Nursing Essay Example: Watson Theory of Caring for the Elderly

Published: 2022-03-31
Nursing Essay Example: Watson Theory of Caring for the Elderly
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing care
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 877 words
8 min read

Client Narrative

I am 72 years old female alert and oriented but with some mild memory loss. I was diagnosed with diabetes. I speak French, and my son acts as the interpreter. My son is highly involved, whereby he does the shopping, errands, take me to MD and does RX pickups. My vision is blurry whereas my hearing and speech are within reasonable limits. I do not have any assistive devices nor any recent fall. I have a weak ankle that gives me a chronic burning pain. My family provides me with enough food. I can sponge myself, but am requesting assistance with shower and shampoo twice per week. I am continent of my bowel and bladder, and my diet is diabetic, therefore, low cholesterol.

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Nurse Response and Interaction Analysis

An analysis of the client's case (Mrs. Simp's) indicates that she is significantly well physically, apart from the painful ankle that limits her movement. The mild memory loss requires she be reminded to take medicine as she can self-administer the drugs. The immobility is likely to affect her sleeping during the night. Staying in one area might cause her to nap regularly. The client is need of some personal care, household chores as well as laundry. Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAPA) is required for this patient. The nurse-patient relationship is critical in establishing trust, respect, showing genuine interest as well as empathy (Penda, 2017, Feo, 2017). The narrative provides a bonding environment whereby both the nurse and client communicate with each other (Winneby, 2014). The patient can describe her situation, as the nurse listens and make notes towards the appropriate care (Walji-Jivraj, & Schwind, 2017, Sexton, 2009). The narratives intersect at the point of in depth understanding by the nurse on the patient's condition and therefore administering the best therapy.

Nursing theory: Watson Theory of Caring for the Elderly

The activity-inactivity perspective in caring for the elderly is significantly featured in Watson's theory. Individual's ability to interact with their surrounding as well as monitor and control their internal and external environment is affected by the activity-inactivity phenomenon (Soundy, et al., 2013). Though Mrs. Sipos case is not full ambulation, the little assistance given to her must be dignifying, enabling and encouraging. The activity inactivity is linked to satisfaction deficiencies experienced by the client. Restricted activity due to ambulation, memory loss, blurred vision or bowel and bladder incontinent creates dependency (Soundy, et al 2014). The first step is to assist the client to accomplish necessary actions by herself, for example, sponging and self-administration of medicine. There is somewhat a conflict between caregivers and patients understanding of critical problems. Elderly patient considers mood, function and social participation as their most significant challenges, on the other hand, physicians or caregivers prioritize on cognition, immunization as well as medication (Voigt, 2010, Junius-Walker, 2011, Lesho, 2009).

Being determined to assist my client Mrs. Simp's I intend to adopt the activity-inactivity perspective while dealing with her partial ambulation, memory loss as well as blurred vision. I will enable her deal with the necessary daily life activities by her own, only helping in the difficult ones. I will adopt a well-organized priority and care plan. Coupled with the CDPAP, I believe client-centered care is appropriate. The critical thing is endeavoring to establish a balance between her priorities and those of the attention. The trust, respect, and empathy created by the interaction of the narratives help in creating a friendly environment. Cognition, immunization, and medication are essential. Nonetheless, her needs, concerning social participation, moods and necessary daily activities are essential.


Feo, R., Rasmussen, P., Wiechula, R., Conroy, T., & Kitson, A. (2017). Developing effective and caring nurse-patient relationships. Nursing Standard (2014+), 31(28), 54.

Junius-Walker, U., Stolberg, D., Steinke, P., Theile, G., Hummers-Pradier, E., & Dierks, M. L. (2011). Health and treatment priorities of older patients and their general practitioners: a cross-sectional study. Quality in primary care, 19(2).

Lesho, E., Foster, L., Wang, Z., Sarmiento, D., Dennison, S., Vahey, M. T., ... & Smalls, C. (2009). The accuracy of physicians' perceptions of patients' suffering: findings from two teaching hospitals. Academic Medicine, 84(5), 636-642.

Penda, C. (2017). Establishing therapeutic nurse-client relationship with mentally ill patients in a community.

Sexton, J. D., Pennebaker, J. W., Holzmueller, C. G., Wu, A. W., Berenholtz, S. M., Swoboda, S. M., ... & Sexton, J. B. (2009). Care for the caregiver: benefits of expressive writing for nurses in the United States. Progress in Palliative Care, 17(6), 307-312.

Soundy, A., Stubbs, B., Probst, M., Hemmings, L., & Vancampfort, D. (2014). Barriers to and facilitators of physical activity among persons with schizophrenia: a survey of physical therapists. Psychiatric Services, 65(5), 693-696.

Soundy, A., Wampers, M., Probst, M., De Hert, M., Stubbs, B., Vancampfort, D., ... & Strohle, A. (2013). Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in outpatients with schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 20(12), 588-595.

Voigt, I., Wrede, J., Diederichs-Egidi, H., Dierks, M. L., & Junius-Walker, U. (2010). Priority setting in general practice: health priorities of older patients differ from treatment priorities of their physicians. Croatian medical journal, 51(6), 483-492.

Walji-Jivraj, N., & Schwind, J. K. (2017). Nurses' experience of creating an artistic instrument as a form of professional development: an arts-informed narrative inquiry. International Practice Development Journal, 7(1).

Winneby, E., Flensner, G., & Rudolfsson, G. (2014). Feeling rejected or invited: Experiences of persons seeking care advice at the Swedish Healthcare Direct organization. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 11(2), 87-93.

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