Better Life With Making an Interior Design, Essay Sample on Environmental Issues

Published: 2018-08-23
Better Life With Making an Interior Design, Essay Sample on Environmental Issues
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Environment Food Design
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 900 words
8 min read

Environmental Engineering Improvement

In the previous conversation, it is clear that designs are becoming more popular worldwide. It is significant for designers to come up with items that are eco-friendly. I concur with this idea since pollution has negatively affected the world due to global warming. Edible cutlery plays a role in reducing pollution, and I believe it should be accepted. Even though the impacts of edible cutlery have not been testified, the product has a good intention and should be supported.

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Brief Summary

Brown, A. C. (2014). Understanding food: Principles and preparation. Cengage Learning.

Brown (2014) argues that all foods require a principle, and as for the edible cutlery, the principle goes beyond quality. It is a matter of environmental awareness and creating an eco-friendly situation in a place where previous food cutlery fails to shine.

Golinska, P., Fertsch, M., & Gomez, J. M. (2011). Information technologies in environmental engineering: New trends and challenges. Heidelberg: Springer.

In the book, an eco-friendly approach to any issue is the only way to advance environmental engineering. Information technology in environmental engineering is not just about issues of climate change, but has a lot to do with degradation of the environment and approach taken towards the same. Edible food utensils are made in such a way that they make life easier for people, as the food technology involved does not give room for anyone to pollute the environment as is the case with plastic cutlery utensils.

Nature India. (2012). Edible Food Wrapper. Defence Food Research Laboratory, Siddarthanagar, and Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore, India. Retrieved from 1038/nindia.201211

According to Nature India (2012), the invention of edible utensils is in concurrence with the invention of edible food wrappers, all with a special design to reduce plastic waste, and at the same time, offer a longer shelf life to food. Food wrappers that use casein, a protein in milk, apply the same principle that Narayana Peesapati, an Indian Scientist, applies. He uses jowar to enhance the long life of the food in question. The design, which involves smearing bacteria-derived cellulose nanocrystals in gelatin, applies the same principle while it protects the food it wraps (Nature India, 2012). The edible food wrapper, which is a biodegradable polymer, protects the food from external moisture, which makes the food last for long.

Preliminary Analysis

In life, many people are after the best designs, whether it is houses, food, or even clothes. It is in line with the best designs, methods, and formulae that Brown talks about understanding food (Brown, 2014). There are principles and procedures in preparation of the same. When Neerayan Peesapati decided to create edible cutlery, he actually did put into practice the food preparation process. He understood the principles and preparation procedure. Edible cutlery takes into account the issue of food being environmentally friendly as Brown puts it in his book, and as such, it is incumbent that people embrace this new technology in the food industry as one way of making the industry thrive in supporting the environment.

Plastics normally form a huge part of the degrading particles in the world, as their technology does not take into account the issue of the environment (Golinska, Fertsch, & Gomez, 2011). An edible food utensil, on the other hand, is a technology that highly contributes to the issues of environmental engineering, especially in regards to dealing with degradation of the environment. The major challenge in environmental engineering today is pollution caused due to non-biodegradable materials such as plastic materials, and to help advance environmental engineering and protect the environment, everybody needs to embrace edible food utensils.

According to the article, Edible Food Wrapper by Powell, it is time non-degradable petroleum packaging products, which are basically plastics, to be avoided since they do not decompose, thus polluting the environment. The edible food wrapper is a good choice because it is not sensitive to water, a feature that is important to any food packaging product. Conversely, it does not have the mechanical strength as compared to the plastic product.

The concept map generally explains the features of this product by stating how it has been developed and the components used. Edible cutlery is significant as observed in the five studies analyzed earlier. On the other hand, the research, Edible Cutlery Insight by Powell states the disadvantage of edible cutlery, which is the lack of a positive impact being affirmed (Powell, 2016).

Conclusively, it is I suggest that more research to be conducted to come up with products that are eco-friendly. This is to protect the future generation from harmful environment. In relation to the conversion, I support the idea of edible cutlery and it should be implemented worldwide. Even though it has some limitations, the concept is still favoring the environment by reducing pollution levels.


Brown, A. C. (2014). Understanding food: Principles and preparation. Place of publication not identified: Cengage learning.

Golinska, P., Fertsch, M., & Gomez, J. M. (2011). Information technologies in environmental engineering: New trends and challenges. Heidelberg: Springer.

Munir, S. (2016, October). Edible Cutlery: The Future of Eco Friendly Utensils. Kick Starter. Retrieved from

Nature India. (2012). Edible Food Wrapper. Defence Food Research Laboratory, Siddarthanagar, and Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore, India. Retrieved from 1038/nindia.201211

Powell, J.M. (2016, October). Edible Cutlery Insight. Jim Powell Blog. Retrieved from

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Better Life With Making an Interior Design, Essay Sample on Environmental Issues. (2018, Aug 23). Retrieved from

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