Free Essay Example. Teen Obesity

Published: 2023-10-16
Free Essay Example. Teen Obesity
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Healthcare Child development Diet Nutrition
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 458 words
4 min read

Obesity is the state of the body, having a body mass index of thirty and above. The person becomes too heavy for his or her height. The condition affects a person’s health. Teen obesity has increased significantly over the years. In the United States, currently, about seventeen percent of the children are obese (Ogden et al, 2007).To some people in society, they do not take obesity as a serious health condition and therefore end up ignoring it. This cultural mindset continues to trigger the rising numbers of obesity cases. This essay outlines the causes of obesity and preventive measures.

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Some of the reasons for the increase of obesity include inactivity in general body exercising, the increase in consumption of food high in fats, and genetic factors (Ogden et al, 2007). An obese person encounters problems such as asthma, heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes, which are very common in the health sectors currently. The poor image that results from obesity is an issue of concern for teens. It makes them anxious and depressed hence lowering their self-esteem and confidence. Parents in modern society with sedentary lifestyles do not often think they are contributing to the obesity population as they promote unhealthy practices for their children. Nurses, therefore, are supposed to educate both the affected and the family on better living practices for better health.

However, the problem of teen obesity can be controlled by the sensitization of obesity education by nurses to the affected and their parents. Moreover, parents encouraging physical activity for their children, reducing their screen time, stocking the fridge with healthy drinks and food, not giving food as a reward, and being good role models (Ogden et al, 2007). This would help prevent further increase in numbers of obesity cases among teens since prevention is better than cure. Health promotion concerns for obesity include nurses enlightening those affected by obesity as well as parents on proper nutrition this education from nurses helps the affected aware of all other dietary options which are healthy and necessary to improve the preexisting condition, education for teens on proper dieting, emphasis on physical activity both in schools at home, the establishment of forums for the affected and lastly sensitization of those affected to get treatment to avoid issues of depression and low self-teem.

In conclusion, obesity has been a long-term disease that can lead to many other health problems for the victim. However, it can be prevented by making healthy lifestyle choices that will break the chain of obesity in society.


Ogden, C. L., Yanovski, S. Z., Carroll, M. D., & Flegal, K. M. (2007). The epidemiology of obesity. Gastroenterology, 132(6), 2087-2102.

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