Personal Statement - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-09
Personal Statement - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Scholarship Application letter
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 943 words
8 min read


I see a purposeful and versatile vocation in medicine, yet what I love most is its fusion of scientific core with a philanthropic heart. The work experience at – was one of the most exciting however debilitating encounters of my life. Despite the fact that it was both genuinely and truly requesting, it installed a persistent desire to study and practice medicine in me. My inspirations came from specialists' altruistic concerns who offered supererogatory reduced rate evening appointments for those in financial difficulty. I have volunteered in various hospitals where I worked as a clinical officer, fed patients, and kept them company.

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Reality of Medicine

Interacting with the terminally ill and infirm patients has shown me the reality of medicine. I feel that doctors hold a great privilege in supporting the sick and their families at difficult times. Through the placements, I have been able to empathize with patients and speak with doctors, developing an understanding of the importance of the multidisciplinary team's holistic care. Doctors patients when teaching trainees stressed doctors' vital role as same as the teachers.

I have also been involved in helping comforting children in a dedicated immunization clinic, which impressed upon me the doctor's role to care for the whole community, not just the individuals. I have been involved in doing motivation talking in the former school to encourage the students to study hard and work smart to achieve their educational goals and dreams.

I am as of now seeking after a four-year college education in medicine at the University of-. I have worked for several hospitals as a volunteer. I fed patients and observed them. In case they needed any assistance in doing anything or getting anything. I also comforted children when they were in pain or stressed about the procedures in hospitals and injections. My current employment status is unemployed as I only do part-time jobs that are not always available. Outside my academic life, I am interested in music and soccer, which help me relax. I can balance my soccer training and other school roles, thus allowing me to develop my prioritization skills. Through my work experience, I have realized that medicine can be a challenging job, demanding sacrifices especially in terms of time. Nevertheless, given an opportunity, I know I have the motivation and the capacity to succeed in this rewarding, intellectually fulfilling vocation.

Patients' Needs Without Discrimination

After graduation, I plan to seek a job at a great hospital where I will attend to patients' needs without discrimination. Saving lives, Caring, reducing pain, and taking good care of patients has always been my dream since I was a child. After graduation, that is the first thing I ensure I do. I will also volunteer in charity work to offer my skills and expertse to the marginalized and those who do not have the finances to seek a good health care plan. I generally want to give back to the community, for it has also played a bigger part in getting my education to the point I am currently at. I will attend fundraising ceremonies to help the needy students to continue with their education without any difficulties.

Getting the scholarship will be a dream come true. I always pursue a medical career at your University as it is well renowned for producing the best doctors across the globe. Studying at the University will increase my knowledge of medicine, thus making me be one of the best doctors. It will give me an added advantage in the medical field, which will help me get an excellent job at the best healthcare facilities. Becoming a great doctor at a good hospital will help me achieve my dream, thus help people.

I finance my current education by doing part-time jobs at the various place after school. The money I earn from the jobs is saved then I use it to pay school fees partly. My education is also financed by my guardians, who contribute to my school fees to add to what I have earned. I also borrow for finances to support my education from sponsors and well-wishers. The school has also played an essential part in paying my school fee by offering bursaries and scholarships to pay part of its finances.

The difficulties I face in financing my education are that sometimes the school fee is too high, which makes me fail to afford, thus depending on waivers and sponsors to help me pay. Also, sometimes part-time are not available as most employers prefer to employ full-time workers who are not still in school. My guardians are occasionally unable to pay the required finances, thus making life hard as I have to work extra harder to manage to complete pay the full amount needed before the deadline is reached. sometimes, I do not have money to buy the required course materials, which make me struggle to understand the course and remaining behind as my classmates proceed with their education.


Getting the scholarship award would support my graduation by making me work even extra harder to meet the required GPA for one graduation. The scholarship will also help me concentrate in schools as I will not have to look for part-time jobs; thus, all my energy and education will be channeled towards studying, thus make good progress to graduation by attaining the best grades. The scholarship award will also be of importance to supporting my progress to graduation by motivating me. Getting the award will help me realize my dream of studying in the best University; hence I will be even more motivated to pursue my other ambitions and career, thus working even harder.

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Personal Statement - Essay Sample. (2024, Jan 09). Retrieved from

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