Paper Example on Homeostasis

Published: 2024-01-04
Paper Example on Homeostasis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare Human
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 593 words
5 min read


Homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain stable internal environment through regulation of hormones and balancing the body water. That requires the body to be in a continuous monitor of the internal conditions. Ranging from the body temperature, pressure as well as the level of nutrients in the body. All those physiological conditions have particular set points or value that are considered normal range. For instance, if it is body temperatures, the normal range is at 37 degrees Celsius. These parameters of body physiology are on continuous varying along the normal ranges either above or below the set range (Marieb & Keller, 2018). The control system in the brain has a key role in regulation of physiological parameters as it keep them within the normal range. Any deviations detected by the brain in the body get restored through homeostasis via a process of feedback loop. There are four parts of the circulatory system that help in homeostasis including the heart, blood vessels, blood and the lymphatic system.

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Circulation of Blood

The heart pumps blood and is made of cardiac cells. It aids the circulation of blood and lymph throughout the body. The arteries carry blood that is oxygen rich and other nutrients to the tissues while veins transport waste products from the body parts to the lungs where they are eliminated. The heart rate is controlled by the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems (Patton et al, 2018). They are responsible for reactions to the internal and external environment that changes the heart rate thereby maintaining homeostasis. For instance, during gym exercises, the parasympathetic stimulation of the heart stops increasing the rate of heartbeat. That leads to more oxygen and nutrients being taken to the muscles. When the exercises are more strenuous, the sympathetic systems start sending signals to the heart raising the rate more. That is to increase the rate of transportation of the waste materials from the muscles and taken out of the body.

Blood Vessels

Blood vessels comprise of arteries, veins, and blood capillaries that maintain homeostasis through dilation and constriction. After detection of any increase in the core temperature, the blood vessels dilate allowing more blood pass through to release the excessive heat. The vessels then dilate when the temperatures are low. This is to restrict the flow of blood conserving heat (Peate, 2017). The blood vessels in addition contain baroreceptors in response to the stretching of the vessel walls that is as a result of blood passing. These receptors are responsible for passing signals to the cardiovascular center of the brain regulating the blood pressure.


The blood has different components including plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells as well as platelets. It has a homeostatic function of transporting nutrients and wastes, body defense against invasion and distribution of heat in the body for temperatures regulation. The blood cells are always protecting against invasion of pathogens and also responding to injured body tissues. Without the safeguards, the body would bleed to death and the person could succumb to the infection which could turn fatal. The lymphatic fluid on the other hand is the excess body fluid circulating through body tissues slowly. Part of the lymphatic system is responsible of the immunity of the body.


Marieb, E.N. & Keller, S.M. (2018) Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. 12 th edn. Harlow. Pearson

Patton, K.T., Thibodeau, G.A. & Hutton, A. (2018) Anatomy and Physiology. Adapted International Edition.1 st ed. Poland. Elsevier.

Peate, I. (2017) Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology. An essential guide for nursing and healthcare students. 3 rd edn. Singapore. Wiley-Blackwell.

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