Introducing HR Analytics in an Organization - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-30
Introducing HR Analytics in an Organization - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Human resources
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 594 words
5 min read


The HR department is one of the most critical departments in any organization. Interestingly, most HR departments are imbued with difficulties when it comes to presenting their success to the c-suites. Even though there are challenges associated with this vital department, there are methods in which the HR department can prove and display their success. It is worth noting these methods need persuasion for them to be accepted by the C-suite (Fitz-Enz & Mattox, n.d). Nowadays, methods such as reporting are implemented concurrently for best results regarding the management of the HR department. With adequate persuasion skills, any organization can be convinced to install an actionable HR model that is evaluable and comprehensively explain results.

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Introducing a new idea as a junior member of any organization is always accompanied by a challenge of convincing the management that the new idea is actionable and profitable once implemented. Catching the management's attention is usually the first step in that regard, but the level of difficulty associated with this step depends on the prevailing position of the organization. If, for instance, the organization is enduring through a tough moment and one presents an immediate and actionable solution, then catching the organization's attention at that moment could be easy. On the contrary, when an organization is operating normally, but one thinks their new idea could add something, there is always a harder task (Fitz-Enz & Mattox, n.d). Once the management's attention has been captured, the next step is usually to convince them through data and recommendations. The data and presented recommendations need to make sense insofar as actionability is concerned. It is, therefore, important for one to have conducted thorough research concerning the subject matter. One should include vital metrics that are important in evaluating the new method; otherwise, the management may disguise it as a mere theoretical concept. Lastly, one needs to provide the management with evidence that the method works, either by using a familiar example or by giving testimonials of former working place(s) that were changed by the novel idea.

Reporting vs. Analytics in HR

Reporting is what most HR departments do in the corporate world. It involves descriptive metrics that inform an organization about what happens in the HR department for monitoring purposes. Reporting information does not notify the organization of its status. Reporting entails details such as headcount or turnover rate. In essence, reporting enables an organization to evaluate its past by recording vital information in the HR department. It does not necessarily need heavy computing; manual systems may work effectively (O’Connor, 2020). On the contrary, analytics requires advanced computing as it integrates modern technologies such as AI and statistical models. The main objective of having an analytical system is that it enables an organization to prepare forecasts, things that are likely to happen in the future. Analytics provides information such as employee exit risk and expected turnover. Basically, analytics aid an organization in preparing for futuristic events before they happen. Analytical outcomes are best suited for the conceptualization of recommendations because they project into the future.


The HR department is critical to the success of any organization. Better results in the department could be amassed through the integration of reporting and analytical methods. The reporting method is mostly used in the contemporary corporate world for purposes of tracking past events. It informs the organization nothing about future events, which could vital for readiness reasons. Using the analytical method, an organization could forecast future events and enable HR departments to present detailed recommendations to the management.

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