Social Responsibility Essay Samples

Published: 2018-02-05
Social Responsibility Essay Samples
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Motivation Happiness Social responsibility
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1145 words
10 min read

Belief in Justice and Equality

The bravest moment of my life was when I stood up to oppression from a private developer and government officers. They were on a mission to evict residents from a block of flats that had been illegally acquired by the private developer from the rightful owners. The residents of the flats were not compensated as promised and due to their fear of reprisal from the law and private developer, they were on the brink of being rendered homeless. Soon as I was informed of the goings on, I started following legal procedure to fight for the rights of the tenants. The tenants had been intimidated by the authorities to make way for the developer who wanted to build a parking lot to replace the flats. I must admit I was scared to stand up to the authorities. However, my belief in the just course that I was pursuing gave me the strength to stand up to the would-be evictors and stop them from carrying out their inhumane act.

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Social Responsibility

Everybody has a story to tell about his or her life and I am no exception. Growing up to where I am now, I have experienced a lot in life and I am always happy to look back and tell a story that I am proud of. Our country Kenya is a Third World country and the gap between the poor is so wide that wealth is concentrated at the top, while the poor suffer. About 50 percent of the country's population live on less that one dollar per day and this is a big percentage below the poverty line. When I was born, my family was in this category and one can imagine how affording school fees was a far-fetched dream. We are five children in our family and I am the first born. Growing up in such a family meant that I carried some weight of helping on my shoulder as the eldest son. Luckily, primary education is free and we could all go to school. After completing my final exam of the primary school level, I was sure my educational life also ended there, despite the fact that I had passed the exam with flying colors. One day, our church's youth team had been invited for a drama festival at a congregation that brought together various denominations from all over the country and was to be graced by visitors from the United States. Our time reached and were invited to the stage to present whatever we had. While performing, all out actions were applauded and people really enjoyed out performance. After the event was over, one of the guests called us and asked us about ourselves. However, they were specifically interested in my story and then invited me to their hotel the following day. When I arrived there, they did not talk much and just asked me to choose the school I would wish to join. I did not believe what I heard, I quickly chose the best school and they paid my school fees for the whole four years. it was like a miracle because i did not expect anything like that. That was the turning point in my life as I went all through to form four and passed my exams and then joined university. Here I am now an educated person that can stand on his own and help the family.

Life-Changing Opportunity

When i was eight years old, a local community organizer visited the orphanage where i was staying. My parents had passed away six years before and since i was the only child in the family, members of the extended family decided that i would be taken to the orphanage where i could receive good care and education. I was enrolled in nursery school and during one of our anniversary celebrations, visitors from overseas came to grace the occasion. I was among the kids who were selected to entertain the visitors with a coral verse. During the presentation, one of the guests was pleased with my performance and requested my teacher to take me to a hotel after the end of the activities of the day. When we visited the guest at her hotel, he inquired about my family background and aspirations. I narrated the tragic story of the passing away of my parents and how such a loss had affected my life. He patted me on the back and assuredly replied that all would be fine. After this conversation, I received a notification from my teacher that i were to accompany the visitor to the capital city of the country where the headquarters of their organization was based. Afterwards, arrangements were made by the school management for me to travel with one of my teachers to the capital. On arrival, we were welcomed by our guest, who led us into a small room where we found two foreigners. A meeting between the four of us begun and it was during this meeting that I was informed that I had secured a full scholarship that would finance my education up to university. I managed to school up to university with the aid of the scholarship and that has changed my life forever.

Happiness Definition Essay

Happiness in life is a choice, however, most time people make decisions that are supposed to bring happiness no matter how many times one does it and fails. The best example that befits the art and mastery of the 'happiness skill', is a baby running to walk, should the baby count the number it falls, it can never learn to walk. The moment that changed my life forever did not just happen, but I paid the price. Some habits are worth forming, and mine idol in form of habit, was reading business news and watching any kind of news concerning business. I took special interest with investing in stock exchange withing my locality. My first job's salary, as an accountant, was spent as savings inform of shares. My peers loved at how crazy my idea of investing in stock market and exchange was, until recently. I learned the skills and mastered fluctuations of stocks and reaped huge profits from the stocks I sold. Recently, an old friend introduced me to casino investment, and I was aroused quickly because I wanted to multiply the savings I had made. However, as I learned later, the Casino business entailed gambling among other side businesses. I hated gambling passionately, but I realized stock market and exchange and gambling used a similar concept of the lower the multiplier constants, the higher the likelihood of winning. A month after I begun gambling, guess what! I won last weeks jackpot worth 100, 000 million US dollars. My life will never be the same again. Take caution, gambling can make you poorer, many have, that was my luck.

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Social Responsibility Essay Samples. (2018, Feb 05). Retrieved from

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