Health Systems - Enhancing Global Health Services: Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-29
Health Systems - Enhancing Global Health Services: Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1475 words
13 min read


Health systems play an important role in the community as it provides health services and health development to many people in various places and societies in the world. Healthcare organizations have tremendously contributed and enhanced good health services globally. According to Donev et al. (2013), healthcare organizations consist of a wide variety of measures and several steps as well as actions used to manage and maintain the health, good working conditions, rights, and particular accountability provided by the health insurance. Primarily, both public and private sectors are mandated to deliver health care services to enhance the health of the population in society and advocate for disease prevention.

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Besides, the management of health care is responsible for providing leadership roles, control, and directions to healthcare organizations concerning health services and other functions in various departments and units. Historically, the best and successful healthcare organization offers good health services and has the best management practice in the system (Goldsmith, 2014). For instance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of the successful healthcare organizations in America that provides health services and increases health security to the people of the United States of America.

Market Sector

The market sector refers to a set of businesses trading with complementary goods and services which they are in direct competition with each other. Moreover, the market sector can fall into two categories, either mass market or niche services. By definition, mass-market refers to the production of goods in large quantities for a significant number of end consumers. Contrary, niche services refer to the production of specific products characterized by unique needs and preferences, making it distinct from the other large markets. In the case study, the CDC organization falls under a mass-market where it offers a variety of health services and confronts a variety of health threats, for instance, covid-19, Ebola, and other contagious diseases and terrorism to the citizens of America.

Health Approach

The population health approach looks and acts upon the broad range of factors and conditions that have a strong influence on people's health. The population health approach affects several services, such as the delivery service and even the organizations' management. For instance, healthcare delivery services in the USA are the most complex system globally due to disintegrated nature of services and the existence of various insurance services such as the public and private insurance.

Moreover, modeling better health and even disease control requires a lot of intervention at various levels. For example, a compelling intervention needs several components such as community counseling, the introduction of physical education in communities and even schools, active transport, and other physical activities. It also creates awareness of health literacy to reduce the spread of diseases. Delivering such services to a large population in the community is a great challenge. On the other hand, the therapeutic approach requires capacity planning, which is more accessible and helps deliver quality services (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015).

Health care Leadership Issues and their Impact on Stakeholders.

The growth, performance, and the success of several healthcare organizations depend on good leadership mandated to deliver quality services. Destitute leadership in healthcare organizations results in the reduction of service efficiency and effectiveness, the dissatisfaction of staff members, and the patients leading to poor delivery of services. Particular common healthcare leadership issues affect the delivery of services. First, an inadequate workforce is the primary leadership issue affecting many healthcare organizations. Due to the increment of workload in various organizations, less workforce can create tensions and cause conflicts between the workers and the managers, which might hinder the delivery of services.

Furthermore, the diversification of staff in a hospital or a healthcare organization concerning the level of education, earnings, and social status is another leadership issue affecting many facilities. Moreover, hiring unqualified personnel might cost the organization when replacing them with qualified individuals affecting the normal functions of the facility (Ghiasipour et al., 2017). Secondly, management illiteracy is another major problem in organizational leadership. Managers who are not qualified and are employed based on relationships with fewer skills and character might cause tension and misunderstanding among the staff. Besides, several studies show that a busy schedule for managers and limited-time hinder their leadership role and other administrative duties because they don't have a close relationship with other employees.

Lastly, other factors such as the economic factors, such as low earnings and high cost of living, cause conflicts and tension and stress between the organization leadership, staff, and other firms like the insurance companies. Social aspects, for instance, social class, different cultures, migration, and diverse religion causes a lot of problems in health care systems as leaders finds it challenging to manage staff with different social life, hence, affecting the effectiveness and the delivery of services (Ghiasipour et al., 2017).

Ethical and Legal Issues in Health care Organization

Ethical issues refer to general behaviors and specific human principles portrayed by the staff in an organization. In most cases, ethical issues are based on human deeds, for instance, human wrongs and rights. Besides, legal issues refer to the written codes governing public health. The health laws give guidance and stipulate all the procedures and what shall be done to enhance public health. Whereas, ethics in an organization administers a proper framework for determining the suitable actions guided by the public health laws.

Some of the ethical issues within the CDC healthcare organization include; confidentiality among the managers and staff members, integrity, honesty and openness, legality, and respect for the healthcare property, among others. The legal issues in the CDC target a patient and doctors' accountability to their respective patients. The instances of legal interventions in healthcare facilities involve the attempt to prevent contagious diseases through compulsory vaccination in school and other public institutions (CDC, 2016). Additionally, other legal issues include diagnosing illness and infections early to reduce adverse effects.

Other regulations and legal issues in CDC include professional safety and health within the organization, proper procedures concerning health consultation and the assessments of public health, and the management of infectious diseases. Moreover, additional regulations at CDC involve referencing any research concerning biological standards and substance and, finally, observation of laboratory measures.

Suggestion for positive outcomes of leadership intervention

Positive outcomes of leadership intervention result from the proper operational analysis and the best practice activities. The best practices for positive and productive outcomes include; first, the organization management should formulate performance objectives. The performance objectives are significant as it provides the baseline for the performance levels. It contributes to earmark comparison with other organizations, pinpointing areas of improvement among the staff and other stakeholders for the positive outcomes.

Secondly, the registration of performance data is convenient is tracking the achievement records and trends. Moreover, it is useful in recording results to check on the required targets and track the staff's performance. The data should be retained for a longer period for proper integration and comparison with other organizations to create a competitive advantage. Thirdly, the management and the organization's leaders should scrutinize, interpret, and account for system performance. The analysis of the achievement data helps during the interpretation of performance levels. For instance, the analysis and interpretation of financial performance correlate the total expenditure and income with the entrenched cost baseline.

Furthermore, the introduction of new technology equipment and modernization provides efficient and effective delivery of services, which leads to clients’ satisfaction. Therefore, the organization will have a better competitive advantage over other healthcare facilities in the market, creating a good public image. Lastly, stakeholders’ involvement is an important aspect as they will new ideas for the great performance resulting in positive outcomes.


Services and management practices in any health care organization are significant as it provides leadership roles, control, and gives directions on the performance of a various task in an organization. The best healthcare facilities offer quality service and best management practices in various sectors, for instance, CDC. Good leadership leads to the success and growth of healthcare organizations. However, poor leadership minimizes the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. Hence, good leadership practices include the formulation of performance objectives, recording performance data, and scrutinizing and accounting for the system performance. Besides advance, in technology and stakeholders, involvement is key principles in the success of an organization.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The guide to community preventive services. Accessed October 16, 2015

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The guide to community preventive services.

Donev, D., Kovacic, L., & Laaser, U. (2013). The Role and Organization of Health Care Systems. 3-14.

Ghiasipour, M., Mosadeghrad, A. M., Arab, M., & Jaafaripooyan, E. (2017). Leadership challenges in health care organizations: The case of Iranian hospitals. Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 31, 96.

Goldsmith, S. B. (2014). Understanding health care management: A case study approach. Burlington, Mass: Jones & Bartlett Learning

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