Importance of Professional Associations in Nursing - Essay Example

Published: 2022-12-08
Importance of Professional Associations in Nursing - Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Profession Nursing management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1046 words
9 min read

A nurse trained in dialysis is commonly referred to as a dialysis nurse. Nurses in this profession would need to know the functioning of the kidney, forms of kidney disease, and the available forms of treatment. They would need knowledge that is constantly increasing to improve in their performance. It means that they should be able to keep up with the latest technological developments and medicines. Similar to any other profession, they also need advocacy for their welfare at the workplace. professional organizations help in such tasks as improving one's career and employment rights (Matthews, 2012). The nephrology nursing association is a professional body for dialysis nurses. It helps in the education of practitioners, updates clinical practice standards, development of new ideas, supports research, handles issues related to nephrology nursing, and promotes interdisciplinary corporation.

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Professional organizations offer support for its members and advance the profession. Such organizations have training programs, and they also provide help for research-based learning. The nephrology association is an organization that offers similar benefits to the members (Matthews, 2012). These members can receive news and updates about nursing in general and also their particular line of work. A dialysis nurse can develop a broad perspective when he or she is informed about recent developments. Such information benefits both the nurses and the organization they work for because it can improve their outcomes. A new method in dialysis, for example, can be available and its implementation discussed within the members of the organization. It can help to improve kidney treatment when the nephrology organization members discuss how to use new knowledge. Through the organization, they can have a training seminar.

The nephrology nursing association can also help its members to access educational resources and information. The professional association typically has peer-reviewed journals, research and clinical articles (Matthews, 2012). These materials can educate the dialysis nurses on their line of work. They can improve their productivity in the hospitals that they work for when they constantly increase their knowledge. One or a few members are the association can share knowledge learned through research with their fellow members, and through this collaborative sharing, they can improve their practice. It goes a long way in not only improving productivity, it improves patient outcomes, and also makes the nurses work easier. Congruently, members of the association can continue their education at discounted rates. Similar professional organizations organize with learning institutions to further the education of its interested members. It helps them advance their careers and widens their opportunities in the nursing field.

Opportunities for networking is always welcomed for any professional. It helps to find out how other professionals are working and the career opportunities available elsewhere. The nephrology nursing association can offer such benefits to its members where professionals can discuss their careers (Matthews, 2012). For example, online forums can get advice on job vacancies. The forums can also help to share knowledge in everyday practice. One can share an experience, and also see how others share solutions to problems that they face. The networking opportunities are also available through the association's annual conventions, general meetings, and locally organized groupings

Professional organizations such as the nephrology nursing association help its members further their careers. Unemployed dialysis nurses or those seeking new jobs can benefit from being members. The nephrology nursing association has career centers where members can find posts for job openings. These job openings benefit those seeking new employment as much as those that are already in employment. An unemployed dialysis nurse will appreciate being part of the nephrology association because of the guarantee that the professional body will help in finding a suitable job. On the other hand, employed dialysis nurses can compare their position to those offered in other facilities. They can share information and knowledge amongst themselves as members to find suitable employment (Matthews, 2012). They can assist each other with the job search process, and also asses the typical benefits and salaries. The information can be provided by the relevant association authorities to its members that can then discuss amongst themselves how to improve their careers.

Professional organizations such as the nephrology nursing association also encourage their members to improve on their knowledge by offering educational incentives. Apart from organizing with relevant facilities to train their members, they also have discounts for resources, newsletters, and products certification review materials (Matthews, 2012). Through membership, dialysis nurses have the guarantee to be pioneers in their field of medical health. They will have recent updates on dialysis treatment, information on how other similar facilities work, and through collaboration, they can employ best practices. Professional associations can act as educational centers due to the myriad of resources at their disposal.

Other resources at their disposal are credit card offers that dialysis nurses can use as members in partnering shopping centers. Some of the professional associations such as this for dialysis nurses provide benefits for its members. The associations may have partnerships with educational institutions and shopping supermarkets (Matthews, 2012). A dialysis nurse can provide proof of being a member and with that receive discounts for the available products and services. Certification review materials and newsletters are also other examples of discounted products available for members. The members can also benefit from liability insurance that the nephrology association offers. The cover can help in cases where dialysis nurses are sued for misconduct, which again the association can provide advocacy services.

The nephrology nursing association similar to other nursing associations help their members in their career development. They can offer certification such that one can be identified as a dialysis nurse and as such find employment. They can also issue updates on standards of clinical practice that streamlines the practice with other practices. Education that they provide to their members ensures that the nurses remain competent and also increases their productivity. The association also supports research that further their field. They also overlook the practice of nephrology nursing and influence policies that are in their best interests. The American Nephrology Nurses Association is an example of an organization for dialysis nurses. Such associations not only benefit their members and the overall practice, but they also help in integration with other similar associations.


Matthews, J.H. (2012). Role of professional organizations in advocating for the nursing profession. A Scholarly Journal of the American Nurses Association, 17(1).

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