JP Morgan Chase: Leading US Bank & Financial Service Provider - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-07-04
JP Morgan Chase: Leading US Bank & Financial Service Provider - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Banking
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1625 words
14 min read


JP Morgan Chase is one of the leading American multinational company that operates within the baking and financial services. Founded in 2000, JP Morgan Chase is dedicated to providing financial services in different nations across the world. It is critical to note that the company boasts of a total asset that amounts to $2.515 trillion and thus makes it one of the four major banks in the United States. Fundamentally, the use of the appropriate business models and strategies, marketing, and internal organizational management has earned it a tremendous competitive advantage over its rivals. The company can use a set of these competitive advantages to improve on its financial services. In its operation, the US and countries across the world have been good.

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However, the firm has been accused of numerous occasions of involvement in the unethical financial activities that have posed adverse economic impacts on the economy as well as the financial well-being of its shareholders. The London branch incident that occurred in 2012 that led to the trading loss is an example of the event. Ideally, this was a scandal that involved the credit default swaps that contributed to an estimated loss of several billions of dollars. The scandal destroyed the reputation of the company that further led to massive financial losses totaling about $6 billion. The huge losses have been contributed by the utilization of the weak, complex, and unassessed and inappropriate trading strategies. While these are all evident, JP Morgan Chase is one of the successful organizations. This analysis takes into consideration the entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, finance, marketing, management, and human resource management practices of the company and how such activities have impacted their environments.


Entrepreneurship broadly refers to the process of designing, launching, and operating a new business. In the case of the JP Morgan Chase, this practice broadly involves investing in different business segments to meet the needs of their customers. On a broader scale, the firm has invested in several businesses where it can generate revenue from its operations. These include consumer and community banking, corporate and investment banking, commercial banking, as well as asset management. Ideally, consumer and community banking constitute the most significant category that contributes to about 46 percent of the company's overall revenue. Investment banking provides about 34 percent of the overall revenues. Other such as commercial banking and asset management has also played a critical role.

The year 2012 become a pivotal moment for the company. Here, the firm took a considerable step forward through facilitating the combination of its three major retail businesses. These included consumer and business banking, mortgage banking, and card, merchant services, and auto finance into the one franchise. This branch has been critical in serving consumers and businesses through personal services such as ATMs, online, mobile, and telephone banking. Ideally, all these services have facilitated the cash flows between the small business people and their customers and payment services to both the corporate and public sectors. Through its mortgage banking, Chase has been able to provide mortgage orientation and the portfolios that are made up of the residential home acquisition and the home equity loan.

It is critical to note that these business segments have a large global footprint in terms of scale as well as geographic diversity. However, based on its size, it becomes evident that its operations within the smaller foreign markets remain considerably high. The company has been able to record a total of $34 billion in its revenue. Ideally, half of these were acquired from the consumers and clients outside the US. Chase was also able to generate another 66 percent from the regions that included Europe, Middle East, and Africa. These markets offered a good representation of the areas where the JP Morgan Chase is well known and has dominated markets. It is thus evident that the JP Morgan Chase brand is among the greatest within the current international market.

Corporate Social Responsibility

JP Morgan Chase takes CSR seriously. Its responsibilities in these cases range from promoting environmental sustainability to enhancing the workers' opportunity to grow. The company maintains its sustainability operations intending to ensure that little or no adverse impact is posed to the environment. Recent reports have revealed that its environmental impacts emanating from the process of its buildings and subsidiaries, as well as the data centers. The company, therefore, is dedicated to managing its footprint through the use of an efficient and sustainable mechanism. Moreover, being a corporate citizen and operating with integrity is critical regarding how the firm works. Chase has helped build the economies and footprint within a sustainable and efficient sustainable manner.

As such, the company is focused on the creation of the products to help the undeserved households grow savings, improve the credit, and build the assets. These have helped increase its financial security. The youths and adults have also been given an excellent opportunity to better compete within a global economy through supporting the initiatives as well as the knowledge and skills that are tremendously necessary for employment.

It is critical to note that the company was able to launch its social finance in 2007. This is an opportunity for investing in capital and provide the advice necessary for growing the market for various environmental impacts. This helps generate positive effects and financial returns. Finally, the rapid population growth, as well as the emergence of issues such as water scarcity and climate change, the firm, has an objective of meeting its global energy, needs of the society and infrastructure needs will improve the economy in the long-run.

Finance and Marketing

Finance and marketing form an integral component of the JP Morgana and Chase. From the financial aspect, it is evident that Chase has been able to record a total of $34 billion in its revenue. Nearly 50 percent of these were generated from the consumers and clients outside the US. The firms have been able to receive another 66 percent from the regions that included Europe, Middle East, and Africa. These markets offered a good representation of the areas where the JP Morgan Chase is well known and has dominated markets. In terms of marketing, it is evident that the company utilizes effective marketing strategies to help facilitate its operations throughout the world. Recently, Chase adopted the Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is required to improve its financial services. The marketing messages will thus be efficiently disseminated through email pitches to prospective borrowers. The company further signed a five-year deal aimed at utilizing the tool from the software company Persado Inc. This was established to make marketing messages more effective. The application of the Persado direct emails, as well as the online display ads, forms a critical component of its marketing strategies.

Human Resource Management

The Human Resource Management at the JP Morgan Chase Company is talked with tremendous roles in handling numerous functions of the business. The department is pivotal in providing the labor laws, record keeping, as well as hiring and training of the employee. Other issues such as the relational assistance that are tailored towards assisting in handling various performance issues. It is critical to note that these responsibilities are vital based on the fact that without such roles being accomplished, then the company is unable to meet the essential needs of the management and the staff.

The HR department has also been dedicated to fulfilling the gender and equality requirements of the labor laws. As such, more women have been employed by the company mainly to reduce the gender gap that has existed for a long time in issues if employment. Undeniably, the company has had numerous instances for the highest female employment rates in the US. Interestingly, the bank has a history of being the first company in the US to employ a female employee. This move became critical as it changed the perspective of the women towards banking. The majority of the woman thus began to pursue careers and businesses in banking. In recent times, the company has been involved in the mass recruitment of women into the executive positions that were predominantly occupied by men previously.

It is further necessary to note that the HR department in the company has been instrumental in establishing the standards for the performance improvement plans that are mainly described as the PIPs. Generally, these consist of the written proposals that are primarily created to facilitate the struggling employees to enhance their roles, thus raising their overall productivity to the expectations of the company as the economy may also demand. The PIP in Chase encompasses a various description of the behavior performance, and thus require a tremendous amount of attention and goals to be accomplished within a specified period.


The company's management is mainly established to create and facilitate efficiency in business. It is further critical in maintaining the overall corporate standards and promotion of the robust organizational culture. The analysis of the management techniques and approaches shows that Chase is one of the most respected financial services companies, which is dedicated to serving the individuals and other businesses in over 100 nations across the world. Various business principles that include client services wining culture, responsibility, integrity, and operational excellence have been critical in shaping its activities and achieving its short-term and long-term goals. These principles focus on the organization to strengthen, grow, and safeguard the company of the interest. Currently, the company is focused on its clients, thus can build franchises that serve the clients who demand exceptional client service. Regarding the operational excellence, is determined to promote good internal governance, efficient operations and systems and implement the skills and urgency. The management has, therefore, been able to help humanity by ensuring that its activities do not compromise integrity.

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JP Morgan Chase: Leading US Bank & Financial Service Provider - Essay Sample. (2023, Jul 04). Retrieved from

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