Most Significant Impact - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-09
Most Significant Impact - Free Essay Sample
Essay type:  Persuasive essays
Categories:  United States Censorship Federalism Social issue
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 493 words
5 min read

The negative impact of federalism on free speech is the most significant. The right to free speech needs to be enjoyed by everyone regardless of their residence area. The state speech restrictions continue to be issued with much more leeway compared to the federal ones. Today, the right to free speech continues to stand out among some of the most battled rights. Those rights come after the United Conditions of America. Federalism's negative impact on free speech continues to affect the entire nation even though they have already been secured by the key correction within the Constitution of the United States.

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The federal government proves to the people that represent all sides of the constitution through its expansion of the state speech and limiting all restrictions that have already been implemented concerning similar privileges. Although federalism's negative impact on free speech tends to be more significant, both the local and state governments have also been issued control by the federal government to ensure that federalism positively influences society (Cornell, 2016). When the society gains more trust in the state and local governments, they eventually gain more structure from the citizens instead of such governments depending on the federal government to have full control over the state disputes.

Many people understand federalism as the most basic form that plays a significant role in the development of the multilevel government, which is issued with the responsibility of permitting the national and different state governments to carry on with their activities in a parallel fashion. A real-world example of a case that proves that the negative impact of federalism on free speech is more significant in the case of a 19-year-old department store worker who performed various activities to express his opposition to the Vietnam War.


In conclusion, the concept of the impact of federalism on free speech continues to broaden the scope of freedom to both the individual citizen and the general community. That means the end sought through the whole process of freedom can be for the interest of both the collective and all its constituents. All that is fundamental to the perception of freedom of speech is rationalism hence making it important to have a clear analysis of both positive and negative impacts of federalism on free speech and the most significant one. Although federalism's negative impact on free speech may sometimes conflict, various reasonable purposes can be identified behind the structures that curtail their freedom.


Breen, M. G. (2018). Nepal, federalism, and participatory constitution-making: deliberative democracy and divided societies. Asian Journal of Political Science, 26(3), 410-430.

Cornell, S. (2016). Constitutional Meaning and Semantic Instability: Federalists and Anti-Federalists on the Nature of Constitutional Language. American Journal of Legal History, 56(1), 21-28.

Pidluzny, J. W., & Bessette, M. S. (2019). Avarice and Ambition in America: The Founders’ Debate on the Political Place of the Selfish Passions in the Constitutional Order of the United States. Journal of Markets and Morality, 22(1), 117.

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