Essay Example: Review of the Literature for Research Studies

Published: 2019-05-30
Essay Example: Review of the Literature for Research Studies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Literature Science
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 982 words
9 min read

A literature review is needed because it allows one to summarize critical knowledge that is currently in the area under investigation. It also assists in the identification of any weaknesses or strengths in the previous work thus helping the researchers identify them in their work. Therefore, literature review enables elimination of potential weaknesses while bringing together strong points. A high-quality review of the literature offers a context within which to place the study and provide the researcher with an up-to-date comprehension of the subject matter and significant practices. Also, it is needed as it helps to identify methods used in previous topics in the same area and make comparison of the research. Weak literature review diminishes research proposal since it sets initial expectations negatively.

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As an outcome, there is significant reduction of the articulacy of later argument as well as increasing skepticism of the research skills of the author. Pulling from literature review to the results involves organizing the findings through continuing with the story in the literature review. Sometime it will also encompass providing a preliminary discussion. Concerning pulling from literature review to discussion begins with giving an interpretation of the results. It also includes discussing it in depth and assessing for any repetitions. This section also required that the researcher to discuss how the result compares with respect to the results in the literature.

Literature review is one of the most important parts of a scholars research that largely must be included in a proposal. The analysis of a literature review is a systematic process that involves the following steps. The first step involves describing the literature review. The description is deep and it involves summarizing what other individuals have found about the review. The second step involves analyzing the literature review by asking oneself whether the perspective of the review corresponds to your own views. Thirdly there is need to interpret what you have found out about the literature review. Interpreting the review will involve the assessor asking themselves various necessary questions regarding the review at hand. For instance, what is the author trying to communicate? The interpretation further describes the findings. The last step involves making conclusion about the literature review worth supported but was realized in the preceding steps.

Conducting a literature review enables one to understand the different perspectives of about many reviewers. Consequently this will diversify and deepen the knowledge on a particular work. Another lesson realized from analyzing a literature review lies on the ability of the researcher to identify the flaws accompanying the literature review. Identification of the flaws such as repetitiveness will facilitate rectification. The intent of the analysis of the literature review is to show the originality and importance of the research problem. As such, conducting the review will ensure proper understanding of the scope of the research.

In conclusion, effective literature review will present the indication of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation taking place within the review. In addition critical analysis implies finding out whether one agrees or disagrees with a particular view. Reviewing the materials for the literature for research studies ensures that the accurate materials will be applied in the research and this fact makes the process essential. Therefore reviewing the materials will lead to more accurate research.


Atkins, S., & Murphy, K. (2010). Reflection: a review of the literature. Journal of Advanced nursing, 18(8), 1188-1192.

Atkins and Murphy assert that literature review is needed because it allows one to summarize critical knowledge that is currently in the area under investigation. It also assists in the identification of any weaknesses or strengths in the previous work thus helping the researchers identify them in their work. Therefore, literature review enables elimination of potential weaknesses while bringing together strong points.

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage Publications.

Creswell holds that weak literature review diminishes research proposal since it sets initial expectations negatively. As an outcome, there is significant reduction of the articulacy of later argument as well as increasing skepticism of the research skills of the author.

Lefcourt, H. M. (Ed.). (2013). Research with the locus of control construct: extensions and Limitations (Vol. 3). Elsevier.

Lefcourt says that pulling from literature review to the results involves organizing the findings through continuing with the story in the literature review. Sometime it will also encompass providing a preliminary discussion. Concerning pulling from literature review to discussion begins with giving an interpretation of the results, it also includes discussing it in depth and assessing for any repetitions.

.Perkmann, M., Tartari, V., McKelvey, M., Autio, E., Brostrom, A., DEste, P., ... & Sobrero, M. (2013). Academic engagement and commercialisation: A review of the literature on university industry relations. Research Policy, 42(2), 423-442.

Perkmann et al asserts that analysis of a literature review is a systematic process that involves the following steps. The first step involves describing the literature review. The description is deep and it involves summarizing what other individuals have found about the review. The second step involves analyzing the literature review by asking oneself whether the perspective of the review corresponds to your own views. Thirdly there is need to interpret what you have found out about the literature review. Interpreting the review will involve the assessor asking themselves various necessary questions regarding the review at hand. For instance, what is the author trying to communicate? The interpretation further describes the findings.

Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J. Y., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method Biases in behavioral research: a critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of applied psychology, 88(5), 879.

Podsakoff, MacKenzie, and Podsakoff explain that conducting a literature review enables one to understand the different perspectives of about many reviewers. Consequently this will diversify and deepen the knowledge on a particular work. Another lesson realized from analyzing a literature review lies on the ability of the researcher to identify the flaws accompanying the literature review

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Essay Example: Review of the Literature for Research Studies. (2019, May 30). Retrieved from

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