Essay Sample - Purchase Ledger Assistant Cover Letter

Published: 2018-01-30
Essay Sample - Purchase Ledger Assistant Cover Letter
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Cover letter Job
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 634 words
6 min read

Cover letter sample

For many years, I have been looking forward to working as a purchase ledger assistant. My interest in pursuing this field is attributed to my enthusiasm for work that is engaging. I have always been fascinated with how organizations manage to make purchase systematically without having to mix up their accounts. Working as a purchase ledger assistant will give me best opportunity to work under a purchase ledger supervisor. Since I have future aspirations to advance in my career, I do believe that my skills will be perfected working under a supervisor.

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In the early days of my career, I have had a chance to work in more than one organization. The work in those organization gave me enough experience in end to end payment runs. My responsibility would be to scan suppliers’ invoices onto swordfish and the coding of invoices to the appropriate account. I believe my exposure to high volume invoicing processing equipped me with confidence with my work. I can now say that my accuracy level is high. I have special knowledge on how to allocate appropriate invoices to appropriate users on swordfish for approval. SUN accounting system is the best software that I can work with efficiently. My key pillars are accuracy, completeness, and compliance. These key pillars have given me confidence in all the procedures that I perform. I have the ability to process payment runs on a weekly basis as required so as to ensure that all the creditors are paid on time. I am expected to maintain all aspects of the purchase ledger function.

Personal statement example

Working previously as a finance administrator provided me with experience and excellent knowledge on how to use Microsoft Excel. Studying ACCA in college gave me a chance to prosper professionally. My duty is to ensure that BACs and CHAPs payment should at all times run as expected. I am supposed to make sure that all the payments have been made including the issuance of electronic cheques. Generating coding and managing outstanding invoices for approval through liaison with users and suppliers. The liaison with the suppliers makes it easy to perform reconciliation of accounting books with the suppliers. What I believe is that as an individual I will excel working as a purchase ledger assistant through the knowledge and competency that I have in doing accruals and prepayments. Preparing personal journals is something that I have at my fingertips. As an individual who will be working in an accounts department, it means that I will have to set up of new supplier accounts and investigation of items in the suspense account. I possess excellent communication skills, and it will not be hard for me to communicate with colleagues. I am capable of setting up production reports if requested by the leadership team. I am therefore expected to liaise with various stakeholders including suppliers to investigate and resolve purchase ledger queries from the purchase ledger team email as required.

The interaction with corporate entities while working on my previous job provided me with confidence enough to approach the business world in a bold manner. There is always that part of me that wants to try to work on a new idea both theoretically and in practice. I am a curious person that is why whenever I get the slightest opportunity to ensure that I have perfected my skills. Joining your organization will give me a chance to put my skills to use. My extra duties would be to set up new suppliers on manual and computerized systems. “Learning is a process” this phrase provides me with strength to work diligently under someone. I strongly have confidence that your organization is the real deal for me. I look forward to interacting with your clients.

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Essay Sample - Purchase Ledger Assistant Cover Letter. (2018, Jan 30). Retrieved from

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