Free Essay: Scientific Map Freshwater Transport in the Arctic Ocean

Published: 2023-12-11
Free Essay: Scientific Map Freshwater Transport in the Arctic Ocean
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Knowledge Environment Science Water
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 328 words
3 min read

The article is mainly concerned with the research study of freshwater transport in the Arctic ocean. Notably, the freshwater masses from rivers Ob, Yenisei, and Lena form the most massive plumes in the arctic ocean (Osadchiev pg. 1). On the other side, the continental runoffs accumulate in the Kara sea because of local winds. However, various factors affect the speed of the spread of plumes. For instance, topography influences more massive discharge of water masses in the coastal region of the Siberian sea (Osadchiev pg. 2). Subsequently, the local winds enhance the mixing of the freshwater and seawater at the arctic ocean and them wind moves it to eastwards of the Siberian sea (Osadchiev pg. 2). In Eurasian and American shores, it was experienced that Cariole's force and density gradients between the plumes and seawater caused the high discharge of the river plumes (Osadchiev pg. 1).

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This event is connected to the course because (complete this sentence with a short, descriptive paragraph; cite specific Unit Objectives, text chapters, or Forum discussions) This event is mainly discussing the environmental factors such as the ice formation process affecting biological productivity. Considerably, water masses from these rivers form thin layers of plumes, which later discharge into the Arctic ocean (Osadchiev pg. 2). Significantly, ice formation processes explain how factors like winds and topography affect the aquatic life and environment in general.

I am personally interested in this event because (complete this sentence with a short, descriptive paragraph that describes your personal connection to this event)

Consequently, as an environmental student, this research event enhances the proper understanding of the marine environment concept. The event enabled me to describe factors affecting river plumes, such as the local winds and topography. Besides, this event encouraged my attitudes towards studying environmental concepts like students of Tomsk Polytechnic University did. In conclusion, this event recommends that any environment student enhance formal learning about environmental research.


Osadchiev, Alexander. (2020, Accessed 11 Sept 2020.

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