Essay Example: Rationale Behind My Choice to Invest in Tesco and Lloyds Bank

Published: 2022-04-18
Essay Example: Rationale Behind My Choice to Invest in Tesco and Lloyds Bank
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Banking
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1495 words
13 min read

Through fundamental analysis, I have decided to invest in the two companies. The fundamental stock analysis is considered a cornerstone investment in the stock market. It gives an insight to the future performance of a company (Chen, Chen, & Lu, 2017). I believe in minimizing risk and maximizing profits in up's and downs in the markets. Sweeping through the financial statements, liabilities, assets, expenses, and revenue of the companies and other economic aspects, the companies are expected to increase their value in the market (Tanikawa, 2018). Concisely, we all know that share market is a 'one stop shop' for anyone who is interest in buying shares. Despite shares being risky, they are well exciting. The trick with any share investment is the ability to analyze and understand the risks involved before you start investing.

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According to Gupta & Lu (2014), the more one understands, the better and, smarter one will be in managing money in the long-term. The stock price refers to a proportional and relative error that a company is worth, and it only specifies the percentage changes within market cap at a period. Any difference in the stock price will be reflected by a similar percentage change in the value of the company (Eiamkanitchat, Moontuy, & Ramingwong, 2017). It is the reason many investors are concerned about, any drop in stock price will result to an equally significant percentage of loss in investor's investment, say a shareholder has invested $1,000,000 in shares and the stock drops by $0.01, the result will be $1000, 000 losses. Supply and demand determine the price of shares in the market, for Tesco and Lloyds the high demands for its shares show market factors are favorable for its


The stock price may go up, considering that fact; it's wise to invest in the companies as it shows potential for future growth. The current stock performance for the two companies has not been affected by the sales growths and margins. It means that shareholder will be secure regarding investing in shares in case of brutal competition from competitors, less risk. In 2017, the government reevaluated the business rates on the business properties. Tesco business rates for its most prominent business store fell by PS105milllion highlighting booming factors that might favor its expansion in the market share. Government incentives are supporting its future growth, looking back at three and a half years ago, the company sales have been rising, and they are at their fastest growth rate ever. According to the Global Consumer Statistics from January 2015 to March 2018 Tesco had significant share holding of 43.7 percent under the period of consideration in the market. The shifting consumer behavior in an economic recession makes people shift their favor to cheaper alternatives like Tesco crashing the supermarket's stocks.

Future likelihood of performing better regarding shares

The Lloyds Banking group announced a special 0.5p per share as dividends despite its plans to buy the MBNA. The bank has emerged as a low-risk bank after its massive restructuring itself, 95% of its assets are domestically based. In recent years, Lloyds' has been on a steady success rather than a spectacular one. The bank has cleared its problems from the economic crisis and hence, strengthening its position to become as a leader in small business and retail banking sector. Therefore, as a result, it has a low-income ratio and continues to make improvements. Analyzing the bank from its improved net interest and growth in loans margin indicates its net incomes are showing healthy growth. The comparatively low risks and healthy balance business lines indicate the bank is in a position to fuel expansion or return capital (dividends) to shareholders (Coe & Wrigley, 2017). Through financial analysis, I expect the company to offer a yield of 6.9% for the 2018 period. According to a research article 'sell or buy,' the shares price had raised by 2.2% in January compared to 0.4% market loss. Every shareholder received a dividend of 3.2p per share over that period. If one re-invests the profits over 12 months, they will get around 9.7% as returns.

Tesco has become a strong third quarter performer, but it has failed to hit the market expectations. Its shares are down by 4.8 percent. Its rivals Salisbury's and Morrison's have reported better-expected numbers. Tesco has also been offsetting the consumer debts to enhance free cash generation from August 2019 deadline for consumer's complaints. Tesco is on the turnaround; it is taking steps to cut on dividend by slashing prices to be competitive and improve on the balance sheet. The improvements in their store will make sales volume to rise, and importantly the dividend will rise to 2.3 percent in 2019.

Diverse retail and banking market share

Tesco is the among the first retailers in the UK implement online sales channel successfully. The online channel has increased its efficiency in revenue generation that adds up the total substantial share in the total revenues. It has 27.9 percent of the grocery market. The possession of an enormous market share gives it the strength to generate significant revenues provided by the marketing matrix of the 7Ps. The company has substantial benefits from multiple levels in Club card. The Club card is vital to increase consumer loyalty and consumer retention. The account holder receives vouchers and statement, at least four times a year for the value of points they have saved. The Club-card helps in collection of data about the consumer behaviors. Therefore, it is an instrumental role in improving value offering. Dividends on share increase as the three become an additional channel for revenue from the sale of customer data to FMCG producers and suppliers. The company also has a stable property ratio that increases the overall market share capital. It gives the shareholders a reason to invest. In future, the company has a strong property portfolio to gain financial resource through some of its property. Lloyd's bank in 2017-paid 3.6p per share for dividend and 5.7 percent yield. In 2018, the return has shot to 6.7 percent and a predicted 4.2p per share. Courtesy of USB, the European banking analysts, predict a potential upside growth of 26 percent. The dividend yields above 7 percent and will fuel the share price. Investors should select highly in investments. The UBS recommends cheap banks with strong levels cash flow generation to be a buffer against sluggish revenues, cost inflation, and regular uncertainty (Gupta & Lu, 2014).). The bank's net income generation is more sustainable because there is room for growth in mortgages and cost savings


Though Lloyd and Tesco show a promising return on market share, compared to Lloyd, Tesco is doing much better. Lloyd is exposed to increased high-risk consumer debt that is making it dormant in the market. The bank shows potential regulatory and economic curve balls although it will be able to generate high profits, caution should be taken as Lloyd is not a get rich quick scheme but its improvements are incremental, not dramatic. The CEO, Dave Lewis has the potential to deliver long-term benefits and deserves recognition. Tesco management plans to have a return of 3.5 and 4.0 percents return from 2 percent by 2020 (Inderst, 2017). Though the next five months pose potential downgrades the earnings driven by continued threat, cost inflation, net income growth and the risks around the European regulators.

The UBS favors cheap banks like the Lloyds to generate cash flows that will buffer against sluggish revenues; cost inflation and regulatory uncertainty suggest the Lloyds bank is safer than investors think. It is more sustainable that whatever the market has been giving it. Future trends indicate the bank is capable of outperforming its competitors, the Barclays. The growth of balance sheet, interest margins, and unsecured loans are expected to make the shares to re-rate. In 2008, is a year of modest loan loses the absolute decline in costs and margin expansion and demand growth. Lloyds passed the most severe stress in the England Economy comfortably. Therefore, the organization can generate high profits, although there is always regulatory or economic curveballs. In addition, Horta-Osorio, the CEO at Lloyds is an exceptionally able to make future improvements to take the bank forward, de-risk the bank or fuel future growth.


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Essay Example: Rationale Behind My Choice to Invest in Tesco and Lloyds Bank. (2022, Apr 18). Retrieved from

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