Thank God for the Atomic Bomb, Essay Sample with the Article Critique

Published: 2018-01-13
Thank God for the Atomic Bomb, Essay Sample with the Article Critique
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  World War 2 War
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1199 words
10 min read

Thank God for the Atomic Bomb

The principal contention of the article is based on personal experience and social class and Fussell contends that individuals who consider the choices wrong do not have individual experience of the terrors of war as observed from the infantry point of view, in light of the fact that their class benefit implies that they have no pertinent individual experience. He additionally contends that Japan was not almost surrendering, and that in spite of the fact that the obliteration and losses brought on by the besieging were horrendous, that rivals of the bomb disregard the equivalent or more noteworthy detestations endured by the American officers, the Japanese citizens recruited to battle against them, and the detainees of war.

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Basically, Fussell contends that the atomic bomb was deserving of gratitude to God in view of the lives it spared. In his article, Fussell makes this point in various manners. The underlying assumption is that the war was something somewhat savage to imagine:

He notes; the experience I am discussing is coming to grasps, up close and personal, with an adversary who outlines your demise....Their objective was... to near with the foe and crush him. Obliterate, see: not hurt, panic, head out, or arrest.

In this essential thought, Fussell contends the Sherman thought that "War is an abyss." The utter cruelty and the war’s murder count, Fussell recommends, was so intense and large that any prospective intentions to complete it rapidly, dropping the nuclear bomb, for instance, was something that the soldiers welcomed since they were sure beyond words that their death was imminent: "Japanese pre-intrusion enthusiastic 'One Hundred Million Souls for the Emperor' song... implied only that." The civilian and military death count for Fussell was to undoubtedly rise a predictable war where both sides were determined to dispense the other

The utilization of the bomb, in this way, spared lives by the way it conclusively finished the war. In the mind of Fussell, the war’s real dreadfulness is such a condition, to the point that an officer would be grateful for anything to bring it to a halt. Such gratification was justified in the dropping of the nuclear bomb. Fussell contends that the individuals who battled in war and comprehend its actual repulsiveness can perceive this fact and as a consequence “offer gratitude to God for the nuclear bomb."

Thank God for the Atomic Bomb Fussell Critique

In the article, Fussell goes ahead to contend that the individuals who had firsthand World War II battle experience were "not intricately instructed," and in this way were probably not going to express the advantages of dropping the bombs when critics, who had been no place close to the war's pulverization, stacked contempt on the choice to utilize nuclear bombs on Japan. “In general, the principle is, the farther from the scene of horror, the easier the talk,” writes Fussell of those who wrung their hands over the bomb decision after the fact.

Fussell writes that "understanding the past requires imagining that one does not have a clue about the current situation. It needs feeling its own weight on a personal heartbeats with no ex-post facto enlightenment." Chronicled judgments ought to be made in light of results as well as of alternatives. Thus the bombs were dropped, and Japan was vanquished. Completely vanquished. Present-day Japan is a demonstration of the advantages of aggregate thrashing, to stripping off a culture inclined to martial of its military falsifications. Present day Hiroshima is a demonstration of human flexibility despite the disaster. It is a confirmation, as well, to an America that comprehended good conviction and even a hunger for reprisal were not hindrances to charitableness. In other ways, we can say that they are the prerequisite for it.

For a really long time, Hiroshima has been connected with a specific brand of radical legislative issues, a sort of dull pacifism salted with an inferred hostile to Patriotism. That is a disgrace. There are teachings in this present history of city that could serve us today when the military of United States disallows the word triumph, the president of the U.S. does not have confidence in the practice of American power, and the United States is overwhelmed by blame for mistakes they didn't confer. The tension that arises as Fussell details his character and establishes sympathy on the part of the victims of Hiroshima brings to his essay an entirely new aspect: the interplay between modern guilt and the necessity of choice. Even as Fussell justifies the decision to drop the bomb, he must acknowledge that he can “purchase no immunity from horror”. Fussell’s choice of the word “purchase” here implies an inability to escape the contrition accompanying Hiroshima, regardless of what one puts forth, be it money, a cold heart, or a clean conscience. Additionally, his use of the word “immunity” leads the reader to believe that even if Fussell was able to avoid the “horror” of Hiroshima, it would still exist: he does not say destroy or remove.

Fussell’s phrasing of this statement implies that the modern guilt concerning the bombings of Japan is, in a word, ubiquitous: if it is not understood, the culprit is, according to Fussell, just another Bruce Page. That being said, Fussell does not end his essay in this position of incertitude; instead, he continues his attempt to prove the atom bomb necessary. However, Fussell now stands at a point of moral high ground. He has considered the horrors of both perspectives, and, like President Truman before him, been forced to make a decision. When that decision turns out to be that “the bomb seemed precisely the right thing to drop”, it carries a weight lent by Fussell’s now seemingly righteous ethical identity. Although Fussell’s emotional appeal appears to have lost momentum, his overall point has been reinforced.

In conclusion, we can say that in the Fussell’s article Thank God for the Atomic Bomb, the writer brought up the benefits of dropping the two atomic bombs amid Second World War in view of his own encounters as a soldier who was on the front lines. Also, he attacks other scholars in his article who did not approve the utilization of the Atomic Bomb for their incomprehension of the war.

Why I agree with Fussell’s argument

I agree with Fussell that the war might have brought about a lot of negative impacts. I am also willing to acknowledge that the many people have no clue about the verifiable substances and the basic leadership procedure confronting Truman before the bomb was dropped. These people only know of the horrendous pictures of Nagasaki and Hiroshima and after the bomb was dropped, and all they recall are the years of the cold war, which treated the bomb with both dread and disparagement. Still, it is stunning to imagine that Americans might choose to spare their foes before sparing themselves.


Fussell, Paul. Thank God for the Atom Bomb. New York: Summit. Print.

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