Meningococcal B Vaccine: Preventing Intrusive IMD Outbreak - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-12
Meningococcal B Vaccine: Preventing Intrusive IMD Outbreak - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Medicine
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1800 words
15 min read


The intrusive meningococcal disease (IMD) is an infection caused by a bacterium species called Neisseria Meningitidis (So et al, 2018). The infection is a major health concern due to its high fatality rate, especially in children. IMD has a high potential to spread and course outbreaks in regions such as Europe. When the symptoms are detected, it is vital to start taking antibiotics immediately. However, the best way to avoid the virulent bacteria is by using the Meningococcal B vaccine (MenB Vaccine). The paper discusses the risks and benefits of meningococcal B Immunisation to infants and addresses the issue of its application to reduce meningococcal diseases in society.

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Risks of Meningococcal B Vaccine

Common risks.

One of the major risks commonly acquired include an inflammation reaction at the site of administration. When the shot is given, the surrounding tissues around the spot could swell, forming a bump; in normal situations, the swelling disappears after a short period (Cohn & Messonnier, 2012). There is also a high probability of soreness or redness of the skin since it is the recommended route of administration for the MenB vaccine. The majority of injected infants in the past have experienced some fatigue and tiredness a short period after the drug has been administered. The majority of children below the age of 10 also reported experiencing headaches and muscle pain after getting a MenB injection. In clinical trials of the vaccine development, it was proven responsible for causing fever and chills to infants less than two years, especially if administered together with other infancy routine vaccines. Another collective reaction linked to MenB immunisation is experiencing nausea that is sometimes accompanied by cases of diarrhea (Cohn & Messonnier, 2012).

Mild reactions.

It has been identified that some of the people faint after receiving the MenB shot. The individuals start feeling dizzy a few minutes after administration. It is advisable that such persons sit or lie down for about 15 minutes whenever they start feeling this side effect. Other patients experience shoulder pain that tends to prolong long after the injection. The soreness experienced during this occasion is long-lasting and more intense than that which normally happens after an injection (Cohn & Messonnier, 2012).

Rare but serious reactions.

There are also some intense but rare reactions to the vaccine. Such side effects include severe allergic reactions. The severe allergic effect is characterized by signs such as swelling of the throat and face, the formation of hives, abnormal heartbeat rate, excessive dizziness, and body weakness (Cohn & Messonnier, 2012). Another rare case is unusual behaviours noticed in the patient and very high and prolonged fever. The survivors of the disease are at a high risk of living with permanent disabilities like epilepsy, amputation, or brain damage (Cohn & Messonnier, 2012).

Benefits Associated with Avoiding Target Disease

Human beings act as a host Neisseria meningitidis, which is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes a variety of life-threatening diseases. The vaccine has helped prevent diseases caused by the virulent bacterium that includes meningitis, blood poisoning, and sepsis. In the category of infectious diseases, Meningitis was the leading killer of young children (Rodrigues et al, 2017). Through administering of the vaccine, the child’s immune system is equipped with a defence mechanism that equips the injected subject against meningococcal related diseases in the future (Rodrigues et al, 2017). In addition, an immunized child will reduce the risk of acquiring secondary infections a body becomes susceptible to because of the MenB pathogen.

Benefits to Family and Community

The vaccine has been tested on both adults and children, and it has been proved and predicted to prevent a large proportion of group B meningococcal diseases. The exact number of cases was not yet identified by the year 2016, but as the drug continues to be administered routinely, the public health department will get more clear statistics (Rodrigues et al, 2017). However, it is evident that the vaccine has helped reduce the risk of a meningitis related epidemic in the future. The immunization procedure is a relief to the entire community as the loss of children to infectious disease has decreased rapidly in the past few years (Rodrigues et al, 2017).

The disease in question is identified to be infectious; hence vaccinating one’s child will help reduce the possibility of spreading the disease in the future. Maintaining the disease in case of an epidemic is very costly, both individually and to the entire nation (Rodrigues et al, 2017). Preventing the disease from existing proves a better tactic to eliminate all the risks associated with its existence.

Nurse’s Recommendation to Amelia

As a nurse, the recommendation would be that Amelia’s mother Victoria enrol her to the immunization program. For many years, MenB is the main cause of bacterial meningitis in the world. The two associated diseases identified as Septicaemia and Meningitis are the primary infectious causes of death for young children (Cohn & Messonnier, 2012). There is no confirmed remedy for the infections, and the only way to prevent an infection is through the MenB vaccine (Rodrigues et al, 2017).

The majority of risks associated with the immunization procedure are common to those of other routine immunizations recommended by the National Immunization Program. However, the risks associated with the failure to administer the vaccine to the child are extreme. First, it is important to consider that the infection associated with the pathogen is infectious; thus, there is always a probability of an outbreak at any time throughout the child’s life (Cohn & Messonnier, 2012). With the right medical care system, it is safer to protect Amelia against Meningococcal B disease. Additionally, it is vital that every child is protected against the killer disease.

Strategies Nurses Could Use When Working with Parents Who Have Concerns About Immunisation

One major attribute influencing the attitude of parents regarding immunization for their children is the interaction with health workers. An effective communication strategy practised by a health professional can address the concerns of a supportive parent and persuade them towards accepting a vaccine for the benefit of their child. The main reason why Victoria is hesitant to enrol Amelia to the immunization program is that she does not have any information regarding the MenB vaccine.

The media is the leading source of information in the world today. Anti-vaccine campaigners can freely share negative information. Sadly, counter-arguments meant to educate people on the importance of vaccines have not yielded many results as the rate of hesitancy is still high (Leask et al, 2012). Parents tend to consider the view of health professionals to make their decision concerning vaccine administration. However, communication between parents and health officers is commonly hindered by the belief the majority of nurses have; that is immunization refusal results from ignorance by parents rather than their lack of information (MacDonald et al, 2017).

Communication Strategies

Various communication strategies are applicable to tackle the matter of vaccine hesitancy. One is detecting and addressing the issue in the hesitant population using a guiding style of communication rather than applying a directing style. However, it is noted that the matter is influenced by factors such as geographical position, religion, social networks like Facebook, and other various population-based impacts (Leask et al, 2012). For instance, in the Charedi community in London, there was a reported case of higher measles epidemic than in the geographical neighbours because of a clustered group of unimmunized children (Leask et al, 2012). This strategy can be applied in such a population, for instance, using an online guiding program.

The health workers can use an approach where they first ask for permission to address the issue. The questions for each parent should vary according to their position. They can also encourage parents to explore the advantages and disadvantages of their decision putting their children’s health into consideration. Some parents might be open to getting information, but without the freedom of choice, they might feel pressured to vaccinate. Finally, they could devise their own motivations that would help them persuade parents to make the right decisions. The strategy could prove more effective if the workers' device guiding questions regarding the topic prior to the consultation.

Another communication strategy that could prove effective is using influential figures in the community to deliver the message to specific population groups. Such people include religious leaders, community leaders, political leaders, and many other individuals with prominent positions. The majority of these leaders have a duty to work in the interest of their communities (MacDonald et al, 2017). Using leaders in society to communicate with citizens is an effective strategy. However, the strategy should involve the target audience in the conversation. The leaders could encourage the people to ask questions about issues they need to be clarified. Additionally, they can encourage individuals to access more information on specific platforms developed for the agenda.

The procedure will also work if such leaders recommend a number of trained individuals to their communities. The members would take the issue more seriously than if they were just ambushed at their homes by unfamiliar faces trying to convince them to consider vaccinating their children. The strategy can also be extended into schools to equip children with the necessary information regarding the topic. It is vital that the children learn how important the process of vaccination is to their lives. This is considering they have the right to their own lives, and they are future parents (MacDonald et al, 2017).


Meningococcal B related diseases are a major threat to the health of children around the globe. However, the MenB vaccine has proven efficient in minimizing the levels of infections and fatalities in previous years. The main barrier to its full efficiency is the lack of information. The health workers can combine efforts with other responsible parties to ensure the issue of communication is resolved. It is important that everybody understands the importance of the MenB vaccine.


Cohn, A. C., & Messonnier, N. E. (2012). Inching Toward a Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccine for Infants. JAMA, 307(6).

Leask, J., Kinnersley, P., Jackson, C., Cheater, F., Bedford, H., & Rowles, G. (2012). Communicating with parents about vaccination: a framework for health professionals. BMC Pediatrics, 12(1).

MacDonald, N. E., Butler, R., & Dubé, E. (2017). Addressing barriers to vaccine acceptance: an overview. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 14(1), 218–224.

Rodrigues, C., Brehony, C., Borrow, R., Smith, A., Cunney, R., Moxon, E. R., & Maiden, M. (2017). Genomic surveillance and meningococcal group B vaccine coverage estimates after introduction of the vaccine into the national immunisation programme in the UK. The Lancet, 389, S85.

So, N., Pal, R., & Snape, M. D. (2018). Meningococcal meningitis presenting postinfant group B meningococcal immunisation. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 104(9), 924.2-924.‌

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