Person-centered Therapy - Free Essay in Psychology

Published: 2017-11-13
Person-centered Therapy - Free Essay in Psychology
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Personality Counseling
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1012 words
9 min read

Person-centered therapy definition

It is also known as person-centered counseling, and it is an approach that deals with the ways in which an individual take themselves rather than how a therapist can interpret their unconscious imaginations. The method was created in the 1950s by one of a psychologist known as Carl Rogers; the person-centered approach mainly considers people as individuals with innate passion when it comes to attaining their life goal (Corey, 2012). However, these individual tend to face challenges, and their ability to reach these aims may be affected by the different experiences that they face in life. Thus, the counselor tries to understand the experience of an individual from the personal point of view (Cornelius-White, Motschnig-Pitrik, & Lux, 2013). The most important thing is that the therapist must develop a close relationship with the client and must pose him/her as an important person in the society. In this way, the client can share their feelings without fear or judgment as the therapist should not challenge the way that the customer communicate.

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The reason why I have chosen to discuss the personally centered approach is that I believe it can be used to treat the client in my case study. The client is 24 years and an immigrant from Guatemala who was working as a loan officer before she lost her job. She is devastated, stressed and losing weight because of what she is undergoing. She is shaken, scared and torn apart but the most important thing is that she was willing to take part in the eight sessions that were authorized for her treatment and this is the reason we need an appropriate approach (McMillan, 2004). The personally centered approach is the best since it aims at facilitating the client`s actualizing tendency, personal growth and also the relationships of an individual giving them the chance to utilize their personal identity. The facts that client seems to have lost hope and renders these; of as useless, the above element of the theory will work for her. The reason I chose this approach is that of the conditions that the therapist must apply to when dealing with a client. For instance, the therapist must develop a positive value to the client, there must be contact between the client and therapist, and the client should be aware of her feelings (Thorne, 1990). The situation that client is in at the moment is devastating, and the best she needs is someone who will encourage her and uplifts her spirit. The fact that this theory allows her to have a close relationship with the therapist is the best thing since in the process she will be able to open up her thoughts and share what is happening.

Person-centered therapy goals

The primary goal of this therapy is to facilitate personal growth and allow them to explore as well as use their strengths by providing support. It will be used to help Client gain her strength, identify her personality so that she can be able to overcome the depression. The strategy that can be used to attain these goals is to focus on the needs of the patient and also involve Client in evaluating the situation and making decisions. The fact that the therapist will use her point of view, it will be easy to lay the best way to help her overcome depression.

The theory is designed for a short-term counseling, but the results are expected to be long term. The reason why the theory is short term is that this involves the participation of the client implying the therapist can quickly assess the situation and make a conclusion in what is expected at the end of the sessions with Client.

Person-centered therapy techniques

The primary role of the counselor to Client is to listen to her point of view, and then try to think of her so that they can be able to reach a lasting solution. For instance, the therapist will ask Client what she thinks it is right or wrong, then use the reply he will be able to clientlyze the points and they will both come up with the solution.

The theory is appropriate for all population, given the fact that the client is allowed to play the leading role during therapy. When it comes to addressing the social and cultural needs of a client, this theory is the best because it gives the client a chance to give views on her/his social and cultural line, and this is what the therapist will use to reach a solution. In addition, the client is allowed to define their goals basing on their cultural and social needs of the society.

The case has tried to explain a lot about the life of Client. However, some additional information about her life experiences will be helpful to capture the interest of the therapist so that he can understand the best approach that should be used to deal with her professionally. The personal-centered approach is best to deal with Client`s problem. However, the problem will only occur if she is not willing to open up and share her problems. This is where it may be difficult to help her.


Corey, G. (2012). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. New York: Cengage Learning.

Cornelius-White, J. H., Motschnig-Pitrik, R., & Lux, M. (2013). Interdisciplinary Handbook of the Person-Centered Approach: Research and Theory. New York: Springer Science & Business Media.

McMillan, M. (2004). The Person-Centred Approach to Therapeutic Change. Newyork: SAGE.

Thorne, B. (1990). Person Centred Therapy. Psychology Journal , 1-13.

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