Navigating Organizational Perspectives and Technological Challenges - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-16
Navigating Organizational Perspectives and Technological Challenges - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Technology Organizational culture
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1280 words
11 min read


Globalization should not be seen as simply increasing the availability of foreign-made consumer goods and disrupting traditional producers. It also increases international trade for cultural products. This implies that the expansion of trade in cultural products tends to increase the exposure of all societies to foreign cultures. Additionally, it is evident that globalization leads to a weakened culture implying that individualism is a global trend. Also, globalization tends to tear cultures, thereby causing an increase in cultural conflict. This implies that the different cultures have to respond to the cultural changes that are brought about by the divisions of globalization. While a significant fraction of the population across the globe is affected, the world becomes divided. For example, the community that does not have internet access is provided with increased technology and education, thereby necessitating a change in the cultural approaches.

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Differences between Scientific Knowledge and Popular Beliefs

Scientific knowledge has been an essential part of the study that explains different phenomena in the world. However, there are numerous beliefs that people have that cannot be proved scientifically. For example, it is essential to point out that scientific knowledge comes from systematic observation of psychological phenomena. On the contrary, popular beliefs derive from assumptions humans make about psychological phenomena. While scientific knowledge can be measured, popular beliefs cannot and entail things like horoscopes and superstitions that could be true regarding their occurrences but cannot be proved.

Differences between Legal Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge

Scientific knowledge differs from the legal experience that is used in the judicial system. It should be noted that legal knowledge is summarized in the law and is detailed within the official rules that are related to the psychological functioning of humans. This means that knowledge does not change until new laws are made based on psychological phenomena. On the other hand, scientific knowledge is derived from various observations and research. This means that the knowledge keeps changing as new data and theories are derived. Legal knowledge is mainly created on the basis of the barriers of mental capacity. It should be noted that the laws are created with the aim of determining different human behaviors like the right to marriage, the age for adulthood, and various other decisions like competency for trial and decisions about life and death.

My Reaction to Chapter 4 material. Perceptions about Trances or Visual Illusions

Chapter 4 material discusses the issue of cultural psychology and how human perceptions of various things are influenced. While going through chapter 4 material, I was surprised by the fact that culture creates differences regarding human perceptions in different societies. For example, people tend to be influenced by their interpretation of visual illusions. People who come from poor communities can hardly acquire and access basic needs like food and good schooling, such people differ regarding their perception of the depth cues. I also noted that the material influences one's belief and perception regarding visual illusions or trances. This could be the visionary trance or the possession trance. One's experience or perception of a particular trance is impacted by the cultural beliefs of the di. For example, a lot of individual trances from religious perspectives and other visual illusions were impacted significantly.

Difference between Visionary and Possession Trances

A trance can be a visionary or a possession, depending on how it affects a particular individual. The main difference between a visionary and a possession trance is the fact that a visionary trance makes an individual experience hallucination. On the contrary, when a person experiences a possession trance, he or she tends to indicate that the body is influenced and carried away by spirits that control the person. This means that a possession trance tends to make a person feel vulnerable and that they do not have control over their body. The possession becomes a cultural interpretation regarding the individual state or behavior when an alien is in the presence and conceived to control the person (Shiraev & Levy, 2017). However, visionary trance is a psychological state that makes people be less aware of physical surroundings but has reactionary beliefs about nature.

Demographic Groups are most Susceptible to Visual Illusions

Optical illusions can reveal the unique vulnerabilities regarding human visual perceptions as well as the populations that are most susceptible to perpetual tricks. The people who are more likely to experience visual illusions are the groups of people who live in urbanized areas. Such areas have more buildings, and dwellers tend to experience more architecture regularly. The people who live in urban areas tend to be trained to view things in 3D, which means that people in different cultures may just see the illusion as it is. Studies have also shown that people living in rural areas tend to be more susceptible to the perspective illusion. However, people in urban areas are more susceptible to visual illusions due to the congestion of urban areas.

Main Psychological (cognitive) Symptom of Visionary Trance

The main cognitive or psychological trait of a visionary trance is hallucination. This feeling could either be positive or negative. It should be noted that visionary traces are more common in men compared to women in more impoverished societies. Studies have shown that each person who undergoes a visionary trance has a unique way of interpreting its implications and the feelings that it creates. Such emotions are experienced by a person depending on the cultural viewpoint of that individual. Such types of trances have been noted to influence and affect the mood, behavior, and beliefs of a person. Most ritualistic trances are supposed to be purifying and provide some sort of clarity for the individual. In this regard, it is evident that a visionary trance tends to impact the emotions and feelings of people majorly.

Why Chinese Students Evaluate "Acceptance to College" as a more Stressful event than American Students

Studies have demonstrated that Chinese students view acceptance to college as a more stressful event compared to Americans since the acceptance process is quite different between the two cultures. It should be noted that the Chinese system of higher education tends to base its students on admission based on highly competitive written oral exams. The students who are not accepted are required to wait for another year to reapply. This tends to be a very stressful exercise, which is different in the United States. In the US, students who are not accepted to college or university can apply to another college. This means that students in America have the ability to apply to different colleges, making the process easier and less stressful compared to Chinese practices.

Both Men and Women identify Angry Expressions (compared to other Emotional Expressions) Most Quickly

Recognition in faces is a form of social communication that is phylogenetically old. Both men and women share the brain mechanisms of facial recognition (Shiraev & Levy, 2017). The face of an individual carries essential details regarding the biology and the sociology of the individual, such as species, identity, age, gender, and emotional state. While both genders can easily detect different emotions on the faces of other people, angry expressions tend to be observed more quickly compared to other expressions. The facial expression of anger has been considered to be an evolutionary relevant signal of the social threats that should automatically activate the module of fear elicitation. This explains why angry faces are detected more quickly than positive faces.

Key Weaknesses of Psychoanalysis from the Standpoint of Cross-Cultural Psychology

Psychoanalysis is a psychological theory that offers an in-depth perspective regarding the analysis of psychopathology. This analysis tends to focus on development considerations in cultural psychology. However, studies have shown psychoanalysis serves more to confuse than to clarify concepts in cross-cultural psychology.

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Navigating Organizational Perspectives and Technological Challenges - Free Paper Sample. (2023, Nov 16). Retrieved from

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