Movie Analysis Essay on Patriot: An 18th Century Fable of Ineptness

Published: 2023-06-29
Movie Analysis Essay on Patriot: An 18th Century Fable of Ineptness
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Movie
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 635 words
6 min read

Patriot is a film that dates back to the 18th century. It is a fable arguing on ineptness set against the backdrop of the war during the revolutionary era (Cattrysse, P. 2018). Vibrantly, it is such an entertaining film that everyone finds himself in actual imagery while its scenes are on the reveal. Those having an interest in viewing historical movies will find it very intriguing, while those who were born during summer action movies will find it too exciting (Cattrysse, P. 2018).

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The storyline in the patriotic film is based on a war between Americans who were backed up by the French soldiers and the British army men (Tholas-Disset, 2016). Benjamin Martin is the protagonist of the patriot movie, wherein he is said to be the hero of the Indian-French war. As a protagonist, Benjamin explains the difficulties that he had to pursue to achieve his aim of revenging all the intricacy that he faced as a soldier in fighting a more powerful nation (Tholas-Disset, 2016).

The intriguing patriot film meanders through the protagonist Benjamin, who at one time decides to return home for a peaceful life in his plantations, after the death of her wife. He intends to take care of his seven motherless children (Tholas-Disset, 2016). As an ex-soldier, he keeps on advising his children on the brutality of the war and warns them that they should not join the fight at all. However, all of a sudden, Benjamin's son, by the name Gabriel, decides to join the war in South Carolina while his father is unaware. Later, Gabriel returns back home wounded and being accompanied by the British army men (Tholas-Disset, 2016). Actions turned to worse when Benjamin's plantation was burnt down by the army burn down Benjamin's plantation farm, and take Gabriel hostage.

Even though Benjamin had sworn never to go to war again, he feels so provoked and decides to fight for his son back (Tholas-Disset, 2016). While on the war, Gabriel is killed by Tavington, the leader of the other side of the battle, a thing that hurts Benjamin, making him swear for his son's death revenge. Benjamin asks for a back up from France and in unison, they eventually gain tactics to fight back the British. Subsequently, Benjamin gets a chance to fight Tavington a one on one fight and manages to stab him to death. Finally, the French men overcome the battle against the then powerful Britain after the disappointment of the British army leader, General Cornwallis who decides to surrender (Tholas-Disset, 2016). Therefore, Benjamin returns home as a happy hero to rebuild the nation with his children, where the last scene of this film ends after Benjamin arrives at his home, being happy and prepared for a new freed future.


In conclusion, the war effects in the patriot movie have had a significant impact on the United States. Similarly, the war between Benjamin against the British soldiers is of great importance since Britain was compelling than the United States of America by then. The Americans were said to be inferior to Britain, for they lacked fighting tactics on war. However, Americans managed to win the war against Britain in this case because their militia was trained by French army men, making them more skillful. Therefore, the Americans` victory in the battle was a very significant achievement and a significant downfall for the British. The history of this film is evidential in the present United States of America situation, as it is the most powerful nation in the entire world.


Tholas-Disset, C. (2016). Unexpected Heroines in French and American Patriotic War Films. French Cinema and the Great War: Remembrance and Representation, 59.

Cattrysse, P. (2018). The Study of Historical Films as Adaptation: Some Critical Reflections. In True Event Adaptation (pp. 11-31). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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