Essay Sample on Hewlett-Packard Company (HP)

Published: 2023-11-14
Essay Sample on Hewlett-Packard Company (HP)
Essay type:  Compare and contrast
Categories:  Leadership analysis Company Technology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1162 words
10 min read

The Hewlett-Packard Company was developed in the year 1939 at a garage in California. Its founders were Bill Hewlett and David Packard. The HP company got its first contract in the year 1938, the contract that the HP company was given was to provide instruments for the production of an animated movie (Yip, 2018). It led to the success of the HP company. In the year 1939, the company expanded its roots and developed into a multinational corporation (Yip, 2018). After several decades in the market industry, the company specialized in the invention and development of computing devices such as laptops, computers, and data storage devices. Networking devices and software used in designing.

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Products Offered by the Hewlett Packard Company

The company offers a wide range of computing devices such as computers, hardware devices such as computers, laptop motherboards, and computing storage equipment (Yip, 2018). The company also manufactures a wide range of software and also printers such as the Hp inkjet printers.

Dell Company

The Dell Company was previously known as the Personal Computers PC's limited in the year 1984. It was created by Michael Dell, a student who was still pursuing his studies at the University of Texas (Kitsios & Kamariotou, 2016). Michael started the business at one's dormitory room by customizing updates for personal computers. Michael later on, dropped from school and began manufacturing and building of personal computers (Yip, 2018). The company first created its Turbo PC in the year 1985 and sold its products directly to its customers. After some years, the company developed its first notebook computers that used lithium-ion batters, which are well known for lasting longer (Kitsios & Kamariotou, 2016). The company expanded its business and ventured into the invention of televisions, computer products, and also digital cameras.

Products Offered by the Dell Company

Dell offers products such as Personal Computers, data storage devices, computer software, and Cameras. The company also manufactures servers, printers, and other electronics such as Televisions.

Information Systems of the Companies

Hewlett-Packard Company

The HP company uses the HP Information Management Software, which is used to acquire, retrieve, and maintain information of an organization. The system also comes in handy with the analytics software, which is used to analyze the information of various organizations.

Dell Company

The Dell Company uses Management Information System to provide information that is needed to manage this organization effectively (Kitsios & Kamariotou, 2016). The Dell Company uses this type of business to run its business and control its company.

Information Processing Tools

The information processing tools used by the Dell company include; computers, internet, and spreadsheets (Kitsios & Kamariotou, 2016). Through these tools, the Dell Company can make decisions on how to operate its business. The company uses maps as a tool to determine which place the information will be acquired from the demographic levels of persons within a given area.

Similarities in the Business Information Systems of Companies Being Analyzed

Both companies, which are the Dell Company and the Hewlett-Packard Company, use the Management Information System to run its errands. The Hp company uses its own Hp Information

The Hp Information Management System allows the firm to organize information, analyze it deeply. It also allows the organization to manage and maintain the information that is vital to the organization.

The Dell Company also uses the Management Information System in their organization to run its errands (Yip, 2018). The system enables the Dell organization to analyze, manage information, and also create strategies that will help the company manage any issues or crisis that arises or even when the company receives threats from other competitors. It is achieved through analyzation of data at the firm with the aid of the Management Information System.

Use of Information System to Establish Competitive Advantage

In various companies and organizations, the information system usually affected the competitive advantage by either lowering its costs or enhance differentiation. The technology used in the information system allows individuals to manage a competitive advantage (Yip, 2018). The information systems allow companies to compete with other organizations to compete by improving on the customer and business firm relationships,

Customer Relationship

The information system allows organizations to connect evenly with the world, but most important of all is to connect with clients from different parts of the world (Kitsios & Kamariotou, 2016). The information collected will allow the suppliers to identify which supply is needed in the market area quickly, and by doing so, it will make the clients feel valued and appreciated, thus making them purchase more goods, embracing differentiation, and also changing the scope of competition.


The Information System allows firms and organizations to customize and develop products that serve the interests of the clients, and therefore, it makes the business stand out from the other competitors (Voigt et al., 2016). For example, one company that develops ship engines may choose to develop a new engine that is eco-friendly and does not consume more fuel (Yip, 2018).Through this move, individuals can easily compete against the other business firms since they have served the interests of their clients that is inventing a ship fuel that does not pollute the environment or consume much fuel.

Changing the Scope of Competition

The use of technology usually facilitates the information system (Voigt et al., 2016). The technology can be of aid since it increases the company's ability to manage and coordinate its activities on regional and also global grounds; thus, the company will be able to attract new clients by expanding its business structure and therefore be able to make massive profits.

How Companies Use Information Systems to Manage Data Collection and Manipulate Data

Managing Data

The information System gives the employees, and the leaders access to data or any other authorized individuals in the firm (Yip, 2018). Through the data collected, business officials can determine the latest market trends; they can determine the needs of the clients when they purchase goods (Voigt et al., 2016). Through data collection, individuals can analyze the data and prevent any crisis that may arise in the future.

Manipulating Data

The information systems can allow the user to manipulate the data effectively. In the manipulation of data, the individual can add any required data, change values of the existing data (Voigt et al., 2016).The information system has an added advantage of a database referred to as a query that allows one to question the database in order to collect information regarding the business firm. For example, when one collects information on the database regarding the employees who were hired on a specific month.


Kitsios, F., & Kamariotou, M. (2016). Decision support systems and business strategy: A conceptual framework for strategic information systems planning. 2016 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS).

Voigt, K., Buliga, O., & Michl, K. (2016). Customized and built to order: The case of Dell. Management for Professionals, 55-66.

Yip, G. S. (2018). Hewlett Packard: a pioneering approach to global account management. The Business & Management Collection.

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Essay Sample on Hewlett-Packard Company (HP). (2023, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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