Free Essay Sample: The Letter of the Law and the Spirit of the Law

Published: 2023-05-22
Free Essay Sample: The Letter of the Law and the Spirit of the Law
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Character analysis Books World literature
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 870 words
8 min read

Law is a rule of behavior that is developed or formulated by the administration, society, or government over a particular region. Law monitors certain performs and customs that, in the end, deal with possessions, money, industry, crime, and social relationship. Controlling authorities controls and enforces the law. Naturally, the law may not be universal, just the languages we speak, which varies with individuals and the age. Customs are not only too superior to legislation, but it also precedes it. The last stage of law-making is legislation, and therefore the jurist is considered first then the legislator.

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Victor Hugo's Les Miserable is the utmost style epic of the last century. Interweaving spiritual and social filaments on the life of a human, the narratives have remained to be influential by enabling individuals to desire a new fair world. The writer condemns the class-based communal structure, which is unjust by making outstanding individuals be criminals and those who beggars. The authors make a very sensible case that universal education can eliminate poverty as well as crime. There is impartiality in the system of the criminal. The impartiality is flexible and focuses on the recuperation relatively than punishments and treating of women are the same and caring. Although these wide recommendations, the author provides not any practical answers for the schools that reforms, police stations, law courts as well as prisons. The novel is all about the demand for a cleverer and more honorable civilization. When the novel was released the novel inspired a major deal of compassion to unfortunate individuals who are oppressed through the state, and it was viewed as the jubilation of revolt against oppression

The novel is a classic novel that emphasizes the characters that are fighting in contradiction to their mistreatment and tyranny. For example, there are prejudices and unequal verdicts that are heaped upon Jean Valjean, those abuses which were suffered by Fantine. And you find that all the mentioned in the novel are an example of injustice society. In the direction of the lower classes, stories, the novel shows compassion from the booklover for the most wretch in society. The dispatch is that if men kill and rob. The women drop from beauty out of anxiety; it's not their mistake because they get a path that is not honorable to sustainability in the interior of the building of the social order. Relatively, it is the mistake of the society and the environments, the law, and the state. The national and its lawful systems are exposed to be fair-minded to the underprivileged and for the wrongdoings which are dedicated through the remains of the social order

Bishop of Digne is not a representative bishop or else a straight conservative Christian. He functions on his self-innate intelligence of morality-Christianity does not give it. Real morality remains advanced than, besides distinct from, slightly actual belief. Religions permit away; nevertheless, God always is who He is. The bishop acts obtainable of sincere compassion and humane for those who are weak and those oppressed. The Bishop has picked an unswerving system of trust and path of life and has devoted his life to the active service that of humanity through respectable execution manners and attractive in genuine love. Bishop believes that it is every man's responsibility to do good performances despite the circumstance that he might never discern if the upright acts he has done for individuals will clue them towards changing them subsists for the upright behavior. His spiritual humanism remains far since conventional Christianity.

Valjean accepts to help the less fortunate, which is a moral responsibility that does not necessarily come to the institution which social. Relatively, it drifts from God's expansive notion. The inadequacy of the resolution of an ethical problem is the main reason, as illustrated by Valjean. However, his direct thoughts towards a dilemma which is considered, but every decision he makes points at his emotions, and they serve as the proper guide to the right behavior. The man performs upright deeds instinctively as though he is performing in answer to that inner voice, and the perspective is that every individual has their inner voice, that source of moral laws which tells him his duties. Faith can most likely transform one's life as per the message. Valjean says that believing in God merely is not necessarily enough. He cannot have just contemplated the divine. After learning from the experience, he continues performing by helping individuals through his creativity. As per his perspective, God's fulfillment and receiving salvation can be attained when no help from various organized religions.

In Les Miserable, the character of each influences others; it explains that if every individual understands and accepts ones' influences on some individuals, then the society might become extra just, humane, and acting with a lot of mercy. Hugo opposes that the mandatory charity of humankind can solitarily originate from faith in the heavenly. Believing in God is placed at the heart of the work,

In conclusion, the novel is detailed in reporting the feelings of men and their ideas that pass the time and place, and it is relevant today. Therefore Hugo deals with hopes, passions, emotions, fear, and doubts that reflects of individual's humanity that is common.

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