Free Essay on Physical Environment in the Kindergarten and the Creativity of Stusents

Published: 2019-06-19
Free Essay on Physical Environment in the Kindergarten and the Creativity of Stusents
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Child development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 846 words
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Most educationist has always asserted that there is very direct correlation between the physical environment of the classroom and the performance of the students in the kindergarten. It is believed that the physical environment of pupils in the kindergarten affected the thinking and the creativity capability of the students growing in the kindergarten. The position has been echoed by many research papers that have been created in this similar matter. The student who was taken to the nursery with excellent physical facilities were found to be sharper in their creativity and thinking capability.


The research was conducted among hundred children who were attending another kindergarten in the different parts of the country. The students were divided into two categories. There were those that were taken from schools that were well established during the rest where to sample from kindergartens without very standard facilities. The research involved the watching the students as they continued with their activities in their classes for two weeks. It is important to note that all the students were exposed to the conditions that they are used to. The students were tested after a period of two weeks together with their other colleagues who were in another kindergarten with good facilities.

The students were tested on the same content with their counterparts who were in kindergarten with excellent facilities. Apart from being tested the students were given questionnaires each with more than a hundred questions to answer. The questionnaires were collected and sampled together with the exam papers of each of the students. The content of the review mainly included the question that required critical thinking from the pupils. The main content of questionnaires was to query student mainly about the facilities in their schools.

Data analysis

The data from the research were analyzed by the method of marking. Out of the 100 Students who did the exam, only 72% of the students passes the examination. Among the students who passed the examination, the ones that came from kindergarten with the best facilities were 66.67% while 33.33% came from the nursery with average facilities. The total number of students who failed was 28% in which 7.14 %came from well-equipped kindergarten while majority that was 92.16% came from the kindergarten with poor facilities. When the questionnaires have analyzed the answers of the respondents were in line with the results got from the exams. Most students who failed claimed they needed more facilities in the school. Even among the ones who passed but came from the school without facilities declared that they were not happy with the level of services in their school. Among the student who came from the regular kindergarten about 90% were very good at their school and claimed they loved studying at their school the 10% were not sure.

Data interpretation

The results as seen concluded that the physical environment in which the student learns had direct effects on the performance of the students. The students coming from the kindergarten with excellent physical facilities passed with high marks and with a large number. Among those who fail in schools with very good facilities, they were children who had the negative attitudes towards the school. Some wrote that they had been forced by parents to study there. Physical facilities were cited by those students who failed in the poorly equipped school as a motivating factor. Even the students who passed in poorly equipped school asserted the need for improvement of the physical facilities. The results were not an isolated case, Akinnaso in a similar study found out that physical facilities were a real determinant of the child performance (1993).He concluded that good lighting system in a school was beneficial for the fulfillment of the students in the schools. The performance of many private schools was found to be directly proportional to the amount investment that had been invested regarding facilities (Urwick, 1993).The research was concurrent with other literature that has been carried out on the same topic.


The ranking of the schools was tough hence if this research is to be carried among the very many number school it will be difficult to state which school was best equipped because the facilities were not similar each school had something that was better than the other.


The performance of any student was enhanced with the physical facilities that the school possessed. The was true even according to the psychology. The scholars of cognitive psychology believe that the student is always shaped by the environment in which he lives in, and he later come and influence the same environment that he leaves in.


The government has the responsibility of making sure that that student who studies in public school have their facilities upgraded in order in for them to have quality educationist their counterparts in the private school. The government will have to set aside the equalization fund to help improve the public schools


Akinnaso, F. N. (1993). Policy and experiment in mother tongue literacy in Nigeria. International Review of Education, 39(4), 255-285.

Urwick, J. (1993). The Public Costs of Primary Schools: case studies from Nigeria. Compare, 23(1), 71-84.

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