Essay Sample on Hope to High Schoolers During the Pandemic

Published: 2023-12-11
Essay Sample on Hope to High Schoolers During the Pandemic
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  High School Nursing Job Covid 19 Essays by wordcount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 590 words
5 min read

Not only our community, but the world at large is facing this terrible pandemic. As a result of the pandemic, people have lost their jobs. Also, the economy is going down, and most of the students’ education has been affected (Fekaris, 2018). As a nurse, I want to tell you that there is hope at the end of the tunnel.

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I am offering you hope because it is crucial in these challenging times that we are all experiencing. The importance of hope is that it shows people that despite the setbacks, their goals and objectives are still achievable. Also, it helps people to manage their anxiety and stress as well as coping with adversity. This paper is going to focus on what I am doing to give hope to the students and ways of building their culture of hope.

As a nurse, I have been trying to offer hope to families, children, and the community. The first thing is I talk to them and inform them that they need to be an optimist. It is essential because it prevents them from having psychological and emotional abuse. The other thing I consider is I involve them in online classes and activities that keep them busy. Some of the activities are participating in article writing and art.

I encourage them that this is the moment that they can advance on their hidden talents and hobbies because life is not all about academics. I am confident to say that most of the kids are discovering their hidden talents and are flourishing. The final thing I am doing is talking to their families and telling them that they give their children positive vibes.

Even if they are struggling to bring food to the table, they should not act miserable in front of the kids. However, most of the families have received aid from prominent institutions and the government, so it is not a big deal as such. It is only a big deal when the donated food ends.

As a nurse, I intend to build a hope culture by using four components. These components are a sense of purpose, belonging, optimism, and pride. The sense of optimism is believing that there is a possibility of a brighter future (Fekaris, 2018). It is essential because once students experience trauma, they do not trust others, and this makes them lack vision. Trust is a learning building block. Hence, the development of the optimism sense is essential in developing hope.

The sense of belonging is of significance because for the students to be successful, they need to belong. Therefore, the school is a region where the students must feel safe, their basic needs met, and have the freedom to express their individuality. For this reason, school nurses need to identify ways in which we can make the institutions surrounding to be better. A sense of purpose is essential because it helps the students to be optimistic and has a high level of confidence and pride (Fekaris, 2018).

Through this, the students will freely express themselves and succeed in life. The final component is a sense of pride. It mainly applies to the students who come from humble backgrounds because they are the ones who suffer a lot from low self-esteem. Therefore, as a nurse, building their self-esteem and pride will enable them to learn effectively. I intend to encourage them to be proud of where they are and work hard for where they want to be.


Fekaris, N. (2018). Building Hopeful Leaders. NASN School Nurse, 33(1), 16-18.

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