Free Essay on Screening for Thyroid Disease

Published: 2023-04-03
Free Essay on Screening for Thyroid Disease
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare Comparative literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 565 words
5 min read

According to research, typhoid disorders are some of the most common endocrine conditions diagnosed and treated in healthcare institutions. Typhoid dysfunction represents a range from asymptomatic biochemical changes to clinically symptomatic disorders. The condition is common among adults and often has significant clinical conditions. Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism can be diagnosed through laboratory tests and can be easily treated. Typhoid dysfunction symptoms vary among patients in their severity and character since associated signs and symptoms often progress slowly. As a result, the accuracy of the diagnosis of typhoid dysfunction is limited. Clinicians must, therefore, consider excluding the condition during diagnosis. In an article by the U.S Preventive Services and Ladenson Et al...(2000) on typhoid dysfunction screening, the authors put forward analysis and recommendations of screening diagnosis of the condition. Thus, the paper evaluates the two scholarly articles in the bid to establish the similarities and differences and the key recommendations.

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To begin with, Ladenson Et (2000) suggest that appropriate treatment of typhoid dysfunction can only be done when laboratory screening identifies them. The authors feel that measurement of the Serum TSH is the most reliable test to diagnose all forms of hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism. Similarly, U.S Preventive Services suggest that Hypothyroidism is an asymptomatic condition in which the patient has a TSH level higher than the required threshold of the specified laboratory reference. People with hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism are often classified as having TSH levels of more than 4.5 Miu/l OR greater than 10. On the other hand, one of the main differences between the two articles is that Ladenson Et (2000) do not provide some of the benefits and harms of early detection and treatment of typhoid dysfunction. The U.S Preventive Services feels that early detection of patients with typhoid dysfunction may be beneficial since it may prevent long-term risk factors such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, or fractures. The article also suggests that inadequate evidence also points to potential harms associated with an early screening of the condition. One of the risks is frequent false results as a result of hurrying up things. The psychological effects of a large degree of overdiagnosis of biochemically defined TSH levels may revert health problems even if they do not progress.

The U.S Preventive Services recommends that before conducting screening in laboratories, it is important for researchers to conduct well-designed treatment tests of either asymptomatic or subclinical typhoid dysfunction by putting into consideration the long-term health outcomes of the condition such as cardiovascular disease and mortality. Additionally, long-term research are needed to have a better understanding of the history of the condition based on T4 and TSH levels as well as the outcomes for victims with nonspecific symptoms. Ladenson Et al...(2000) suggest that the American Thyroid Association recommends that all adults should be screened for the disorder beginning at the age of 35 and thereafter. The authors also suggest that indication for detection can be compelling for women but can be justified among men since it's cost-effective. This implies that people with clinical manifestations of typhoid dysfunction and those at risk of the disorder may require more frequent screening.


Final Recommendation Statement. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Ladenson, P. W., Singer, P. A., Ain, K. B., Bagchi, N., Bigos, S. T., Levy, E. G., Daniels, G. H. (2000). American Thyroid Association guidelines for detection of thyroid dysfunction. Archives of internal medicine, 160(11), 1573-1575.

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Free Essay on Screening for Thyroid Disease. (2023, Apr 03). Retrieved from

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