Essay Sample on Project Management Certifications

Published: 2023-11-03
Essay Sample on Project Management Certifications
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management Professional development
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 456 words
4 min read

Which project management certification or credential would you like to earn? Share the eligibility requirements and explain how you currently meet, or plan to meet those requirements - be specific.

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As a project manager, I would like to earn a certification in Project Management Professional (PMP). I have a master's in project management; thus, my eligibility requirements are a minimum of 24 months of total experience in professional project management (Project Management Academy, 2020). I am also required to have 35 hours of contact with formal project management approved by PMA's 4-day PMP training course (Project Management Academy, 2020).

To meet the experience required, I will volunteer as a project coordinator. The volunteering will add to the experience period required for PMP certification. I will also work towards creating strong networks by attending conferences, where I might even get some advice and job (Pinto, 2013). I will consider working in consulting and software vendor firms as they are popular for project management. PMI expects details about the project work, including the roles played and a summary of the experience. Therefore, I will keep a record of my work. I will also seek assistance and estimate the commitment required to complete the certification (Harpham, 2017).

How do you foresee the certification impacting your success in the future? How does it align with your career path or role?

It is my hope that the PMP certification will enhance my career growth. The certification is universally recognized, and I hope it will open opportunities for me in various industries in different states. Companies also recognize that certified managers complete projects on time. Thus, the PMP certification can help companies to have confidence in my competencies. I also expect the certification to build my knowledge in project management techniques and processes (Griffiths, 2017).

The certification aligns with my career as it will help me gain more knowledge that will help me progress from one level to another. It will also help me to gain diverse skills in project management (Griffiths, 2017). Being a project manager exposes one to various roles that range from database administration to managing main projects for companies.

Please share links to credentialing websites or studying resources you’d like to share with your colleagues, citing all sources in APA format.

Pinto, J. K. (2013). Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage (No. s 57). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Project Management Academy. (2020). 2020 PMP Certification Requirements. The Project Management Academy.

Griffiths, M. (2017, March 16). Tapping the Base of the Triangle for Hidden PDUs. Project

Harpham, B. (2017, July 17). How to Grow Your Career with Certifications. Project

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