Organizational Theories for Decision Making. Essay Example.

Published: 2019-09-16
Organizational Theories for Decision Making. Essay Example.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Education School
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 900 words
8 min read

Organizational analysis and problem solving within the school environment are significant to the school administrators in that it assists them to effectively deliver their services and improve the school performance. It assists the administrators to design and deliver an evidence-based instruction and academic system that will successful address the specific needs of the students and also improve the rate of learning in the school system. Through the problem-solving techniques, the administrators are in a position to monitor the learning process of the students through all the grades and advise the students accordingly (Ingram, 2004). The students, in turn, will be in a position to graduate from high school with an extended and functional skills that assist them throughout their lives. Furthermore, the organizational analysis and problem solving will enable the administrators to create a functional assessment that monitor the approaches to the curriculum based techniques used in schools. Additionally, the school administrators can also use the organizational analysis and problem-solving to evaluate the impact of instructional system and guide the strategic interventions, guide the successful development of the students.

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The structure theory of organization is important to school administrators as far as decision-making process is concerned. The organizational theory can help in planning for organizational success. The theory is significant in that it influences how the school organization allocates resources within the school departments (Negandhi, 2003). Leadership in schools organization is significant because it ensures that the administrators allocate both the financial and material resources to all the school departments which in turn improve the success of such organizations. Furthermore, the organizational theory also enables the school administrators interact with the school environment and call for the efforts of other people from the environment to effectively run the school. Additionally, the organizational theory also allows the administrators to apply dynamic leadership for the strategic achievement of school organizational goals and objectives.

Systems theory is a theory that is based upon the analytic division of the systems and the natural world. It uses the foundational, the philosophical and sociological aspects of leadership. Systems theory is important to school administrators and teachers regarding the quality improvement. Teachers and administrators can apply the systems theory to respond effectively to environmental changes. The school system is a complexity of social human being that have varied ideas. The administrators can thus apply the systems theory to achieve greater social relationship among all the stakeholders in the school. Through the application of the systems theory aspects, the administrators, and the teachers will have relate well and thus have a good working environment (Ingram, 2004). The management and teachers will comprehensively work to improve the general success of the company. Furthermore, the administrators and the teachers will understand the past mistakes of the previous school administrators and teachers and eventually rectify such mistakes for successful improvement of the school administrators. What is more, the principles of the systems theory will assist the teachers and administrators to creatively and critically solve pertinent issues in the school system. Systems theory has also been seen by the public school administrators as a source of stability and pattern of school maintenance. Public administrators have been overwhelmingly leading their institutions to change the society and the whole school system.

Organizational culture is also significant in the school setting as it is the explicit holistic success of the school system. The school administrators should understand the school and societal culture to ensure that they work as a team to improve the whole system. Furthermore, when the school administrators understand the culture of those who are living around the school system, they will be able to come up with appropriate strategies for making important decisions. The cultural knowledge will enable the school administrators to deliver huge returns for the whole school organization and critically handle the organizational structure (Negandhi, 2003). The principles of cultural theory to solve the shared problems and therefore teach school members on how to correct the organization and be in good relationship with all the school stakeholders. The apparent behavior of school stakeholders, members, and the employees can also be shaped through the principles of the cultural theory. The administrators can also understand the beliefs and values of the whole school system which in turn ensures quality improvement.

Political theory in an organization has also been proved to be significant in quality improvement. The principles of political theory are important because they can be used to describe, explain and evaluate the political institutions and events. Through the political principles, the school administrators can understand the political culture of the schools surroundings. Political aspects of the school systems and the surrounding are significant when making the decisions regarding the overall running of the school (Shapira, 2007). Thus, when administrators employ the principles of political theory, they will be in a position to successfully win the minds of all the school stakeholders. Politics play an important role in the effective running of the organization as decision-making process is based on the politics of the surrounding and within the organization. Therefore, for the success of the school system, the administrators and teachers should understand political positions of the teachers, the stakeholders and the society in general.


Ingram, T. N. (2004). School management: Analysis and decision making. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western.

Negandhi, A. R. (2003). Modern organizational theory: Contextual, environmental, and socio-cultural variables. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press.

Shapira, Z. (2007). Organizational decision making. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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