Project Management Essay Example

Published: 2019-10-04
Project Management Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management Management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1345 words
12 min read

In project management, one has to apply certain experience, methods, processes and utilize the required skills to attain the set objective in an endeavor. The discipline relies majorly on triple constraints such as time, cost and scope. Any failure a project manager encounters can be traced to a deficiency in any of the constraints. Besides, following my previous test, I came to realize that decision-making skill is critical for a successful project management. Moreover, I came to understand that the power of decision-making is embedded in other project management principles like scope and scheduling (Powell &Buede, 2009). It has also broadened my knowledge about the impact and pillars of leadership in this discipline. Therefore, since leadership in project management starts from the planning stage, apparently, I tend to give more consideration to scheduling and scope as one of the key elements that determine the success or failure of any project.

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Scope and Schedule

Balancing the triple constraints of scope and schedule has been my concern. It is because I have learned that as a leader, one must identify a clearly defined scope before embarking on a project. Therefore, I use the scope as a work breakdown structure. Moreover, by identifying various segments of a project, I can understand the entire assignment. Besides, having a sound knowledge of a project enhances one's leadership as a project manager. Hence, I think an objective has a direct effect on a project. The broader the scope, the more expensive a project becomes and vice versa. Also, since a project has a set timeline for completion, the element of time plays another critical role in project management (Wysocki, 2011). I have also realized that scope and time are correlative. That is, if I have to reduce completion time then scope must be streamlined. On the other hand, if the scope is not reduced, the cost of the assignment rises. Therefore, the three constraints combined can determine the end quality of the venture. Besides, scope and schedule do fluctuate in the course of the project and resistance to their changes may compromise the success of the undertakings (Walker & Garrett, 2016). Therefore, by focusing on scope and schedule, I can monitor their changes and adapt to them through proper decision-making processes. Hence, I have acquired a lot of knowledge regarding leadership in project management. I have also increased emphasis on planning based on scope and schedule.

My Personal Approach to Project Management

Following my previous experience, I would define my personal approach to project management as a process of formulating, executing and monitoring a workforce with the objective of attaining certain goals. Unfortunately, such definition did not bear in mind that project management involves different strategies and that are affected by several factors. However, after some interactions with the Harvard Simulation scenarios, I feel that my whole perception of project management has changed. Therefore, I would define project management as a process of creating efficiency such as strategically employing management systems and managing the available talent with the aim of completing a project successfully (Wysocki, 2011).

On the other hand, leadership is the principal area I intend to focus when managing projects where a crisis is inevitable. Interestingly, project management has a tendency of pushing for a project closure, pitting project managers against each other regarding resource allocation and sometimes making the manager act alone as a way of ignoring the fluctuating scope. I also understand that engaging in persistent conflict with management team negatively affects the quality of a project because it reduces the morale of those involved in the project (Kerzner, 2010). By focusing on decision-making and decision processes, I will strengthen my leadership skills for project management. The principle of decision-making will make me sensible to my management team during a conflict (Meredith & Mantel, 2011). Another key area I am focusing on is planning. Despite the conflict, planning has a way of holding things together. Since planning is done during the initial stage, the conflicting parties can be brought on board as a way of ironing out outstanding issues. Other areas include ethics and communication skills. Ethics in project management has a way of wading off adverse interests. It also brings about accountability while good communication skills are the best way of resolving conflicts that may undermine a successful completion of a project (Powell &Buede, 2009).

However, despite my reliance on using a systematic approach to project management, I find my biggest challenges in areas of balancing the triple constraints. The challenge is that, since they fluctuate after a specified duration, the prevailing factor does hinder the choice for a perfect decision when adapting to changes. Hence, uncertainties in the project management may be difficult to manage (Meredith & Mantel, 2011).

The Relevance of Project Management to Client Management

Planning in project management is directly relevant to my profession. In my job as a client manager, I have a duty to organize and prioritize my activities as a general supervisor of the operations teams. Just like in project management, as a client manager, I have a duty to direct the activities in line with the branch objectives. Hence, I find the principle of scope in project management as very critical in my every activity (Kerzner, 2010). Moreover, since its intended objective measures the success of a project, I find planning compounded with scope to be entirely relevant to my profession as a client manager. The principle of decision-making is another principle that holds great relevance to my job (Wysocki, 2011). Just like in project management, complex issues are handled. Hence, excellent decision-making skills are needed for one not to hurt the success of the entire project. It is because; the decision made in both cases can significantly affect the outcome of a venture (Powell &Buede, 2009).

On the other hand, since I directly interact with clients and colleagues, I am responsible for upholding the credibility of my team. Such scenario applies in project management too. It is imperative to state that any negative perception a client may hold regarding my team and the manner we undertake a project may negatively damage everyones credibility. The effects may result in a reduced morale, less trust and eventually low quality of the delivered service. Therefore, the principle of communication in project management is relevant to my profession. Good communication skills are the only way of creating a better relationship between the operation team, the entire stakeholders and me (Skrabak, 2016). It also brings about a good leadership skill that can steer an operation to its successful end. More importantly, it helps in time of crisis. Hence, the systematic strategies of project management, its principles of triple constraint, decision-making, communication skills and leadership are very relevant to my profession as a client manager. Just like in project management, as a client manager, I supervise an operation team and handle complex issues that require excellent decision-making skills. I also act as a link between stakeholders.

In conclusion, the principle of decision-making skills has broadened my knowledge regarding project management. On the other hand, I am focusing on schedule and scope since I believe that they are the bedrock for a successful project. I also believe that by placing more considerations on decision-making skills, I will be able to contain or solve the unavoidable conflicts in project management. However, it is tough to balance the triple constraint in this discipline. Interestingly, I find that all principles of project management are relevant to my position as a client manager.


Kerzner, H. R. (2010). Project Management-Best Practices: Achieving Global Excellence (Vol. 14). John Wiley & Sons.

Meredith, J. R., & Mantel Jr, S. J. (2011). Project management: a managerial approach. John Wiley & Sons.

Powell, R. A., &Buede, D. M. (2009). The project manager's guide to making successful

decisions. Vienna, VA: Management Concepts.

Skrabak, J. L. (2016). Project - Voices on Project Management. Retrieved from

Walker, D., & Garrett, D. (2016). Inside the Project Management Institute. Strategic Integration of Social Media into Project Management Practice, 298.

Wysocki, R. K. (2011). Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme. John Wiley & Sons.

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