Motherless Mothers, Motherless Daughters - Essay Sample in Psychology

Published: 2017-12-26
Motherless Mothers, Motherless Daughters - Essay Sample in Psychology
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Maternity Family
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1153 words
10 min read

Motherless mother & daughter research

Human beings, unlike other animals, possess and intuition and are firmly bonded to family in all the aspects of life. When a family loses its member(s), great bereave and mental disturbance befall the remaining kin. This requires human of expressing their grief and finding consolation by sharing a common problem of bereavement. The disturbances brought about by the death of a parent, especially the death of a mother, can cause trauma, loss of hope, mental disorders and can even lead to someone affected committing suicide, (Tyrka, Wier, Price, Ross, & Carpenter, 2008, p. 329-344). For these effects to be mitigated there must be a program in place to assist persons affected ease the pain of loss.

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My program aims at bringing bereaved women together to write about their experiences during the time of mourning and sharing each other’s story. Upon full implementation of the program, the affected women will be helped to overcome long life challenges associated with the invocation of the memories of their deceased mothers. The group needs to understand that death is a part of human life process that is as normal as other rites of passage and that everyone is bound to go to eternity, (Cynthia & Judith, 2016, p. 179). The program predominantly focuses on making women feel compassion for other members. This is quite instrumental when overcoming the challenges associated with grieve, stress, and the challenges transitioned to motherhood and parental difficulties.

The group will be required to journalize the transitions to motherhood, for them to be able to release painful emotions. First, Members will be required to draft in response to a prompt as another way to enable them to disclose more about their feelings, (Young, 2008). To communicate their inner sense of grief, the group members will narrate all they remember to the writer, and this will maintain expressing their distress, (Young, 2008, 359-367). All people in some day are bound to lose members of their families, and they will also die and be grieved by the survivors, and it is due to this reason that the program is implemented to help women deal will fundamental challenges associated with these deaths, (Young, 2008, p. 359-367). According to a study, women especially teenagers who are in transition to motherhood, are the most affected even beyond their early stages in the matrimony, (Cynthia & Judith, 2016). It is then for this reason that I have chosen to open up bereavement women group to give them more energy and motivation in fighting the effects of the loss of their mothers. The program is specifically for women because they are the ones who not only carry the responsibilities when their mothers pass away but they are also the ones who are most affected, (Marks, Jun, & Song, 2007, p. 1611-1638). Young adolescents are found to have complications in their later life stages and vulnerable to depression, unlike older women whose mothers die when they are already grownups. Men on the other hand, are less affected by the death of mothers therefore; I thought I should give priority to women.

Loosing a mother research objectives

The program aims at the following accomplishments:

1. To bring motherless mothers and motherless daughters together to make them available for one another for sharing common problems.

The bereaved persons find compassion when there is someone to tell the bitter side of the story stressing them, (Marks, Jun, & Song, 2007, p. 1611-1638). This person referred to as “Someone” helps in absorbing distress of the bereaved member and by so doing, the person mourning finds relief of suffering. Bringing together people who share the same problem is an assurance to one another that, since they share a problem they are always ready to assist one another, (Schultz, 2007, p. 17-43).

2. To enable the members to address problems associated with bereavement.

The program is predominantly journalizing and communicative. When members share experiences in writings, it brings a hidden reality to them that, they are not alone in the same predicament and that there are more others but who are still soldiering on to get over the distresses. This revelation gives them the energy to remain healthy and accept the fate of their loved ones, (Mireault, Thomas, & Bearor, 2002, p. 287-297).

3. To enable the young mothers and daughters deal with symptoms that manifest themselves in later stages of life.

Research shows that distress and other mental challenges manifest in later stages of life among women whose mothers passed on while they were young. Some victims could cry or even become nervous when they remember about their dead mothers. Sharing of the inner feelings helps the group members to reduce trauma since communication serves as a therapy to the reoccurrence of the bereavement effects, (Schultz, 2007, p. 17-43).

4. To instill a sense of self-competency as mothers to the young mothers affected by the loss of their mother.

This also serves to enable the bereaved women and daughters to rediscover their potentials and reinvent their worth and purposes in life. Some young women who lost their mothers in their early ages feel like they are disadvantaged going into motherhood and this state of mind to be addressed, the program will enable members to learn and share bereavement experiences with one another, (Cynthia & Judith, 2016, p. 179).

The group members will find the program very beneficial to them upon completion its completion. They will be in a position to go through mourning times with little distresses and will also help others navigate through the challenges associated with bereavement. The research says that when the bereaved communicate their distressful stories and share with one another’s experiences, they are likely to avoid deeply affected by the loss of their loved one. The program will be run on monthly sessions, and new members will be admitted immediately they lose their mothers, (Mireault, Thomas, & Bearor, 2002, p. 287-297).


Cynthia, P. & Judith, Z. (2016). Lifelong legacy of early maternal loss: A Women's Group. Clinical Social Work Journal, 25(2), 179.

Marks, N., Jun, H., & Song, J. (2007). Death of Parents and Adult Psychological and Physical Well-Being: A Prospective U.S. National Study. Journal Of Family Issues, 28(12), 1611-1638.

Mireault, G., Thomas, T., & Bearor, K. (2002). Maternal Identity Among Motherless Mothers and Psychological Symptoms in Their Firstborn Children. Journal Of Child And Family Studies, 11(3), 287-297.

Schultz, L. (2007). The Influence of Maternal Loss on Young Women's Experience of Identity Development in Emerging Adulthood. Death Studies, 31(1), 17-43.

Tyrka, A., Wier, L., Price, L., Ross, N., & Carpenter, L. (2008). Childhood Parental Loss and Adult Psychopathology: Effects of Loss Characteristics and Contextual Factors. The International Journal Of Psychiatry In Medicine, 38(3), 329-344.

Young, E. (2008). Figures of Grief: Metaphors from a Bereavement Writing Group. OMEGA - Journal Of Death And Dying, 56(4), 359-367.

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