Free Essay on Virtual Clinical Experience

Published: 2023-05-17
Free Essay on Virtual Clinical Experience
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Nursing Information technologies Personal experience
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1131 words
10 min read

Every nursing Professional has the desire to possess the required hands-on experience. Hands-on experience enables nurses to be confident in whichever nursing activities that they undertake (Grady, 2011). Additionally, having the right hands-on experiences enables nursing professionals to deliver quality care to patients; as a result, there is improved quality of life. As a nurse, I encountered several challenges in identifying the correct manner in which I can improve my nursing experience. Thanks to the virtual clinical expertise that has enabled me to grow in various dimensions in the nursing profession. The virtual learning program has helped me learn comprehensive alternative ways in which I can manage medical conditions. Virtual clinical experience helps to provide detailed answers to every case that is being managed. In the department where I was working, we were a group of five nurses, the occurrence of one incident helped to shape my thinking and decision-making skills significantly.

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Virtual Clinical Experience Compared to Face-to-Face Interactions

Traditionally, most nursing education programs made use of actors who had to portray themselves as patients. On some occasions, the acting patients failed to manifest some signs and symptoms of specific illnesses efficiently. Additionally, traditionally, face-to-face interactions with patients were commonly used. Face-to-face interactions with patients provided room for having a clear understanding of the problem; however, the room for creating mistakes in a face-to-face clinical experience is also high (Grady, 2011). Virtual clinical scenarios have enabled me to expand my scenes in nursing experience. Having been exposed to a high-quality virtual clinical experience, I have been able to see how the various medical conditions replicate themselves. The mimicking of these situations has enabled me to develop some expertise in the diagnosis as well as treating

Of different medical conditions in a low-risk setting. As a result of these virtual experiences, I have always been prepared to manage multiple clinical complications in the clinic whenever they arise. In the past, teaching and learning options for nurses entailed the use of book learning, face-to-face interactions as well as paper-based test scenarios. Additionally, classroom environments do not provide nurses with the opportunity to interact with the instructors freely. With virtual clinical experience, I have been able to learn how to mimic various situations amidst a health crisis. Some of the scenarios presented by virtual simulators have enabled me to develop critical thinking skills to come up with effective treatment options. Additionally, the development of my critical thinking skills through virtual experience has helped me be able to come up with ways of managing underlying or secondary medical conditions.

There is a direct relationship between expertise and confidence. Having the required knowledge as a nurse helps one to undertake operations with confidence. Through virtual simulations, I have been able to be well acquitted with the experience of handling various aspects related to health care. As a result, virtual clinical experiences have enabled me to gain confidence. Additionally, my ability to make the right decisions is a result of virtual clinical expertise. Working as a nursing profession requires that individuals work collaboratively and as a team the yielding the desired outcomes. The design of various virtual clinical experiences provides room for different nurses to work together. The simulated teamwork has been of significance because I have been able to develop my communication skills through frequent interactions with my other staff members. Several scenarios at my place of work were significantly shaped by the use of virtual simulations. For instance, I was able to develop precise diagnoses of Ann Rails. Additionally, my critical thinking skills enabled me to come up with a clear plan for allowing Ann Rails efficiently to have her bowel movements. Based on Ms. Lithia Monson's Scenario, she has recently had a head injury, and as a result, she is always experiencing confusion. Virtual clinical experience will play a crucial role in helping me come up with a precise diagnosis as well as evaluate different outcomes.

Lessons from Virtual Clinical Experience

During my interactions with virtual simulations, I was able to learn that virtual clinical experience is comprised of three sections. The first component is made up of the Medsurg task. In this component, virtual simulation welcomes learners to different learning experiences. The two patients in my scenario were comprised of Ann Rails and Lithia Monson. In the first part, there are five scenarios with self-opening situation queries where learners are required to select various answers. During the virtual sessions, I chose several incorrect answers on issues related to prioritization and delegation of different situations. At the end of the simulation experience, I learned how to develop detailed explanations concerning various nursing aspects.

The second component of the virtual clinical experience comprised of a one-page care plan task. The one-page task required that all the students should submit a detailed plan of the diagnosis and management plan of the various patients. Through the activities in this component, I was able to learn how to develop my critical thinking skills in the development of significant nursing diagnoses in various scenarios. The third component of the virtual clinical experience comprised an activity conventionally known as Math Refresher. In this section, fifteen challenges were mainly consisting of the calculation of the required additional dosages required and rounding them off to the nearest tenth hundredth. Aspects of this section were challenging since I additionally needed to differentiate between intake and output. Virtual clinical experience played a crucial role in enabling me to identify input such as IV infusion, ice cream, as well as coffee as fluid intakes. However, I was also able to learn that fruits, salads, as well as oatmeals are not part of the intake. The differentiation between input and output is an essential component that virtual clinical experience enabled me to learn.

Aspects to Improve From the Scenarios

As a nurse, virtual simulations gave me a platform to understand different issues related to health care. From the scenario of Ann Rails, the exact cause of the acute pain was not established. Given an opportunity to repeat the whole process of virtual clinical experience, I would use my critical thinking skills to figure out the exact causes of her acute pain. According to the scenario and history of presenting illness, I chose the first diagnosis as chronic confusion. However, if I were required to repeat the process, I would select acute confusion since the condition is not yet severe. Additionally, Ms. Lithia Monson can properly orient herself as well as present clear speeches. Conclusively, virtual clinical experience has played crucial role in shaping my clinical experience.


Grady, J. L. (2011). The virtual clinical practicum: An innovative telehealth model for clinical nursing education. Nursing education perspectives, 32(3), 189-194.

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