How the Nazis Shaped the Tow Germans - Book Review Essay Sample

Published: 2022-08-25
How the Nazis Shaped the Tow Germans - Book Review Essay Sample
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  History Hitler
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 591 words
5 min read

The Parallel Journey is a list of books that talk about Nazi German and how they came into existence between the years 1933 to 1945 after the German government was controlled by Hitler and the National Socialist workers party. The book also has essential works of how the Nazi empirical ideology, German society, and totalitarianism developed during the era by forming the Nazism post-war ramifications, the anti-Semitic racial policies and the conceptual interpretations of the Third Reich (Stibbe 112). During those days, most Germans used to believe in healthy patriotism where an individual defended and supported their country. People were also patriotic for no other reason but to stand for the right of the nations to equate their supremacy. However, when Hitler took power, so many people feared to die and chose to do the opposite of what they had promised to do when it comes to defending their country (Stibbe 116). For instance, before the war, Hitler influenced so many Germans to engage in the battle.

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Alfonse Heck who was a German separated from the legitimacy of healthy patriotism to unhealthy chauvinism shortly after the death of his grandfather. While his mother managed the business and the farm, Heck was a rare feat male-dominated in the German society. Heck was always unwavering because as much as he was a German, he always admired the Nazism. Even during the war Heck always shared to his father about Nazism but his father stood by his promises on the Social Democrats and how German was handed over to Hitler on a silver plate (Stibbe 122). Since the Hitler youth were always inspired Heck through Hitler's speech he thought his father was unpatriotic and uneducated and that is why he never believed in Hitler. In 1938, Heck decided to become a Hitler youth and was immediately enamored as a flying Hitler troop (Stibbe 131). By the time he was 16 years old, Heck had already completed the flight training and became one of the youngest Hitler youth that controlled more than 2,000 troops.

Helen a German citizen who was sick during this time survived the war that began by making difficult choices. For instance, when she was at her youth stages, she was married and had a child. Even though she was unable to find shelter while the war was going on, Helen had to leave her home when she knew that the Nazis had discovered their hiding place (Stibbe 145). They then got separated and within two months while at Auschwitz, where so many people were killed in the war, Helen managed to ship to Kratzau a place for women where food and shelter were offered to them. It was during this time when the Russian troops came and freed all the survivors (Stibbe 149). Although Helen was weak due to her sickness, she managed to return to Amsterdam and reunited with her daughter.


The parallel book is a journal that talks about the Germans and how Hitler came to power. During this time, Hitler formed the Nazism post-war ramifications, the anti-Semitic racial policies and the conceptual interpretations of the Third Reich to recruit young German youths to train them so that they can engage in the war. A good example was Alfonse Heck a German youth who was hired by the Hitler youth group after being motivated by Hitler's speech. At the age of 16 years, the young man got enlisted and engaged in war.

Work Cited

Stibbe, M. "Book Review: Ordinary Germans in Extraordinary Times: The Nazi Revolution in Hitler". German History, vol 25, no. 1, 2007, pp. 110-151. Oxford University Press (OUP), doi: 10.1177/0266355407071718.

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