HRM Essay Example: Recruitment Strategies in SEIIC

Published: 2022-07-13
HRM Essay Example: Recruitment Strategies in SEIIC
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1497 words
13 min read

Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company was founded in the 1873 and is considered the oldest insurance corporation in the United States. It is widely known for the variety of services it offers, including equipment inspection. Additionally, it provides insurance for companies that are involved in manufacturing, transportation services and industries that distribute energy. SEIIC has provided massive employment to citizens in the country. Also, it has offices and field locations widely distributed all over the world. Moreover, most of the staff working for the corporation have a unique background in engineering and technical proficiency. So far, the Human Resource program has been handed with the task of creating a program that aims to recruit and train individuals that are interested. Through the initiatives, Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company has been acknowledged and identified to provide a sufficient surrounding for working. However, the corporation's image has been tarnished due to the high turnover rate.

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Over the years, there has been an increase in demand and a scarce supply of engineering and technical personnel. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the Human Resource manager to recruit and select individuals that are efficient in their specific fields. The move requires one to be well-informed about the current events and trends that impact the demand for and the availability of employees in engineering and technology. The coverage here aims to highlight and discuss the issues in the current environment, which impact the demand for and supply of engineering and technical personnel. Also, it will justify the steps that the company can take to source and recruit candidates for the popular professions, thereby explaining the relevant steps that can be applied to select new staffs that qualify for the diverse specialties at the corporation.

Current Environment

One of the issues in the surrounding that affects the demand for and supply of the professions is the wage factor (Morgan, 2018). The money people get for the work they perform is primary in determining whether or not an individual would take the job and stick with it. Both engineering and technical employment require a person to be exceptionally skilled and capable in handling all the duties that are involved. Furthermore, it requires one to be dedicated and have the knowledge in the field. Firstly, it is essential to understand what labor demand entails. It can be defined as the decision made by the administrators of a company on how many workers and hours are needed to complete a specific task (Morgan, 2018). On the other hand, labor supply is the number of employees that are available during a given time. Therefore, the higher the wages for the engineers and technician, the greater the supply of the people experienced in the fields since the jobs are more appealing to individuals. Professionals apply for positions in the company as they are aware that they can benefit as regards their salaries. Nevertheless, the lower the wages, the increase in demand as SEIIC can afford to hire more personnel at a reduced rate.

Furthermore, if the wages are high, they encourage students to venture more into the field of engineering and technical studies. They are assured they would secure a profitable income that can sustain them. Additionally, if the positions for the jobs are more, they may convince learners to change their majors to fields that they may easily acquire employment. Often, there are shifts in such positions over the years. For example, the secretarial position was prominent, but it has been greatly lowered recently as managers have the capability to cope with their calendars and type themselves (Morgan, 2018). The same trend is evident in the engineering and technical field as some positions become nondependent as before.

Another issue is a barrier to entry, which includes the level of education and the experience that one has. On the aspect of the level of education, Savannah Engineering, Inspection, and Insurance Company require its workers to be highly skilled, thereby having at least a bachelor or a master's level for the position. Additionally, the company requires the one applying for the engineering and technical jobs to have experience in the field. With such restrictions, the supply decreases significantly, thus few candidates seek the position. Moreover, during the interviews, Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company has a complicated testing that requires the hires to get through the interview process. It is because the firm is focused on delivering the best services to their clients, therefore, seeks for dedicated qualified persons. Meanwhile, the demand of people in the corporation increases since it seeks individuals with particular skills.

Sourcing and Recruiting

There are various steps that SEIIC should implement to source and recruit candidates for engineering and technical jobs. One of them is the utilization of social media sites such as LinkedIn where it can spread its employment needs and post jobs (Koch, Gerber & de Klerk, 2018). Most of the targeted recruiting audiences are frequently online using the sites for interaction, communication and searching employment. Furthermore, it is a suitable use of market research that identifies the exceptional channels that are frequent for candidates (Koch et al., 2018). The other step is raiding the talent of SEIIC competitors. By hiring candidates from rivaling firms, the company is assured to improve and have better strategies, which are needed to compete with other corporations. The effective way is offering individuals high wages than what their existing companies are offering them. Another way is implementing remote college recruiting models that aim to attract top students from a variety of universities in the United States. By making the approach remote, SEIIC may visit different campuses without limitation.

The other step should be using employee referral programs (4.3 Recruitment Strategies | Human Resource Management, 2018). Workers in Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company should be provided with the ability to be involved in the program where they share their stories and experience with the firm. It is a suitable approach that ensures the credibility and authenticity of their stories sell prospects. Furthermore, their understanding is remembered for a long duration since they have high impacts on those that listen to them (4.3 Recruitment Strategies, 2018). As a part of the program, they explain the culture, products and what has made them want to work and be associated with the firm. Additionally, SEIIC should set aside a day where it announces its hiring candidates. By doing so, the firm can get both local and national publicity and source candidates. After that, the successful individuals that qualify are enrolled in recruitment programs that the company offers.

Selection of New Employees

The process of acquiring the best candidates for engineering and technical jobs can be a tedious task that may fail to produce fulfilling results. It is upon SEIIC to implement steps that may be suitable to assess employees to make sure there are qualified for the jobs. The first step involves announcing the job, whereby, the manager consults with the Human Resource to fill a new or vacant position (Hensvik & Skans, 2016). The requirements of the job such as level of education, experience, and other necessary skills are highlighted. The advertisement for the position is then placed either online or in the newspaper depending on the approach the company chooses. The other step is reviewing the applicants' resumes and identifying the suitable ones that meet the specified criteria for both engineering and technical jobs. The fundamental basis is education where the leading candidates are selected. Also, individuals that have experience are considered for an interview. Another step is the initial screening for candidates that live far where they are contacted via telephone and asked in-depth questions to determine if they qualify for the positions. After, the screening interview, the individuals that manage to meet the requirements are asked to make themselves available for face-to-face interviews (Hensvik & Skans, 2016). For effective management, SEIIC should hold a special all-day session to effectively determine whether or not the candidates are suitable for the position. It is upon the hiring manager to consult with the Human Resource and executives on which individual best suits the position. The final step involves the preferred personnel to be hired to undergo a drug test to ensure that he/she does not take drugs that alter perception, which is critical in the engineering and technical fields. Additionally, workers in the insurance industry have to undergo a psychological test to ensure that they are in an appropriate career (Hensvik & Skans, 2016). The successful candidate is then offered a position and propositions on the job.


4.3 Recruitment Strategies. (2018). Human Resource Management. Retrieved from

Morgan, L. (2018). Two Factors That Affect Labor Supply and Demand. Bizfluent. Retrieved from

Koch, T., Gerber, C., & de Klerk, J. J. (2018). The impact of social media on recruitment: Are you LinkedIn?. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(1), 1-14.

Hensvik, L., & Skans, O., N. (2016). Social networks, employee selection, and labor market outcomes. Journal of Labor Economics, 34(4), 825-867.

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HRM Essay Example: Recruitment Strategies in SEIIC. (2022, Jul 13). Retrieved from

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