Transforming Healthcare: New Jersey's State-Based Exchange and Educator Health Plan - Paper Sample

Published: 2024-01-02
Transforming Healthcare: New Jersey's State-Based Exchange and Educator Health Plan - Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Health and Social Care
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 834 words
7 min read

In June 2019, Governor Phil Murphy established the State-Based Health Exchange by signing a New Jersey legislation. The aim was to improve access to health care and coverage for citizens in New Jersey through the Affordable Care Act progression. The law also allowed significant control of the health insurance market in New Jersey and massive protection from the Trump Administration's sabotage. According to the governor, New Jersey had the capability to protect health care access as a human right, and signing the legislation ensured families gained more affordable health care services and coverage ("Office of the Governor | Governor Murphy Signs Legislation to Establish State-Based Health Exchange in New Jersey," 2019). The Department of Banking and Insurance of New Jersey aided the transition from a federal-funded exchange to a state-funded exchange by offering $2 million to health navigators (Sweeney, 2020). The transition allowed the state to build improved health coverage, approve qualified health plans, evade federal fees, and enroll their platform. There was also an impact on the innovative New Jersey Educator Health Plan.

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The Department of Banking and Insurance commissioner, Marlene Caride, explained that transitioning from a federally-funded exchange to a state-funded exchange would allow the country to improve health coverage access by building on efforts that have already been made (Sweeney, 2020). The establishment of state-funded exchange on the federal platform allowed the investment in enrollment and outreach help that the federal government did not offer in recent years. It also enabled the demonstration of more commitment in New Jersey. Therefore, the new enrollees would acquire the needed information and support for health coverage. The health navigators supported the state in attaining potential re-enrollees and enrollees, supporting them, and educating New Jersey residents on the options they have in healthcare coverage.

As a state-funded exchange, the state government of New Jersey is accountable for approving qualified health plans (QHPs). The state can also set up assisters who aid in the enrollment procedure and conduct outreach to the country's population. The state-based exchanges also enabled the state to evade federal fees that were attached to federally funded exchange presence. Instead, they would use the premium income to benefit the state. Additionally, states could modify their enrollment platforms to collect essential and relevant information during the enrollment process.

On June 27, 2020, Governor Phil Murphy signed bipartisan legislation intended to expand access to healthcare to New Jersey teachers in public schools and some retired teachers (Stainton, 2020). The teachers were required to participate in a reformed health-beneficial system. Therefore, the state established a new health care plan, referred to as The New Jersey Educator Health Plan. The purpose of this plan was to reduce the taxpayers, reduce the educators' costs, and protection of health care quality.

According to the newly signed law, teachers were supposed to access three plans where the cost was merged into salary. These plans included the New Jersey Educator Health Plan (NJEHP) established by the School Employees Health Benefits Plan Design Committee (SEHBP) and the Garden State Health Plan, which is entirely voluntary. The New Jersey Educator Health Plan is supposed to be offered in all districts, both for the state and private health insurance. It is eligible for the employees and retirees who are Medicare non-eligible and their dependents who would receive medical and prescription drugs benefits ("SEHBP and Ch. 78 Relief - Frequently Asked Questions » New Jersey Education Association," 2020).

The plans seek to lower taxpayer costs for the benefit of teachers by approximately $300 million (Balcerzak, 2020). This is achieved by scuffling health plan options, lowering the selectable number of plans, and transitioning to a premium price linked to salary from an employee-contribution system. Chapter 78 inappropriately created situations where the public employees would contribute the highest shares of health insurance to the state since their contributions were merged with premium prices ("SEHBP and Ch. 78 Relief - Frequently Asked Questions » New Jersey Education Association," 2020).


In conclusion, the signing of state-based exchange legislation enhanced improved health care access and coverage to New Jersey residents. The state was able to enroll their platforms and avoid federal fees. Also, signing the New Jersey Educator Health Plan legislation enabled improved health care for employed and retired teachers and lowered the taxpayer's and educators' costs. These actions and decisions consequently improved the livelihoods of residents in New Jersey.


Balcerzak, A. (2020). NJ public teachers will be offered less expensive health insurance after Murphy signs the bill.

Office of the Governor | Governor Murphy Signs Legislation to Establish State-Based Health Exchange in New Jersey. (2019).

SEHBP and Ch. 78 Relief - Frequently Asked Questions » New Jersey Education Association. New Jersey Education Association. (2020).

Stainton, L. (2020). Murphy Signs Teacher Health-Plan Reform, Union Praises Deal | NJ Spotlight News. NJ Spotlight News.

Sweeney, C. (2020). State Of New Jersey 219th Legislature. Njleg.State.Nj.Us.

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Transforming Healthcare: New Jersey's State-Based Exchange and Educator Health Plan - Paper Sample. (2024, Jan 02). Retrieved from

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