Career Essay Example on Job Search and Personal Budget

Published: 2019-09-20
Career Essay Example on Job Search and Personal Budget
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Career Profession
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 590 words
5 min read

The estate managers job entails management of land and properties in the local government, health authorities, and, sometimes, in statutory bodies ( The estate managers specialize in management, acquisition, or letting of the property. The tasks of an estate manager includes management of the property, checking return on the investment, monitoring environmental issues and land management, organizing for repair and maintenance, review and assessment of rents, and housing and business premises tenancy applications. In public authorities, estates managers have the responsibility of giving advice in case of any purchase by agreement or compulsory purchase of a property ( It is the managers responsibility to negotiate with both the landowners and potential buyers in case of acquisition or disposal of a property through sale. Other responsibilities of an estate manager include financial and statistical analysis, visiting sites, attending meetings, and liaising with other organizations and departments.

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Currently, I am working as a Commercial Lease Administrator Personal Assistant with the Alma Realty Corp-Long Island City south of New York and I am looking for a job as an estate manager or an executive assistant. I have accrued 3 years experience in the position of a commercial lease administrator. The current job has equipped me with enough knowledge and skills equally applicable in estate management through interactions and networking with different persons who hold similar positions. I have gained great insight on this career through acquired communication, organizational, and presentation skills and keeping an open eye on the management of my current Estate Management Company. I also have good computer and numerical skills. In my current position, I have acquired vast tacts as well as negotiation and diplomacy skills. I can thoroughly analyze numerical and written information and I can deduce important information when examining statistics and documents. In the past 3 years of my current job, I have gained ability to maintain good public relations, to work as a team and to manage and coordinate battery of staff, thus, I have an upper hand in this field. I am capable of working under pressure and in different environment.

Estate management job will help me achieve both financial and career advancing goals. I will have achieved one major career-advancing goal by getting this job as an estate manager. When I acquired a job with Alma Realty Corp as a Commercial Lease Administrator personal assistant, I had set a goal to work hard and make an upward career progression among other objectives. I have kept track of this through positive results of weekly Increased Performance Metrics and various promotions to different positions in the last 3 years. I have plenty of long term and short term goals that this new job will enable fulfil. One of the long time goal is earning a masters degree. This will be a key step towards placing me on a track towards success. Other goals includes to learn new skills on the managerial field and try to be less competitive, to be a mentor to other employees and go for the best management awards among others (

Estate manager position is not only the most complex but also the best rewarding job in New York ( Therefore, this job will create a great change financially. The new salary will enable cater for various expenses on my personal budget. Some of the expenses that I will revise include increasing the mortgage rate to 20%, insurance cover, health club dues, life insurances, long-term savings, and income tax.


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Career Essay Example on Job Search and Personal Budget. (2019, Sep 20). Retrieved from

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