Human Resource Challenges in Yahoo - Essay Sample

Published: 2017-12-05
Human Resource Challenges in Yahoo - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Human resources Yahoo
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1234 words
11 min read

Individual Case Based on Organizational Problem ¬ YAHOO! – A NEW HUMAN RESOURCE CHALLENGE

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Chapter Two

Human resource role

i. Workforce planning - Yahoo uses workforce planning to divide the operations of the employees to ensure that all objectives of the organization are achieved. Workforce planning allows the entire department in the organization to have a unified goal that they can then use to push and encourage the employees to perform their tasks without failure and at the minimum possible costs (Need, 2006).

ii. Recruiting and selection- every year, Yahoo hires and recruits new employees to replace the retired and those who have been sucked (Need, 2006). Recruitment and hiring or new hires bring in the new brain into the system of Yahoo, and this further boosts its performance. The company can also hire individual with multitasking capacity and can work across different departments but at considerably low costs.

iii. Training and development- training and development expose the employees to the new market, production, and technology system that are employed by similar or related organizations in the industry (Need, 2006). Continuous exposure to these systems will improve the skills and consequently the production rate of the employees.

iv. Compensation- Yahoo is known for real rewards and compensation for all staff. The human resource department of the organization ensures that every employee is rewarded and paid according to the terms of employment (Need, 2006). Excellent salary increases the efforts of the employees and encourages them to give better results for the firm.

Presentation of Alternative of Solution


Just like other organizations in the industry, Yahoo also strives to become the best operating organization with high-quality goods and services and good market coverage. The organization, therefore, identifies better ways that it can use to become "employer of choice or what can be termed as the center of excellence regarding production and benefits to all its employees and customers in the market (Kerolina & Pougajendy, 2015). This can also mean that the corporation that generally has low income, low revenue, high esteem for the workforce and a management team that embraces an all-inclusive approach to organizational success like Yahoo has been experiencing, may have to develop alternatives solution to its problem to that it can continue to make more profit and sustain its existence in the industry. That comprehensive approach comprises human resources administration (Berman et al., 2015). This is an area in the human resource department that is usually introducing new formulas and criteria for coming up with pad for solutions to solve the existing issues. The following are the suggested alternative solutions.

Employee turnover

Post-employment surveys are a responsive answer for a turnover. Human resource staff acquires data from leaving representatives about their encounters with the organization and the cause they chose to leave (Jiang et al., 2012). The information from post-employment surveys can then be examined by division, position, and residence to figure out which work elements make representatives take off. For instance, higher-than-normal turnover in particular departments may flag ineffectual administration, upsetting workloads or complex departmental procedures that influence the way officials feel about their occupations and the organization. Proactive measures to decreasing turnover include two regions that positively affect enlisting choices and worker maintenance; they are the nature of the determination procedure and the adequacy of the organization's initiative. Yahoo organization should apply this alternative to better the performance and turnover of the employees which will then impact positively on the production rate of the company (Jiang et al., 2012).

Compensation- The turnover solution increase compensation by designing compensation plan that ensures that the employees are paid their due promptly and the right amount. In so doing, the company helps in developing the productivity and loyalty (Jiang et al., 2012).

Hiring system- turnover solves the gap of improving the hiring system of the company by having a balanced payroll system for all the employees depending on their skills and qualification (Jiang et al., 2012). This ensures that employees are paid in what can be termed as the “balanced mode payment” depending on the qualifications.

Training programs- It can also develop the training program of the company by availing the necessary funds (Jiang et al., 2012). The company can organise seminars and other educational programs aimed at training the employees and improving their skills.

Strategic Partnership

Yahoo provides a platform for other business to conduct their operations. It can, therefore, partner with some of them to increase its market coverage and make more sales. Despite the fact that staff organization developed into human resource administration, numerous official pioneers workers still observe the human resource division as a negligible managerial capacity of the business (Berman et al., 2015). Human resource ought to be required in building up the organization's key heading, in spite of pushback from pioneers who aren't prepared to incorporate human resource at the official table. Conquering imperviousness to human resource turning into a vital accomplice requires showing the estimation of the association's most important asset - its workforce - and illuminating human resource's part in building up the workforce. Likewise, numerous officials need to see the effect that human resource has on the main issue to be persuaded that human resource should be a key accomplice (Berman et al., 2015).

Hiring system- strategic partnership fills this gap by increasing the capital base of the company that it can then use to recruit and hire more employees in the human resource department (Berman et al., 2015).

Compensation- with partnership, the capital base of the company will also improve. This will increase the compensation for every employee and ensure that they are paid their wages at the correct time and amount (Berman et al., 2015).

Training programs- strategic planning brings two or more management and human resource departments from different companies together. These people have different levels of skills and technical knowhow. Therefore, by partnering with other company will have created a training ground for the employees because they will be free to share ideas and skills (Jiang et al., 2012).

Yahoo human resources


Yahoo happens to be a single organization in the entire industry, and therefore by adopting the branding technique, it can appeal more to its clients and improve its market coverage (Kerolina & Pougajendy, 2015). Appealing pay bundles and flexible work routines are not the main components that make an attractive work environment. Work seekers need to realize what it's truly similar to be a representative of the organization. Web-based social networking, proficient systems administration, and get-togethers, in addition to intelligent elements on the organization's site and professions pages underscore straightforwardness, enhances marking as a business of decision (Kerolina & Pougajendy, 2015).

Training programs- Branding solves the training problem gap by identifying new and less-costly methods of production that the firm can use (Kerolina & Pougajendy, 2015). The human resource department identifies, recommends and trains their employees on some of easy and more productive methods of productive that they can use. It can also develop the training program of the company by availing the necessary funds.

Compensation- it can increase compensation by designing compensation plan (Berman et al., 2015) that the human resource department can use to reward its employees and encourage them to increase their productivity.

Hiring system- branding needs specialized skills. it involves division of labor and specialization. Therefore, the company can use branding to create more job opportunities and fill the gap of hiring and recruiting employees (Berman et al., 2015)

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