My Personal Statement in Anticipation of Being a Doctor, Application Essay Example

Published: 2022-03-15
My Personal Statement in Anticipation of Being a Doctor, Application Essay Example
Type of paper:  Personal statement
Categories:  Application letter
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 788 words
7 min read

They say God gives life and doctors perverse it. It is this grandeur calling to serve as a steward of human life that sparked the desire in me to become a doctor. I have always dreamt of being a doctor ever since I was in junior high school. I used to admire the way doctors coordinated tasks amongst nurses whenever my parents used to take me to the hospital for treatment and medical checkups. This dream became serious and not just a wish when I selected Biology and Chemistry minor as my course at Holy Family University. It is against this backdrop that I aspire to pursue medicine at Cornell University with a further aim of advancing my Ph.D. studies in Neuroscience at the same university.

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The highly qualified faculty members at Cornell University and the rich post-baccalaureate professional experience are the key features that attracted me to your institution. Your Post Baccalaureate certificate program in health studies is another feature that piques my interests as a doctor in the making. I also wish to benefit from your rigorous Ivy League academic environment that is equipped with world-class facilities. My journey as a medical student will be better enhanced and transformed while learning together with other motivated students undergoing similar training.

As a bachelor's degree holder in biology with a minor in chemistry from Holy Family University, I believe I have the minimum necessary combination of knowledge and set skills that will aid my training in becoming a versatile doctor. My work experience as a pharmacy technician at Rite Aid Pharmacy and internship at Holy Family University's Research Lab perfects my suitability to be enrolled in your post-baccalaureate graduate program.

While at Holy Family Universiy, I was impressed by Dr. Stanley Mauldin majorly who is an associate professor at Holy Family University. I admire his hard work ethic and achievements. His project titled "Computational Analysis of Structure and Biological function of Translesion DNA Polymerase Zeta from Dictyostelium" which earned him the Ray Taylor Memorial Award for faculty development in 2012. I mostly enjoyed Research Internship, Microbiology, and Cell Immunology classes because they demystify a lot of misconceptions students have in the study of Biology.

I enjoy taking part in extra curriculum activities, and the Pre-Med club was my favorite club. I was an active participant, and I enjoyed the benefits of professional guidance and support that was offered to aspiring physicians. I was furnished with necessary tools that assisted me while engaging in community service, research work, and clinical volunteering. The Pre-Med Club also equipped me with sufficient skills required in undertaking Medical College Aptitude Tests.

Volunteering is a noble activity that I love, and I deliberately chose to volunteer at Einstein Centre One where I did clinical and in-patient rounds so that I could interact directly with the daily demands that doctors experience on a daily basis. I shadowed Dr. Meagan Skahan during this time, and it gave me exposure that furthers my career objective of becoming a doctor. After my brief stint at Einstein, I also volunteered at Cheltenham Nursing home where I was tasked with the duty of ensuring the safety of residents and assisting nurses with a patient load in the Dementia Unit. Aside from volunteering in healthcare establishments, I have been mentoring children in orphanages who aspire to become doctors in future. Disadvantaged children require motivation especially when they are dismayed by their misfortunes.

I have encountered a heartbreaking experience in my life while pursuing my undergraduate that caused a drop in my GPA. My younger brother was diagnosed with cancer that greatly affected his umbilical cord. The diagnosis was made during my undergraduate studies, and it almost made my parents sink into depression. Though I was emotionally distraught, it was during these trying moments that I had to imbue courage and strength to provide emotional support to my frustrated parents. I had to be physically and emotionally present in my parents' lives throughout the six years my brother battled with cancer. The strong support system that we share with my family made me become emotionally strong and able to pursue my studies without being affected by my brother's ailing condition. I was able to improve my GPA, and this is the major reason why I believe I can handle any challenges that may befall my way as I pursue my masters at your esteemed institution.

Throughout my life, I have engaged myself in activities that have brought me closer to realizing my career objective of becoming an exemplary doctor. The professional experiences gained during my volunteer missions and internship as a pharmacy technician will blend well with the medical training from Cornell University to build a wholesome medical career ahead of me.

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My Personal Statement in Anticipation of Being a Doctor, Application Essay Example. (2022, Mar 15). Retrieved from

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