Essay Example on International Education Issues and Practice

Published: 2019-10-01
Essay Example on International Education Issues and Practice
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1470 words
13 min read

In the modern world, there have been a growing number of students crossing the borders of their parent country to seek international education. However, there are vast issues that such students face in the quest to study overseas. This paper, therefore, aims to provide a summary as well as a reflection on twelve articles that address the subject of international education issues and practices.

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Deveney, B. (2007). How well-prepared do international school teachers believe themselves to be for teaching in culturally diverse classrooms?. Journal of Research in International Education, 6(3), 309-332.

In her article, Deveney (2007), focuses on the research regarding Thailand teachers on their competence to instruct a multi-cultural classroom constituted by international students. The studies extensively question the essential knowledge that teachers have that make them handle culturally diverse international students. In a way to help the teachers improve their competence and expertise on the matter at hand, the article states how instructors may turn to be efficient in their teaching process as well as provide further recommendations to be finished by international schools in a bid to bolster the teachers competence in handling a culturally diverse classroom.

Van Oord, L. (2007). To Westernize the nations? An analysis of the International Baccalaureate's philosophy of education.Cambridge journal of education, 37(3), 375-390.

Issues that regard international education have been vastly challenged. In his article, Van Oord (2007) assesses the educational model that buttresses the courses that are provided by International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). To achieve the purpose of the paper, the article uses a diploma program as a case study to help answer the research questions. Furthermore, the kind of educational courses that IBO provide has been thought to bolster international appreciation as well as an understanding of diverse cultures. All these have been rebutted, and the epistemology, as well as the model of this international education, has been vastly ignored. In essence, the article proves essential in understanding the current matter regarding international education issues and practice.

Bunnell, T. (2008). The International Baccalaureate and its Middle East challenge. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 1(1), 16-25.

In his document, Bunnell (2008) focuses on the IBO and the educational challenges it faces in the Middle East. In essence, the article intends to reveal how Middle East gives the miniature of the enormous problems that IBO experiences in delivering its objectives. 16 nations are encompassed in the study, all of which are drawn from the Middle East. Bunnell (2008) establishes that the Middle East has a comparatively small region that provides International Baccalaureate in correlation to the international schools. In fact, no particular school offers the continuum of International Baccalaureate programmes in the area. Therefore, it can be seen that the issue of international education faces some immense challenges as presented in IB within the Middle East region.

Dolby, N., & Rahman, A. (2008).Research in international education. Review of Educational Research, 78(3), 676-726.

In spite of the increase in the application of international education, a subtle focus has been shown to the many ways the phrase is applied to the research pieces of literature. Therefore, Dolby and Rahman (2008) article discusses as well as critically evaluates multiple fields that fall under the study of international education in an attempt to provide the best theoretical framework for future research. They state that mapping is vital since there is an increasing number of many researchers that are pursuing this subject of international education.

Gan, A. (2009). Chinese students adjustment to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Experiences an Australian high school. Journal of Research in International Education, 8(3), 283-304.

In this article, Gan (2009) developed a study in reaction to the observations made regarding International students programs especially from the Chinese at the IB schools in Australia. Primarily, students from the mainland China never develop within the Western educational contexts. The study employed students Chinese students who pursue diploma programmes in the IB in Australia to meet the objective of the survey. The study emphasizes on several aspects, as well as adversaries that learners encounter while they are in their oversea studies. Issues such as memorization of contents as well as cultural dissonance are some of the aspects that these international students face during their international education.

Papastephanou, M. (2005).Globalization, globalism and cosmopolitanism as an educational ideal. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 37(4), 533-551.

In this article, Papastephanou (2005) elucidates three aspects of globalism, globalization, as well as cosmopolitanism as the educational ideal. He further states that globalization is the empirical situation that has been majorly felt as the structural revolution of the global economic system running in the multifaceted dialectics with space and time compression swayed by advances in communication and technology. After examining links to globalism and globalization meta-theoretically, he elucidates certain trends in the globalist exploration of the actual, emotional, and intellectual importance of globalization and its effects on the educational theory. Therefore, critical analysis of the trends leads to inferences that globalism, as well as the theorization of international pedagogical standards, should assume.

Zsebik, P. (2004). Four approaches to the curriculum offered in International Schools. IB Research Notes, 4(2), 1-10.

Zsebik (2004) evaluates the four main approaches to the curriculum that are found in the international schools. The study presents three serious questions that shall help meet the objective of the paper. The issue of international educational matters, as well as practices, forms the center stage of the research. Furthermore, the practicability of the international curriculum that possesses the global applicability of the contemporary social environment has also been encompassed in the study. Finally, Zsebik makes further recommendations on what future research regarding international education should focus.

Cambridge*, J., & Thompson, J. (2004).Internationalism and Globalization as contexts for international education. Compare, 34(2), 161-175.

In the article, Cambridge* & Thompson (2004) suggest that international education is an ambiguous phrase since it is used in diverse ways. In fact, in the education field, the term is used in various manners that do not actually reflect a clear meaning. Therefore, the challenge with the model of the inclusive definition of international education has been pointed as the term international since the multiplicity of meanings it entails. In addition, the paper compares as well as, discusses the dissimilarities in the functions of the word international education and even more discussions are made on globalization and internationalism in the frameworks of international education.

Clarke, T. (2004).Cycles of Crisis and Regulation: the enduring agency and stewardship problems of corporate governance. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 12(2), 153-161.

Clarke (2004) shows how the numerous challenges punctuate the historical growth of the corporate capitalism, and these depict the important inflection that is based on the necessity for control. The corporate governance challenges, as well as reforms, are fundamentally cyclical. Furthermore, the article states that the waves of the corporate governance development and increased control take place in the time of recession, the business fall-down, and re-examination of the expediency of the control systems. Hence, this cynical historical tales spins on the enduring agency as well as stewardship quandaries of governance.

Stobie, T. D. (2007). Coherence and consistency in international curricula: A study of the International Baccalaureate Diploma and Middle Years Programmes.The SAGE handbook of research in international education, 140-151.

In his book, Stobie (2007) produces a comprehensive report regarding international education. The book provides analysis of the origins, contributions, as well as interpretations on the international education. Stobie identifies strategies to research that shall progress the knowledge and understanding of the field, and the magnitude and even restructure it, on grounds of the research evidence given. Furthermore, the book also discusses the historical overview of the manners in which the phrase international education should be interpreted. The book explores international education that is in practice regarding curricula, students, pedagogies, as well as organizing formal institutions. Lastly, the conceptual sagas regarding international education in future are also discussed.

Sylvester, R. (2007). Historical resources for research in international education (18511950).The Sage handbook of research in international education, 11-24.

In his book, Sylvester (2007) contributes to expanding pieces of literature on the international education. Furthermore, the book serves an essential resource for the people encompassed in the practice as well as academic resources of the international education. It shall be of special interest to various researchers as well as teachers in the universities, private and governmental curriculum development bodies, examination authorities, and even administrators. Just like Stobies (2007) book, this explores international education that is in practice regarding curricula, students, pedagogies, as well as organizing formal institutions. Further, the conceptual challenges regarding international education in future are also discussed.

Quist, I. (2005). The language of international education: A critique.IB Research Notes, 5(1), 3.

In his work, Quist (2005) provides comprehensive critique on George Walker views regarding international education practices. To extensively appreciate the thrust the Walkers presentations as well as the way it has been articulated, he acknowledges and remembers the framework in which the paper has been based. Subsequently, Quist provides a critique on various issues pointed by Walker.

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