Essay Sample on Measuring the Workload of Nurses

Published: 2023-08-16
Essay Sample on Measuring the Workload of Nurses
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Job Nursing care
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 453 words
4 min read

The article on measuring the workload of nurses on the neurosurgical care unit tries to determine whether the nurses in the neurosurgical care unit are allocated the work that they can easily handle. The research used the nurses and the staff to determine the amount of workload that they were subjected to during their daily work routines. The method used in the research involved the study of the independent variables of workload and the existing dependent variables of satisfaction with the existing workload using the stepwise regression method. The results of the research indicated that satisfaction with the existing workload can be predicted by both the individuals and the unit-level factors of the existing workload. Therefore the staff nurse's input is essential in creating a model workload in the clinical specialty units such as neuroscience care.

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The research article has been written using a simple language that is easy to read and comprehend. This has made it easy for the reader to also understand how to create a workload model that can be used to regulate the existing workload and enhance workload satisfaction among the nurses. The article has also used different examples to enable the reader understand the importance of measuring the nurse's workload. Finally, the research has strictly followed the research procedure; for instance, the research has identified the problem, the research subject, methods, research results, and the conclusion. The procedure used in the article makes it easy to read and understand the context of the entire research.

Personal Application

In the Clinical Rotation

The research article is teaching us that we should be actively involved in assessing the amount of workload and determining how to enhance workload satisfaction among the workers. In this research, communication and teamwork are essential in determining the facts concerning work satisfaction. Through the clinical rotation, the research study also enables me to learn how to observe, manage my personal time, and accomplish my delegated tasks. For instance, the research will enable me to identify the amount of time to spend on various activities such as charting and dealing with the patient.

In Your Present Work Experience and/or Life Experience

In my personal life, the research study has enabled me to identify the crucial components that usually affect my daily work routine. The study has also enabled me to identify the changes that need to be introduced in my current workplace. For instance, I can identify how the workload challenges will be solved and how to make improvements that will enhance the staff's and patient's satisfaction.


Nelson, J., Valentino, L., Iacono, L., Ropollo, P., Cineas, N., & Stuart, S. (2015). Measuring workload of nurses on a neurosurgical care unit. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 47(3), E9-E19. file:///C:/Users/ec/Downloads/workload%20article.pdf

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Essay Sample on Measuring the Workload of Nurses. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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