Paper on Creating a Smoke-Free Community: Developing a Logic Model for a Tobacco-Free Coalition

Published: 2023-11-06
Paper on Creating a Smoke-Free Community: Developing a Logic Model for a Tobacco-Free Coalition
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Environment Community
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 823 words
7 min read

A logic model is a tool to assist in creating a detailed management plan and framework to address a public health issue. A logic model is the first step in evaluation. It assists researchers to determine the effectiveness of the process and outcome measures defined.

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There are about 60% of the community restaurants that are not smoke-free. You have been asked to draft a logic model for a tobacco-free coalition in a small community to target smoking in restaurants.


Design a logic model to address the above public health issue utilizing the following components of the model:

Cigarette smoking has been a serious public health issue for many years worldwide. Many countries have tried to create a smoke-free environment in vain because of the consumers' reluctance not too quit smoking Giang et al., 2020). In this section, five components will be used in the designing of a logic model by listing and describing the examples of each component. The five components to be used include inputs, outputs, outcomes, assumptions, and external factors.

Inputs: In a logic model, inputs are all resources that are used to carry out all the activities of the program. They include organizational, financial, human, and community resources (Coll et al., 2019). In the above case of creating a smoking-free logic model, the inputs that will be required to carry out the program’s activities include cigarette consumers, funding, and employees of the shops and hotels.

Outputs: Outputs are direct results of the program’s processes and activities. They usually include levels, targets, and types of services that the program intends to deliver (Coll et al., 2019). The outputs of the smoke-free logic model will show the difference between a non-smoker and a smoker by passing information to different people in the area. A person who has been smoking has fewer characteristics to admire than a person who has not been smoking and therefore, consumers will make their decision to stop the habit of smoking. Another output is to plan processes and events that would promote smoke-free restaurants and lifestyles in the area by ensuring that all restaurants promote a smoke-free environment.

Outcomes: Outcomes are the backbone of any logic model program. They can be classified into short-term and long-term outcomes. They usually show the constructive effects of the program on the targeted population or environment in general (Coll et al., 2019). In the above case of smoking, there will be the creation of awareness on why leading a smoking-free life will enhance one's ability to think and save other parts of the body like the lungs. This will be facilitated by the creation of more smoke-free restaurants in the area, which in a way will be campaigning against smoking.

Assumptions: For any logic model program to succeed, there must be conditions, and these conditions are the ones referred to as the program's assumptions (Coll et al., 2019). The assumption for a smoking-free environment is that those restaurants that allow smoking will lose customers once people see the negative impacts of smoking. As a result, the restaurants will lose money, and hence their profitability will also be affected.

External Factors: External factors are variables that the manager cannot change but have an effect on the program. The management of the restaurants will look at different options available and make a change by promoting a smoking-free program or continuing to allow smoking.

Explain why you feel each is an important component in your model.

Every component discussed above assists in the study of the behaviors of the consumers and how the application of the program will improve the lives of consumers, employees, and the restaurant’s business as a whole.

Describe how each component will contribute to the evaluation of the effectiveness of your program.

This program has been created to improve the experience of the consumers, and therefore they are the most important beneficiaries of the whole process. The restaurants' employees are also important to the program as they are the ones who will be implementing the smoking-free environment if a restaurant decides not to allow smoking within their premises. The financing was also important as it helped in the creation of a smoking-free environment. During the creation of awareness, funding will be key to facilitating all program's activities. The outcome of the reduced smoking among consumers and the change of the policies by the restaurants will be the desired change.


Coll, K. M., Sawyer, S., Scholl, S., & Hauser, N. (2019). A logic model development for an adolescent-based intervention to improve benefits from Therapeutic Residential Care (TRC). Evaluation and program planning, 76, 101678.

Giang, K. B., Diep, P. B., Van Minh, H., Huong, N. T. D., Lam, N. T., Nga, P. Q. & Park, K. (2020). Improvement in Compliance With Smoke-Free Environment Regulations at Hotels and Restaurants in Vietnam after an Administrative Intervention. Environmental Health Insights, 14, 1178630220939927.

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Paper on Creating a Smoke-Free Community: Developing a Logic Model for a Tobacco-Free Coalition. (2023, Nov 06). Retrieved from

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