Strategizing Team Building for Effective Management & Skill Specialization - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-30
Strategizing Team Building for Effective Management & Skill Specialization - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Business Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1260 words
11 min read


In every employee sector, there has been a strategical administration that needs to have the diversification need in employment. World management needs different skilled employees. The steps of the determination of the practice of the team building for the effective management and the skills specialization of different managerial sectors need to be clear on the responsibility to team building. The start steps on the employments of the goal practice of different implementation of Electronic health record (EHR) being part of the necessary and essential skill in the medical sector. The education of expertise in the EHR is a significant practice in the financial decision and operational management. The employments of the fully equipped Her expertise in the medical sector is the diversification need of the skill necessary for the team building to grow the medical goal of achieving sustainable health maintenance. The oncology has a different field of a specification that is a cover-up in the EHR in need for the specialization and team-building under medication for the overall need for the employments.

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Effective Team Building Implementation

The identity of the decision-makers is crucial to the employment and the resource allocation for the active reaching to consensus of the employment of diversification need for the medical sector workers. The stakeholders on the medication have different ideas about the implementation and the strategical procurement of the EHR in the medical sector (Barry et al., 2019). The pooling opinions of different management skills of the medical need for the employees skilled in the different sectors is the importance of the medical achievement of a practical goal. The implementation is necessary for need. In the panel meeting, the medical superintendent needs to be present to elaborate on the need of the HER. The human resources management in any organization in charge of the employee’s recruitment needs to critically give the views on the understanding of the diversification need of the employees in the management of the employees in the health sector (Persaud, 2019). The procurement officers of resource management allocation and the need to have the medication be effectively implemented by every employees’ sector fully equipped with competent employees to do the job. The financial person should also give their budget skillfully understanding of the need to have a clear elaboration of the need to have transparent, futuristic resource allocation.

Clarification of Goals

The current medication practice in the daily medical performance has been having a challenge of skilled medical personnel for the consideration of EHR. The is much inaccuracy of the employees on the effective use of EHR operation (Scheurwegs et al., 2017). The medication is essential in with the efficient implementation of competent employees over the lab reports, the electronic prescription. The print out of the medical history of patience in a press of a button to make the medication process quickly and achieve the time management paramount skill.

Proposal Request and Diversification In The Medication Sector

For the different sectors of the medication, there is a need to have critical steps to implementation of the new skill and employment of the job necessary to the medical. The proposal needs to elaborate on the urgency of the medication of the effective management of the health sector having new skill EHR for the electronic medication emphasis (Sipilä et al., 2019). The current involvement of employees on the changes of new skilled employees over the medication of the erotic system to hedge the resistance of the chances to the medical sector.

Demonstrative Ability and Analytic Implementation Strategic Plan

The changes implementation has theories of the practical implementations being divided into individual factors, social influence theories, organizational consideration theories, and economical factor healthcare changes (Sipilä et al., 2019). With the agreement on the consensus agreement of the stakeholders meeting the criteria of critical appraisal situation, the identifying of the guidelines to meet the objective, policy objective goals and interpreting policy, decisive action and dictating, and the executing plan on action to have EHR.

Effective communication about the advantage of the need to employ the new HER needs in the medication sector is necessary to employees the needs. Training and the communication strategy in the relevant implantation of the effective action to be done (Barry et al., 2019). Departmental strategies are needing the sufficient necessity of the critical need of the new employees on the management of the HER.

The procurement process on the allocation of the purchase of the electrical machines. The payment of the training of the employees on the specialization and the need to know the HER. Furthermore, the request proposal is essential in covering all the steps of the procurement to have electrical medication needs. Furthermore, request for information to clearly understand the HER from the experts of the need to have it implemented (Scheurwegs et al., 2017). Request for quotation from the vendors and opens the quantitation details to the stakeholders on the consideration for the purchase of the instruments. It will help in the financial budgeting, and procurement process ho have the organization resources be effectively used. The medication budget is helpful to the institution for the consideration of the health sector. It is necessary to have planned on the employees necessitating teamwork to have the medics understand the need to have the projective need of management in the health sector with HER.

Evaluation of The Procurement Process

The new job employment of the EHR sector in the medications for the necessity to have diversified employees builds teamwork to help in the medication service in the hospital (Barry et al., 2019). The comparison of the time management and the attendance of the patience in the shortest time possible shows the effectiveness of the employment and need of inclusivity of EHR. The technological service delivery among the clinical in the team-building with the EHR is the illustrative competency of the medication (Scheurwegs et al., 2017). The accuracy in the record data and the processing of the patience prescription with the history of illness are necessary for medication. With the improvement of more patience favoring the medication treatment at the organization shows the effective medication done.


The diversification needs to part of every establishment. The inclusivity of the dynamic scanning of the surrounding of the medication by the admiratives needs to have different considerations for the opportunities. In the change implementation with effectiveness, there is a need to include all the parties on the strategic management to hedge the employee’s turnover. EHR is the modern need for competent medical necessity for active medication in hospitals. The employee’s diversification and team building in the medical sector create a great achievement on the medication.


Barry, C., Kaufman, S., Feinstein, D., Kim, N., Gandhi, S., Nikolic, D., Edmonston, T. B., & Bierl, C. (2019). Optimization of the order menu in the electronic health record facilitates test patterns consistent with recommendations in the choosing wisely initiative. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 153(1), 94-98.

Persaud, N. (2019). A national electronic health record for primary care. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 191(2), E28-E29.

Scheurwegs, E., Cule, B., Luyckx, K., Luyten, L., & Daelemans, W. (2017). Selecting relevant features from the electronic health record for clinical code prediction. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 74, 92-103.

Sipilä, R., Mäkelä, M., & Komulainen, J. (2019). undefined. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1).

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