Interagency Collaboration and Homeland Security - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
Interagency Collaboration and Homeland Security - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Public administration
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 675 words
6 min read


Interagency collaboration is a process where agencies and families solve a particular issue facing a community (Ward et al., 2018). The institutions join to prevent duplication of services, allowing for the enhanced use of public resources (Ward et al., 2017). Plainsville has a critical rail line that could pose issues such as harmful spill to the people. The rail line is also a threat to the safety of the region inhabitants. Issues affecting the rail line of Plainsville can be regarded as a problem facing the region’s critical infrastructure and requires interagency collaboration to solve the problems (Johnson et al., 2003).

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Potential Organizations Value

The company could offer mobile equipment, site planning, tools, equipment maintenance, and repair of the critical rail infrastructure in Plainville. The company has expertise in executing projects in remote areas, regions with harsh climatic conditions, and disaster prone areas. Over the years, the organization has been recognized for its safety performance and industrial expertise. The company has received some awards recently such as the nomination of being one of the global player lists in 2017 and appeared among the top companies that rent equipment.

With these achievements, one can firmly assert that AMECO can assess and evaluate a critical rail line and provide recommendations on the most appropriate techniques that could alleviate the problem. AMECO has telematics that offer real-time tracking and monitoring of safety metrics of the rail line.

Critical Infrastructure

Training and safety culture improvements. APSYS is highly specialized in provision of value creation after evaluating technical, human, and operational risks. It entails provision of innovative solutions and consulting to firms dealing with critical infrastructure repair and maintenance.

The company designs and manufactures rail solutions since it designs, manufactures, supplies, and installs solutions that could benefit the Plainsville commission dealing with critical rail infrastructure. The organization has a pool of talents that have knowledge of the rail industry together with the safety requirements and operating procedures.

Clear Track Ahead

The company helps in creating safe work environments, building community confidence, and meeting the expectations of the public in matters concerning homeland security. Clear Track ahead has a team of experts that have noticed the existence of a disconnect in the railroad industries. The organization provides excellent services with the mapping art and identifies means of enhancing emergency services in a community.

Geatech Designs

The organization manufactures maintenance and equipment for use in rail lines. Since the firm provides machinery for aiding in the improvement of rail lines, the company has the expertise required for evaluating and assessing rail lines in Plainsville. The company can identify areas that need improvements in Plainsville’s rail line. Geatech has machines for leveling ballast and reconstructing the rail lines and has the talent to identify areas that need repair to prevent adverse consequences.

The main principles are safety, integrity, quality, and innovation. The principles influence the way the firm functions. The organization’s main objective is to provide value to the clients. The capabilities are rail evaluation, construction, leasing of equipment, and way maintenance. The firm uses latest industrial techniques to provide required solutions for improving a rail line.


In conclusion, the institutions mentioned above can provide critical infrastructure evaluations and solutions to help the commission in Plainsville deal with the critical rail line. The propositions could help in enhancing safety, preventing spills and other hazardous occurrences from happening. From this, one can see the importance of consultancy in risk assessments and evaluations.


Johnson, P., Wistow, G., Schulz, R., & Hardy, B. (2003). Interagency and interprofessional collaboration in community care: the interdependence of structures and values. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 17(1), 70–83.

Ward, K. D., Epstein, D., Varda, D., & Lane, B. (2017). Measuring performance in interagency collaboration: FEMA corps. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, 8(3), 172–200.

Ward, K. D., Varda, D. M., Epstein, D., & Lane, B. (2018). Institutional factors and processes in interagency collaboration: The case of FEMA Corps. The American Review of Public Administration, 48(8), 852–871.

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