61-69 Alpha Synuclein Essay Example

Published: 2022-03-28
61-69 Alpha Synuclein Essay Example
Type of paper:  Research proposal
Categories:  Biology Chemistry
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1071 words
9 min read

61-69 Alpha synuclein is a non-molecular protein found abundantly in the human or animal body tissues and muscles. While in the brain nerve cells, alpha-synuclein interacts with proteins and phospholipids to release neurotransmitters relay signals to help in normal brain functioning the human 61-69 alpha syn is composed of 140 amino acids that are arbitrary encoded by fragments of protein genes.

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However, in as much as the types of the 61-69 Alpha syn show different reacting properties when subjected to various solutions such as the aqueous solution, this has got the variety of advantages in widening someone knowledge when it comes to field especially in determining to cause of the particular disease. The 61-69 has got three types of the a-syn (61-69). These types of the alpha-syn react differently when subjected to different solutions.

The labels are typically introduced to study their behavior therefore knowing the way to handle a particular condition in a patient. This introduction of the labels also helps in knowing how important it could be or a role played by a certain label in the reaction. The reaction changes or reacts differently with the introduction of various labels. How the residues are aligned is also determined by the introduction of a specific label, and in this case is 13C. It also helps in various points of reaction at detecting how the progress of response. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to determine the surface properties of the non-amyloid-beta component by using various techniques such as Synthesis of peptides useful in protein synthesis when investigating how protein structure and function are controlled by amino acids.

Importance of Studying 61-69 alpha-synuclein

The study of the 61-69 alpha-syn is of great importance to the health sector as well as the person taking the course. The knowledge acquired from the study of the reactions of these 61-69 alpha-syn helps at explaining various concepts in the health sector such as the sporadically spread of the diseases as well as their cause or origin. The sporadically scattered of diseases has never been easy to explain, and the concept was only achieved from the study of the 61-69 alpha-syn, and the reactions from its three types of a-syn (61-69).

The determination of the concentration sequence has been a great deal in dealing with knowing the sporadically spread of the disease and also determining either the disease is linked to genes or has got another different cause. The introduction of the labels, in this case, serves best at following this concentration sequence, and its study is essential as it helps in determining the cause of the disease such as Parkinson disease.

Another importance of studying the 61-69 is to assist in monitoring a particular condition in a patient especially those patients with the condition such as Parkinson disease. The activity and the introductions of the labels remain in regulating the status of a patient especially a patient that suffers from a Parkinson disease.

The a-syn reaction helps in reducing specific disorders condition hence making the situation manageable. This is well managed from the induction of the ferrireductase activity of the a-syn. The protein is used in this case, and the protein is called the recombinant protein. All this helps in the health field, and it is from the study of the 61-69 alpha-syn. The origin of the diseases has been quite easy to explain as it involves the study of the 61-69 alpha-syn and its other three types of the a-syn (61-69).

The mass spectrometry on the other hand plays an important role in the reaction hence a role also in the health sector. The mass spectrometry is instrumental in maintaining a supply of synaptic vesicles. Additionally, type 61-69 alpha syn also helps in regulating the release of dopamine which is useful in controlling the voluntary and involuntary movements in the human body.

A stable Langmuir monolayer, on the other hand is formed by the three types of a-syn(6195) in which a-helical conformation interact at the air-water interface to form the structured protein peptides. The concept of peptides synthesis can be explained in elongated procession in which multiple reaction between amino acids will take place. The reaction of amino acids is followed by removal of a reversible protein which gives peptide synthesis.

While determining the N-capped and uncapped a-syn(6195), there exist minor difference between the two amino-acids that limits molecular area of tilted angle. Likewise, the uncapped a-syn(6195) may appear parallel to the air-water interface with the tilted angle of axis of N-capped a-syn(6195) to form p-polarized IRRAS.

However, a-syn(6195) may undergo some unstructured changes as a consequence conforming to the aqueous solution which meets at the air-water interface. The same a-syn(6195) uses the aqueous to detect the confirmation change through which a negative peak of 199nm can be realized. Notwithstanding, the Langmuir monolayer of a-syn(6195) may show a positive peak of 192 nm and two appalling negative peaks of 208 and 222.

However, it can be noticed that there is a minor limiting molecular area between un-capped and N-capped syn(6195). Consequently, the limiting molecular as well as the polarity are affected by the N-terminus more than the C-terminus as labelled in 13C or 15N. Thereafter, the N-terminus isotopic will generate a whole new Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (IRRAS) and FTIR bands. The IRRAS band is basically established analytical method used for classification of adsorbed matter.

The acetyl cap is another type of alpha syn found in the behaviour of a-syn(6195). In the sequence of a-syn(6195), the 13C labels will be useful in addressing the orientation of specific residue. In this case, the orientation of stand in the residual level outlines the Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (IRRAS). While using the Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (IRRAS) in conjuction with Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, concentration of the sequence a-syn(6195) is given by UV-Vis Spectroscopy.


In conclusion, the 61-69 Alpha synuclein only interacts with proteins and phospholipids to release relay signals known as neurotransmitters relay signals in order to help in normal brain functioning the human 61-69 alpha syn is composed of 140 amino acids that are arbitrary encoded by fragments of protein genes. Among some of the Importance of Studying 61-69 alpha-synuclein include helping to explain various concepts in the health sector such as the sporadically spread of the diseases as well as their cause or origin as well as assisting in monitoring a particular condition in a patient especially those patients with the condition such as Parkinson disease.

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61-69 Alpha Synuclein Essay Example. (2022, Mar 28). Retrieved from https://speedypaper.com/essays/61-69-alpha-synuclein

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