Health Management Challenges, Essay Sample for Students

Published: 2022-04-18
Health Management Challenges, Essay Sample for Students
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Health and Social Care
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 543 words
5 min read

The challenges concerning aligning the human resources are in line with improper changes in customer traffic that should be the role of the Human resource managers to counter-attack the obstacles. The linkage of customer traffic challenges to Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital strategy is in line with the weak planning processes that should be structured with the aspects of employee retention and recruit of more personnel to deal with the rising customer flow in the organization (Liang, Howard & Wollersheim, 2017). This article seeks to point out the possible strategic management challenges at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in South Africa and possible solutions to the problems.

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Since Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital is the 3rd largest healthcare facility in the world, the HR of the hospital is constrained to suffer the problem of personnel management especially in recruitment and management of emergency service professionals. Nurses, working conditions might be a challenge in the facility since it requires the nurses especially the nurses dealing with traumatic and emergency services. For that matter, the organization need to adopt several strategies that will enable the nurse practitioners to avoid contracting compassion fatigue and burnout syndrome that usually affect nurses in the busiest healthcare organization.

Additionally, the nurses dealing with delivery and maternity needs to be structured with enough personnel since it is a critical role in the facility having realized that the facility receives about 60,000 patients per annum for treatment in maternity wards (Levin, 2016). In response to the competitive threat in the healthcare market, Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital employed several strategic measures to maintain its competitive advantage, increase market shares and win new customers (Huddle, 2015). The healthcare has implemented a grand strategy of acquiring several hospitals in the market some on a lease with an option to purchase back and others on management contracts.

Since Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital is the most extensive facility and most visited in South Africa, the facility needs to employ the most recent technology like CT scans; new programs to provide incentives for the hospital to treat specific illnesses and special treatments like stroke rehabilitation which are not available in other healthcare providers. Specialization signals expertise and a customer is more likely to choose a specialized service (Carter & Hennessy, 2010). Lastly, Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital should adjust their HR practices to enhance the aspects of differentiation strategy to increase profits and attract patients and physicians through affiliating prestigious doctors with speciality practices, unique product lines, advertising the latest devices, medical procedures, and equipment to mention but a few.


Carter, M. F., & Hennessy, J. M. (2010). Designing employee health management programs. Scottsdale: WorldatWork Press.

Huddle, K. (2015). Reflections of a retiree: 40 years in public service at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital. South African Medical Journal, 105(6), 446.

Liang, Z., Howard, P., & Wollersheim, D. (2017). Assessing the competence of evidence-informed decision-making amongst health service managers. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 12(3), 16-23. Retrieved from

Levin, G. (2016). Retrospective review of indications for emergency obstetric referrals from Mofolo community health centre to Chris Hani-Baragwanath hospital (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

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Health Management Challenges, Essay Sample for Students. (2022, Apr 18). Retrieved from

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