, & Rogin, 2011).

Thirdly, computers aid in the collection of electronic data or information. Computers are important for accessing, organizing, storing and retrieving information collected from different sources on the internet. This is much easier in comparison to relying on hardcover books to access information (Guffey, Rhodes, & Rogin, 2011). Thus, computers have greatly improved the process of accessing and retrieving useful information.

Furthermore, computers help in arranging and organizing ideas and information. There is so much information available over the internet in relation to what one can access physically through published materials. It can be a challenge to identify specific information that one may consider useful. However, with computers, it is much easier to use various applications or software to sort data as well as organizing the information in a meaningful way (Guffey, Rhodes, & Rogin, 2011). For example, one can use computers to organize information in graphs, charts, and various other modes of presentation.

In addition, computers are helpful in terms of ensuring accuracy and precision when presenting information. Applications such as word processors have automatic capabilities for conducting spell checks and reviewing articles for grammatical mistakes (Guffey, Rhodes, & Rogin, 2011). This can help improve the quality of ones writing to make the presentation look very professional.

Computers also enhance teamwork and collaboration. There are several software applications that are designed to promote the value of cooperation (Guffey, Rhodes, & Rogin, 2011). For example, social media networks help bring people together to communicate and share a wide range of information. Also, applications such as Skype have also been influential in promoting teamwork and collaboration.

Finally, computers have revolutionized the communication process through factors such as allowing people to share different media such as photos and images (Guffey, Rhodes, & Rogin, 2011). These help to make information more meaningful as well as emphasizing on specific issues during communication. Social media, posting on discussion boards, forums, and email communication as wells instant chat messaging have been very influential in improving both personal and business communication.


Guffey, M.E., Rhodes, K. & Rogin, P. (2011). Business Communication: Process and Product (6th ed.). Toronto, ON: Nelson.

Llamas-Nistal, M., Fernandez-Iglesias, M. J., & Anido-Rifon, L. E. (2003). Computers and Education: Towards a Lifelong Learning Society. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

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