Video Analysis Essay on Differentiated Reading Instructions

Published: 2023-03-14
Video Analysis Essay on Differentiated Reading Instructions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1538 words
13 min read


Generally, all stakeholders within the global education sectors including the educational psychologists, parents, teachers, government agencies, non-governmental as well as the instructional designers, have collectively come to agreement that every learner studies and understand in a varied manner, and hence led to the introduction of the differentiated theories of instructions which specifically indicates that for the teachers to create an enabling and favorable learning environment for all the students, then they should consider personal differences of the various students to assist in modifying form of any content getting delivered, multiple types of assessments getting done (Robinson, Maldonado& Whaley, 2014), series of the content delivery, or maybe other relevant traits of the students. All learners vary regarding their approaches toward the learning process, within the learning environment (classroom), various thought practices, learner's perception based on the content getting delivered, student's emotional stability, as well as series of instructions getting submitted to the learners. Typically, not all the learner's study from one particular resource, one form of process, as well as the same series, as everyone differs from one another based on nature as well as time just as the psychologists have proved it that size does not fit everything. Hence, this particular variability also exists in the aspect of learning instructions (Subban, 2016).

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Based on the video clip, there exist two common diverse forms of differentiation, that is internal differentiation as well as external differentiation. Based on their definitions, external differentiation refers to placing diverse students in different learning environments (classrooms). Hence students get grouped in a combined manner based on their levels of capability, the specialized learning institutions, as well as other higher learning institutions such as the universities. While internal differentiation occurs within the learning environment, adjusting given content, delivery technique, as well as another adaptability.

Various Theories Supporting the Differentiated Instruction

Usually, as mentioned above in the instruction section, a student gets differentiated regarding three unique as well as varied contexts, which include readiness, the profile of education as well as interests. This section will help in discussing what education literature tries to supporting these three given elements of differentiated learners. First, readiness refers to the student's condition where he or she gets entirely as well as well prepared for a valuable thing; hence, in this present circumstance, it may involve either learning or maybe studying new ideas. Second, considering interest (Robinson et al. 2014), this particular student's trait enables the differentiation at the level of the external differentiation towards aiming higher at the more excellent phases, since the learner becomes more interested or maybe his or her guidance view his or her interests regarding the topic or maybe subject they enroll him through in the entire course process. However, the tutor still becomes a viable individual in observing the student determine whether he or she is highly interested in learning the given subject or maybe not. Typically, the profile learning aspects of the student includes learning style, active states, present know-how, the affective conditions, and thinking style regarding the subject as well as aptitude.

Overall, the readiness to study, conduct exercise, as well as the impacts became three crucial principles that led to the creation of studying laws which got launched by Edward Thorndike. Since the readiness in the studying process creates an essential section of the differentiated instruction, according to the video clip, preparation for the operation of studying either demands some critical contexts about the various concepts which may get introduced as well as again the sense higher interest for the learning concept in general. On the other hand, the exercise principle within the education sector operates regarding a straightforward concept that various things which get conducted as well as repeated most frequently over more extended time than those things which get done on a one-time basis. The notion of this particular legislation originates from living proof which connects in between the neurons become very stronger when the same work gets repeated over and over.

Effects of Differentiated Theories on Learners Emotions

Lastly, the theory of effect gets created based on the emotional reactions of the learner. Typically, motivation becomes the result of the principle of impact. This particular principle indicates that the education process becomes strengthened if traced through the satisfying feeling, as well as that education becomes weakened when discovered with the displeasures. Usually, interest a second procedure for the differentiation within the learners, which gets applied for the obvious distinction based on which the students studying similar courses are maybe categorized together (Pham, 2012). The studying profile gets considered as very complicated elements of the students that have taken as either broad or perhaps singular of other features that have been listed initially in this particular part of the paper. The cognitive style as a person's typical or maybe habitual mode of the decision making on a given problem, thinking, perceiving as well as recalling, while studying this particular style involves using the cognitive techniques when exploring the state. The cognitive methods typically are the ones whereby people face studying works, the learning style which may be defined as the aspect that people differ based on what type of instruction mode or maybe learning becomes the appropriate technique for them.

Implementations and Recommendations for the Differentiated Instruction

Even though most systems that have been reviewed as well as discussed within the initial parts of this particular paper give important notion regarding the differentiation but about all these systems get tested based on a few numbers of contributors as well as the outcomes yielded may not get applied towards generalizing the consequences for the broad audiences, as well as again, applicability of the numerous and different variables within the student's profile regarding the digitalized circumstances are yet to get assessed efficiently and effectively. Besides, the majority of these systems still apply either diffused or maybe self-regulated techniques in providing the differentiated contents. Therefore, the research findings in this particular field should majorly put more emphasis by determining various challenges in those systems, as well as the amalgamation process of those methods from these given diverse system forms to develop a hybrid technique which can help in using different ways in providing efficient and effective differentiation towards learning content.

Regarding the video clip, the differentiation process gets typically based on the three critical student's traits, that is the readiness, interest as well as the learning profile, but a little finding has conducted towards finding the readiness trait of the student, as most students have shown and provided proof that the readiness is one of those significant factors whereby the differentiation process in learning activity dramatically depends. Based on the aspect of interest, this factor also becomes another notable factor, and it usually gets misinterpreted or generally do not get interpreted, since most people assume that the learner receives highly interested within the concepts get created through default as well as that is the reason why that particular learner undertakes the course (Morgan, 2014). Similarly, another important aspect would involve making interest for any uninterested student within a given learning environment by applying various analytics of the authoritative data.

Again, the student's profile within the numerous systems which help in giving the customization or maybe the personalized studying usually consist of the styles of learning, or perhaps the cognitive styles or maybe the preferences of the student. Therefore, findings in these particular circumstances involve the application of diverse traits of a student as well as creating the student's profile with which as a result, adds to the student's readiness as well as interest, can get applied in providing the aspect of differentiation in the learning system. Also, other traits of the student may consist of emotions, cultural diversity, the intelligence quotient (IQ) as well as aptitude.


In conclusion, the theory of differentiated instruction may get applied majorly to form effective and efficient decision making process during the learning process by giving various personalized responses as well as again asking natural dialogs of language which will provide an essential aspect to the student who usually applies multiple techniques of problem-solving towards achieving his or her learning main goals. Hence, diverse instructional designs and techniques should then get integrated as well as hybrid methods towards the student must get appropriate creation and evaluation processes to help in understanding their importance as well as applicability in the learning activity.


Hall, T., Strangman, N., & Meyer, A. (2013). Differentiated Instruction and Implications for UDL Implementation. National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials. Wakefield, MA: CAST. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/59996-Artikkelin%20teksti-63546-1-10-20161202%20(1).pdf

Morgan, H. (2014). Maximizing student success with differentiated learning. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 87(1), 34-38. ' doi ' a

Pham, H. L. (2012). Differentiated instruction and the need to integrate teaching and practice. Journal of College Teaching & Learning (TLC), 9(1), 13-20. ' index.php ' TLC ' article ' view

Robinson, L., Maldonado, N., & Whaley, J. (2014). Perceptions about Implementation of Differentiated Instruction. Online Submission. ' fulltext HYPERLINK ""

Subban, P. (2016). Differentiated instruction: A research basis. International education journal, 7(7), 935-947. ' publication ' 330816851_The_importance_o...

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