Is Rhetoric Important in Speech? Get the Answer from Our Essay Sample

Published: 2022-09-09
Is Rhetoric Important in Speech? Get the Answer from Our Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication skills
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1103 words
10 min read

Of what value is using rhetoric in speeches? Does it affect the degree to which people perceive the details in the speeches? Most of the current public speakers have devised a way of keeping their audience focused throughout their talks. Rhetoric is often used as a way of persuading an audience, (Herrick, 2017) to stay attached to a certain program and is lately being utilized in adverts. Rhetoric can be used in both verbal and visual contexts. Visual rhetoric is considered more advantageous than verbal rhetoric since it boosts perceptual pictures and memory. Rhetorical images always have an optimistic influence on an individual's outlook. They increase the individual's assertiveness concerning a trademark, (Mzoughi and Samar, 2011). From its capability of being understood, pictorials nurture further elucidation than messages. Moreover, rhetorical pictorials have a positive influence on the memory of an audience, (Sonia, 2018). Based on the principle of disparity, optical cryptograms are qualitatively greater than oral cryptographs and are probable to produce two recognition trails on their retrieval period. Utterances can only initiate a vocal indoctrination progression. Additionally, rhetoric in verbal and visual context helps to persuade the audience towards the speaker's talk. Current public speakers have resorted to the use of technology during their public speaking sessions. They will commonly be accompanied projectors and computers so that as they speak, particular images and messages are projected to the audience to arrest their attention. At times, the speaker decides to involve the audience in the speech by use of rhetorical questions.

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Persuasiveness during a professional presentation such as business is key since it makes the audience to deeply understand the information you are relaying and concur with your thoughts, (Chaiken and Eagly, 1976). Understanding how to persuade one's audience is valued expertise that most business owners are looking for in their employees. Persuasiveness assures your audience that you are well versed with the kind of information you are telling them or the product you are selling, (Matthews et al.,2016). The degree of expertise and keenness presenter possesses defines the effectiveness of the dialogue to the listeners, (Stiff and Mongeau, 2016).

Ken Robinson (Robinson, 2016, 0.39) tries to discuss in detail about two major themes, extraordinary evidence of human creativity and the aspect of suspense in future. His topic of discussion at the beginning entails insights in the field of education. The primary argument of the author in this video is, creativity in children should be accorded the same weight of importance as literacy. Unfortunately, according to the speaker, creativity is not embraced in institutions of learning.

Kids are never afraid of being wrong (Robinson, 2016, 2.37) which is prerequisite of being innovative. It is almost impossible for one to devise something new if the individual is not prepared to be in the wrong, (Robinson, 2016, 5.30). The aspect of being wrong is greatly discouraged as the kids grow and by the time they hit maturity, the capacity of being wrong that is in tandem with innovative ideas will have faded, (Robinson, 2016, 5.50). According to Robinson, mistakes are stigmatized in both companies and national education systems.

Education to an extent creates factors that make children grow out of creativity, (Robinson, 2016, 6.20) as the author argues. Every education system in the world has the same hierarchy of subjects (Robinson, 2016, 8.33). At the top, we usually have Mathematics and languages starting the list while humanities and arts more than often close the list. On more in-depth evaluation, (Robinson, 2016, 8.55) arts and music are highly regarded than drama and dance. With such a system in place, we put much emphasis on the intelligence quotient and overlooking other features that the body can be beneficially used in.

Robinson points out clearly, (Robinson, 2016, 11.40) how the revolution has taken place in the world. Initially acquiring education and getting a degree was an assurance of being employed, (Robinson, 2016, 12.30). Music and art were ignored unless one had plans of majoring in that field. These assumptions cannot be applicable in this current era where a lot has changed. The degree has lost its value with the MA and Ph.D. being conferred greater value. This has resulted in academic inflation. Intelligence is interactive, (Robinson, 2016, 14.0), it is divided into compartments in the brain, and it is distinctive, (Robinson, 2016, 14.56). The author clearly indicates how we have unique forms of intelligence that do not conform to the normal way of life.

Ken Robinson in TED Talk appeals to everyone to allow children to grow free from fear of being wrong so as to foster their creative side. He goes ahead to make acclaims that the education system should give equal importance to each subject without overlooking some. This is due to the fact that everything is prone to change in the future. Instead of suffering from academic inflation, the education system should be made in such a way it is diversified, (Robinson, 2016, 18.20). Another appeal worth reconsidering is the one that perceives intelligence from different forms. Revolution taking place necessitates the need for adjustments in the whole education system. He used logos in making his appeals to the audience. All the claims were structured under logical reasoning and facts to back them up. I considered the appeals appropriate to the changing times and was based on issues that we face but choose to ignore. The appeals are more likely to work as they had detailed illustrations to prove their functionality. Whether the illustrations were factious, the author had managed to establish a strong basis.

Rhetorical appeals are essential when constructing or presenting an argument since they expand the audience's understanding of the particular topic being addressed and catches their attention. The audience is left most of the time contemplating upon the appeal and begins to create imaginations in their mind. The appeal keeps the audience involved and hence, to a certain point, creates an interaction between the speaker and the audience.


Chaiken, S., and Eagly, A. H. (1976). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Communication Modality as a Determinant of Message Persuasiveness and Message Comprehensibility. Vol 34, Issue 4

Herrick A. James. (2017).The History and Theory of Rhetoric: An Introduction.4th ed. NY: Routledge

Matthews John. Khin Than Win. Harri Oinas-Kukkonen. Mark Freeman. Persuasive Technology in Mobile Applications Promoting Physical Activity: A Systematic Review. Vol 40, Issue 72

Mzoughi Nabil and Samar Abdelhak. (2011). International Journal of Business and Social Sciences: The Impact of Visual and Verbal Rhetoric in Advertising on Mental Imagery and Recall. Vol 2, Issue 9.

Ken Robinson (2016, March 12). Do Schools Kill Creativity- TED Talks (English subtitles). Retrieved from

Sonia Stephens H. (2018). Technical Communication: Using Interface Rhetoric to Understand Audience Agency in Natural History Apps. Vol 65, Issue 3.pp 280-292

Stiff, J. B., & Mongeau, P. A. (2016). Persuasive communication. Guilford Publications.

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