Individualised Learning Plan, Free Paper Example

Published: 2022-05-13
Individualised Learning Plan, Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Teaching
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1060 words
9 min read

This is an example of ILP, when used in your teaching practice you would revise the ILP on a 6 monthly basis. Please save this assessment with Assessment 1b and your name in the title. Complete the fields below. Note your assessment will be 'auto-submitted' to the PebblePad assessment workspace.

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Student Name: Lewis Wilson

Date of Birth: 2002

Year Level: 9th Grade

Date: 18/4/2018


Lewis' strengths are characterized by his artistic skills, which make him prefer humanity subjects. His second strength is the possession of writing skills and producing creative content, which has enabled him, maintain an online blog. Lewis' interests are to pursue a career in art and eventually become an animator. He has the desire to enroll into a design class after high school at the university where he can exploit his artistic skills. He has the passion to create content that will enable him a comfortable life. Lewis' passion and interest in art is facilitated by his ability to draw. He has even installed applications on his computer that will help him improve his drawing skills.


Include information regarding transitions. i.e. Previous ILP results, student strengths, interests and/or abilities.

Review of progress

All decisions regarding student learning should be based on a range of data sources. Individual Learning Plans aim to personalize the teaching and learning program, support improvement in identified areas and should be monitored and revised regularly.


formal classroom and broader assessment data such as appropriate observation notes from classroom teacher/s

feedback from the student

feedback from the parents/carers

Feedback from teacher: Lewis' interests face obstacles from the fact the school does not have resources to assist learners with creative skills. Additionally, the libraries and laboratories do not have sufficient learning materials who learners with like Lewis. In addition, the school has a rigid curriculum. The student spends little or no time interacting with others.

Feedback from student: As a result of opposition from his parents, Lewis is demotivated and dissatisfied. He is proficient in English buts also knows other languages such as French and Arabic.

Feedback from parents: Lewis' parents think that he is lazy and that he is unwilling to pursue a career that will enable him obtain a financially secure future. The parents want him to stop drawing and keep off his computer

Learning goals and outcomes

Ensure you list 3 learning goals, with a number of appropriate outcomes and strategies per goal. Make sure at least one is based upon the student's strengths.

Learning improvement goals (areas for improvement, based on curriculum) Learning outcomes (including engagement, attendance, behaviour) Strategies and revised pedagogy (consider strengths, classroom learning interventions, behaviour expectations, individual/group support)

Improve social and communication skills using different languages The student will be able to form social relationship with other students

Be able to form networks in the professional world in future.

Maintain close professional relationships and open communication with his clients in future. Create opportunities for group discussion

Teaching while asking open-ended question to the student

Setting a standard of compulsory participation in class discussions

Improve artistic skills through drawing on computers The student will be able to draw captivating animated characters. Schedule weekly computer lessons for design and drawing.

Actively participate in creating content for the school magazine.

Improve student self-esteem and student perception The student will have a positive attitude towards his abilities. Provide regular and constructive feedback

Data collection process

How will you obtain data about the student's progress? What types of data will you collect? Consider formative, summative and diagnostic forms of assessment. Identify data collection methods and how progress will be measured.

Measuring Lewis' progress on communication skills will be done through observation. Information on his past communication abilities and the present will be collected. Information on how he interacts with other people such as peer students will also be collected. Measurement will be done by comparing his past and current interactions and an improvement will be noted if whether he is able to make friends or freely interact with other.

Lewis' progress on improving drawing skills will be measured by comparing his previous art with his current art. Information for assessing the progress will be collected through observation. His previous and current artistic style will then be compared.

Lewis' progress on improving his self-esteem and self-perception will be measured using the Rosenberg self-esteem scale. The scale is the form of a 10-item questionnaire that is uni-dimensional. Therefore, progress will be measured through data collected from an open-ended questionnaire. It measures both the negative and positive feelings that people have about themselves. It Lewis take the test and scores less than 15 points, it will indicate he still has low self-esteem.

Parents/carers expectations and support

Identify in partnership:

expectations of parents/carers

level of support that can be provided by parents/carers

how the school can support parents/carers.

The parents expect that Lewis should follow a career that that they have decided for him. Parents can support the student by accepting and acknowledging Lewis' desired career path. The school can support the parents by the provision of a learning environment that supports their child's education needs. This can be done by accommodating diversity such as by providing lesson plans for the special needs learner. The parents can be encouraged to support their son's wishes instead of choosing a path for him.


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Resource evidence

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Add student, teacher and parent/carer comments as relevant

The student's wishes, needs, interests, and aspirations need to be supported by his parents as well as teacher. Lewis must however understand that there are some compulsorily and universal subjects in the curriculum that he must take part in.

Classroom teacher sign-off

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Parent/carer sign-off

For reference only - You do not need to obtain sign-off for your fictional student for this assessment, however you would normally be expected to complete some form of consultation and sign-off with parents.

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Individualised Learning Plan, Free Paper Example. (2022, May 13). Retrieved from

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