Free Essay: Theoretical Education Versus Practical Education Analysis in Learning Science

Published: 2022-11-14
Free Essay: Theoretical Education Versus Practical Education Analysis in Learning Science
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Teaching Learning Knowledge
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 673 words
6 min read

BackgroundLearning science combines both the acquired skills and knowledge which work to further critical, humanistic, and scientific theories understanding of education. Through the different approaches of theoretical education versus practical education in learning science, there has been various occurrence surrounding the occurrence. According to Treagust and Duit (2008), there are some growing multi-perspectives of conceptual change in science education. Treagust and Duit (2008) derive that there are numerous challenges concerning science learning, especially in theoretical, practical, and methodological levels. This study seeks to investigate the involvement of theoretical and practical education in learning science by examining different occurrences surrounding learning science.

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Furthermore, previous studies have provided information concerning the issue of theoretical education versus practical education in learning science. According to Chen (2017), there has been a tradition of valuing theoretical education or knowledge more than practical education or skills. Through this, it elaborates on the occurrence regarding the actual events in learning science bringing up the issue of theoretical education versus practical education. Even though theoretical education is based on doing anything practically, there is a significant difference between theoretical and practical education. Theoretical knowledge explains the why factor within the situation or science learning while practical knowledge is responsible for outlining the exact techniques which became skills. According to Nilsson (2017), practical education and theoretical education seem to be in contrast with each other as a result of the different frameworks. However, with such information, my sole interest in this research topic is to determine the underlying factors of theoretical education versus practical education in learning science.

Problem Statement

Both theoretical and practical education has played a significant role in learning science. However, prior studies deliver a contrast between theoretical education and practical education which should not be the case. In this occurrence, the actual involvement surrounds the happening whereby, it seeks to investigate the role of both theoretical and practical education learning science and the extent through which both have impacted education.

Purpose of the Study

The study purposes to analyze and determine the role and effectiveness of practical education and theoretical education in learning science. Also, the study examines the significance of merging theoretical education with practical education to enhance learning science.


In a majority of cases, theoretical education is recognized as essential education in learning science. However, practical education is equally significant. According to Millar, R. (2004), practical work plays a fundamental role in the learning and teaching of science at school level. Through the involvements of this study, it will help in creating awareness especially to teachers on the importance of practical education in learning science. Also, it emphasizes how practical education is merged with theoretical information. Learning science has been one of the interdisciplinary fields dealing with understanding teaching and learning. Thus, combining theoretical and practical education in learning science is a way of developing education and ensuring quality learning.

Research Questions

  • How does practical education relate to theoretical education in learning science?
  • What is the importance of merging theoretical education and practical education in learning science?
  • What is the effectiveness of practical education versus theoretical education?

Key Definitions

Theoretical Education: for this study, Theoretical education refers to learning things without specific practical knowledge. It increases knowledge concerning a topic (Meltzer, 2018).

Practical Education: it means gaining of knowledge and skills through an experience (Ferreira & Morais, 2018).


Chen, S. (2017). Higher Education Development Path Based on Practical Education Pattern. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(12), 7921-7927.

Ferreira, S., & Morais, A. M. (2018). Practical Practice in Science Education: Study of Different Contexts of Pedagogic Practice. Research in Science Education, 1-28.

Meltzer, L. (Ed.). (2018). Executive function in education: From theory to practice. Guilford Publications.

Millar, R. (2004). The use of practical work in the learning and teaching of science. High school science laboratories: Role and vision, 1-24.

Nilsson, M. H. Z. (2017). Theoretical and Practical knowledge in contrast: Teacher educators' discursive positions. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online), 42(8), 29.

Treagust, D. F., & Duit, R. (2008). Conceptual change: A discussion of theoretical and practical challenges for science education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 3(2), 297-328.

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